开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


小强爱英语 · 2023年07月02日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



The most appropriate value (in millions) for Suburban’s investment in West Reach at December 31, 2016, is:







C is correct. Although Suburban’s ownership interest (24%) in West Reach exceeds the amount that is normally deemed sufficient to presume significant influence (20%), the inability to elect directors or influence the firm’s policy making indicates a lack of significant influence. It would thus be inappropriate to account for its holdings under the equity method. Instead West Reach should be considered a passive investment of Suburban and carried at full value. Although difficult to value because of its private status, the recent sale by Mr. French provides an observable price that can be used to revalue Suburban’s holdings per the table below.

A is incorrect. This is the cost value of the investment.

B is incorrect. This would be the value if West Reach was considered an equity investment, per the following table:


1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年07月02日

同学你好,本题的关键题干信息如下:“ Suburban was unsuccessful in getting any of its preferred candidates elected to the board or exerting any influence on West Reach’s dividend policy.” An interesting development occurred near the end of 2016, when Mr. French sold 100,000 of his shares to one of Suburban’s competitors for $6.2 million. ”——虽然Suburban买了West24%的股份,但是却没有办法在对方公司中获得一个董事会席位,也没有办法对对方的分红政策有任何影响,也就是说Suburban和普通的小散户一样,不能对公司的经营或是分红做出任何利于自己的影响要求,那其实这笔24%的投资就只能认定为被动投资,而不能认定为equity method下的investment,而只能作为FVOCI或FVPL计入账面。

那此时重要的就是要计算这笔24%的投资的公允价值在2016年年底是多少(因为题目问的是2016年年底这笔投资的账面价值是多少,而不是问的购买时候的价值)。上面题干最后一句说在2016年年底,公司卖了10万股股票给另一个投资者,售价6.2M——这可以被用来确定此时的West公司的公允价值,说明每一股的公允价值 = 6200000/100000 = 62

由于Suburban公司最开始购买了24% 的总计1M的West的在外发行股份,所以Suburban公司实际持有股数=24%*1000000=240000

最后计算这笔投资公允价值 = 240000* 62 = 14.88M