开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


S. Wang · 2023年07月02日




To incorporate ESG factors in index tracking, managers can exert influence on companies through:


A.engagement and voting. B.governance arrangements. C.representation on board seats.


There are major ESG considerations for a pension fund or other asset owner when seeking to allocate a new mandate across the full range of potential asset classes The elements to ensure that ESG issues are appropriately delivered by the relevant mandate include mandate choice, investment integration, and engagement In the case of passive/index tracking, managers can exert influence on companies through engagement and voting There is also scope for influence on market- and system-wide issues

1 个答案

王岑 · 2023年07月03日




  1. 投票权行使:被动投资者仍然持有投票权,并可以行使这些权利。它们可以在公司股东大会上根据指定的投票政策和原则对公司的提案进行投票,以保护所持股份的权益。
  2. 与指数提供商协作:被动投资者可以与指数提供商合作,以提高所追踪指数的ESG标准和方法。通过积极参与指数提供商的ESG评估和筛选流程,被动投资者可以推动更高的可持续发展标准,并促使指数组成更加符合ESG原则的公司。
  3. 支持倡导组织和行业倡议:被动投资者可以积极支持倡导组织和行业倡议,这些组织致力于推动可持续发展和改善公司治理。通过参与和支持这些组织的工作,被动投资者可以发出强烈的信号,呼吁公司对ESG问题采取行动。


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NO.PZ2022120701000088 问题如下 To incorporate ESG factors in inx tracking, managers cexert influenon companies through: A.engagement anvoting. B.governanarrangements. C.representation on boarseats. There are major ESG consirations for a pension funor other asset owner when seeking to allocate a new mante across the full range of potentiasset classes The elements to ensure thESG issues are appropriately liverethe relevant mante inclu mante choice, investment integration, anengagement In the case of passive/inx tracking, managers cexert influenon companies through engagement anvoting There is also scope for influenon market- ansystem-wi issues 不懂这道题问的是什么,虽然选对了,感觉A的词儿很重点,强调很关键。

2023-11-29 00:06 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000088问题如下 To incorporate ESG factors in inx tracking, managers cexert influenon companies through:A.engagement anvoting.B.governanarrangements.C.representation on boarseats.There are major ESG consirations for a pension funor other asset owner when seeking to allocate a new mante across the full range of potentiasset classes The elements to ensure thESG issues are appropriately liverethe relevant mante inclu mante choice, investment integration, anengagement In the case of passive/inx tracking, managers cexert influenon companies through engagement anvoting There is also scope for influenon market- ansystem-wi issues不记得PPT讲义里有这部分描述……可以帮忙定位一下吗?

2023-06-27 18:24 1 · 回答