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Wuyyyyyy · 2023年06月29日

policy portfolio 是啥意思

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The most appropriate conclusion that can be drawn from Exhibit 3 is that:


A.management’s risk–return objectives may not have been achieved with the TAA portfolio.

B.the current portfolio is a corner portfolio.

C.the Sharpe ratios for the policy portfolio and the TAA portfolio are the same.



A is correct. The Sharpe ratio is the slope of the line drawn from the risk-free rate to a particular portfolio. The two portfolios of interest are the policy portfolio and the TAA portfolio because both are indicated as being efficient. The diagram to the right indicates that the policy portfolio/risk-free combination has a higher slope than the TAA/risk-free combination. Even though the TAA portfolio has a higher return than the policy portfolio, the additional return requires too much additional risk. In addition, the TAA portfolio may exceed management’s risk tolerance.

B is incorrect. Corner portfolios are efficient portfolios and represent a portfolio where an asset weight changes from zero to positive or positive to zero. No such behavior in weights is indicated for the current portfolio allocation in Exhibit 2. It is also an inefficient portfolio.

C is incorrect. The Sharpe ratio is the slope of the line drawn from the risk-free rate to a particular portfolio. The two portfolios of interest are the policy portfolio and the TAA portfolio because both are indicated as being efficient. The diagram to the right indicates that the policy portfolio/risk-free combination has a higher slope than the TAA/risk-free combination.

policy portfolio 是啥意思

3 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2023年06月30日


请问policy portfolio是不是可以理解成 IPS规定的一个组合配置方案呢



lynn_品职助教 · 2023年06月30日


为什么不对呢,current weights 取名叫current portfolio,Policy 叫policy,TAA叫TAA,其实取名ABC也是可以的。


Wuyyyyyy · 2023年06月30日

请问policy portfolio是不是可以理解成 IPS规定的一个组合配置方案呢

lynn_品职助教 · 2023年06月30日


policy portfolio 是啥意思



Wuyyyyyy · 2023年06月30日

老师 这个解答好像不太对

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NO.PZ202206210100000106 问题如下 The most appropriate conclusion thcawn from Exhibit 3 is that: A.management’s risk–return objectives mnot have been achievewith the Tportfolio. B.the current portfolio is a corner portfolio. C.the Sharpe ratios for the poliportfolio anthe Tportfolio are the same. SolutionA is correct. The Sharpe ratio is the slope of the line awn from the risk-free rate to a particulportfolio. The two portfolios of interest are the poliportfolio anthe Tportfolio because both are incatebeing efficient. The agrto the right incates ththe poliportfolio/risk-free combination ha higher slope ththe TAA/risk-free combination. Even though the Tportfolio ha higher return ththe poliportfolio, the aitionreturn requires too muaitionrisk. In aition, the Tportfolio mexceemanagement’s risk tolerance.B is incorrect. Corner portfolios are efficient portfolios anrepresent a portfolio where asset weight changes from zero to positive or positive to zero. No subehavior in weights is incatefor the current portfolio allocation in Exhibit 2. It is also inefficient portfolio. C is incorrect. The Sharpe ratio is the slope of the line awn from the risk-free rate to a particulportfolio. The two portfolios of interest are the poliportfolio anthe Tportfolio because both are incatebeing efficient. The agrto the right incates ththe poliportfolio/risk-free combination ha higher slope ththe TAA/risk-free combination. 记得有一条曲线,上面的点,sharp ratio都相同。请问老师是什么曲线

2024-08-07 18:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206210100000106 问题如下 The most appropriate conclusion thcawn from Exhibit 3 is that: A.management’s risk–return objectives mnot have been achievewith the Tportfolio. B.the current portfolio is a corner portfolio. C.the Sharpe ratios for the poliportfolio anthe Tportfolio are the same. SolutionA is correct. The Sharpe ratio is the slope of the line awn from the risk-free rate to a particulportfolio. The two portfolios of interest are the poliportfolio anthe Tportfolio because both are incatebeing efficient. The agrto the right incates ththe poliportfolio/risk-free combination ha higher slope ththe TAA/risk-free combination. Even though the Tportfolio ha higher return ththe poliportfolio, the aitionreturn requires too muaitionrisk. In aition, the Tportfolio mexceemanagement’s risk tolerance.B is incorrect. Corner portfolios are efficient portfolios anrepresent a portfolio where asset weight changes from zero to positive or positive to zero. No subehavior in weights is incatefor the current portfolio allocation in Exhibit 2. It is also inefficient portfolio. C is incorrect. The Sharpe ratio is the slope of the line awn from the risk-free rate to a particulportfolio. The two portfolios of interest are the poliportfolio anthe Tportfolio because both are incatebeing efficient. The agrto the right incates ththe poliportfolio/risk-free combination ha higher slope ththe TAA/risk-free combination. 看别的老师解析说虽然都有效,但是Policy的收益低,风险也低,而TAA收益高,风险也高,那么从risk tolerance的角度来看,TAA可能不符合组合管理的要求,因此A正确,C错误。也没明白为什么“从risk tolerance的角度来看,TAA可能不符合组合管理的要求?”请具体一下为什么不能选C,谢谢

2023-08-07 00:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206210100000106 问题如下 The most appropriate conclusion thcawn from Exhibit 3 is that: A.management’s risk–return objectives mnot have been achievewith the Tportfolio. B.the current portfolio is a corner portfolio. C.the Sharpe ratios for the poliportfolio anthe Tportfolio are the same. SolutionA is correct. The Sharpe ratio is the slope of the line awn from the risk-free rate to a particulportfolio. The two portfolios of interest are the poliportfolio anthe Tportfolio because both are incatebeing efficient. The agrto the right incates ththe poliportfolio/risk-free combination ha higher slope ththe TAA/risk-free combination. Even though the Tportfolio ha higher return ththe poliportfolio, the aitionreturn requires too muaitionrisk. In aition, the Tportfolio mexceemanagement’s risk tolerance.B is incorrect. Corner portfolios are efficient portfolios anrepresent a portfolio where asset weight changes from zero to positive or positive to zero. No subehavior in weights is incatefor the current portfolio allocation in Exhibit 2. It is also inefficient portfolio. C is incorrect. The Sharpe ratio is the slope of the line awn from the risk-free rate to a particulportfolio. The two portfolios of interest are the poliportfolio anthe Tportfolio because both are incatebeing efficient. The agrto the right incates ththe poliportfolio/risk-free combination ha higher slope ththe TAA/risk-free combination. 1)所以是不是只要在efficient frontier上面的任意一个组合,都应该有着相同的sharpe ratio?2)但如果sharpe ratio代表的是Rf链接某一个有效前沿组合的斜率,那么应该会有千千万万个不同的sharpe ratio呀?有效前沿上越靠左边的组合理论上斜率就越高呀?

2023-07-10 07:53 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206210100000106 问题如下 The most appropriate conclusion thcawn from Exhibit 3 is that: A.management’s risk–return objectives mnot have been achievewith the Tportfolio. B.the current portfolio is a corner portfolio. C.the Sharpe ratios for the poliportfolio anthe Tportfolio are the same. SolutionA is correct. The Sharpe ratio is the slope of the line awn from the risk-free rate to a particulportfolio. The two portfolios of interest are the poliportfolio anthe Tportfolio because both are incatebeing efficient. The agrto the right incates ththe poliportfolio/risk-free combination ha higher slope ththe TAA/risk-free combination. Even though the Tportfolio ha higher return ththe poliportfolio, the aitionreturn requires too muaitionrisk. In aition, the Tportfolio mexceemanagement’s risk tolerance.B is incorrect. Corner portfolios are efficient portfolios anrepresent a portfolio where asset weight changes from zero to positive or positive to zero. No subehavior in weights is incatefor the current portfolio allocation in Exhibit 2. It is also inefficient portfolio. C is incorrect. The Sharpe ratio is the slope of the line awn from the risk-free rate to a particulportfolio. The two portfolios of interest are the poliportfolio anthe Tportfolio because both are incatebeing efficient. The agrto the right incates ththe poliportfolio/risk-free combination ha higher slope ththe TAA/risk-free combination. 如题

2023-06-18 15:04 1 · 回答