开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


Wuyyyyyy · 2023年06月28日

incremental risk

* 问题详情,请 查看题干



A broker proposes to Young three portfolios, shown in Exhibit 1. The broker also provides Young with asset class estimated returns and portfolio standard deviations in Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3, respectively. The broker notes that there is a $500,000 minimum investment requirement for alternative assets. Finally, because the funds in the money market account are readily investible, the broker suggests using that account only for this initial investment round.

Young wants to earn at least 6.0% after tax per year, without taking on additional incremental risk. Young’s capital gains and overall tax rate is 25%.

Determine which proposed portfolio most closely meets Young’s desired objectives. (Circle one.) Justify your response.


一般用什么指标表示incremental risk呢


1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2023年06月29日


sharp ratio不能很好地体现增量风险,


1. Value at Risk(风险价值):Value at Risk是一种用于衡量投资组合可能面临的最大损失的指标。较高的Value at Risk值表示投资组合面临更高的增量风险。

2. Tracking Error(跟踪误差):跟踪误差是衡量被动投资组合与其基准指数之间的差异的指标。较高的跟踪误差表示投资组合与基准之间的差异较大,因此具有较高的增量风险。


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NO.PZ201805280100000302 问题如下 A broker proposes to Young three portfolios, shown in Exhibit 1. The broker also provis Young with asset class estimatereturns anportfolio stanrviations in Exhibit 2 anExhibit 3, respectively. The broker notes ththere is a $500,000 minimum investment requirement for alternative assets. Finally, because the fun in the money market account are realy investible, the broker suggests using thaccount only for this initiinvestment rounYoung wants to earn least 6.0% after tper year, without taking on aitionincrementrisk. Young’s capitgains anoverall trate is 25%.termine whiproposeportfolio mostclosely meets Young’s sireobjectives. (Circle one.) Justify your response. 题干中有Young wants to earn least 6.0% after tper year, without taking on aitionincrementrisk. 的要求。那么在比较portfolio的时候是不是用SFR 更好呢?这样就是Portfolio 1 了

2024-08-07 03:24 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000302问题如下 A broker proposes to Young three portfolios, shown in Exhibit 1. The broker also provis Young with asset class estimatereturns anportfolio stanrviations in Exhibit 2 anExhibit 3, respectively. The broker notes ththere is a $500,000 minimum investment requirement for alternative assets. Finally, because the fun in the money market account are realy investible, the broker suggests using thaccount only for this initiinvestment rounYoung wants to earn least 6.0% after tper year, without taking on aitionincrementrisk. Young’s capitgains anoverall trate is 25%.termine whiproposeportfolio mostclosely meets Young’s sireobjectives. (Circle one.) Justify your response. 为啥选3,PE=0,谢谢

2024-07-28 14:46 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000302 问题如下 A broker proposes to Young three portfolios, shown in Exhibit 1. The broker also provis Young with asset class estimatereturns anportfolio stanrviations in Exhibit 2 anExhibit 3, respectively. The broker notes ththere is a $500,000 minimum investment requirement for alternative assets. Finally, because the fun in the money market account are realy investible, the broker suggests using thaccount only for this initiinvestment rounYoung wants to earn least 6.0% after tper year, without taking on aitionincrementrisk. Young’s capitgains anoverall trate is 25%.termine whiproposeportfolio mostclosely meets Young’s sireobjectives. (Circle one.) Justify your response. 都是3%?不用交税吗?

2024-07-13 10:57 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000302 问题如下 A broker proposes to Young three portfolios, shown in Exhibit 1. The broker also provis Young with asset class estimatereturns anportfolio stanrviations in Exhibit 2 anExhibit 3, respectively. The broker notes ththere is a $500,000 minimum investment requirement for alternative assets. Finally, because the fun in the money market account are realy investible, the broker suggests using thaccount only for this initiinvestment rounYoung wants to earn least 6.0% after tper year, without taking on aitionincrementrisk. Young’s capitgains anoverall trate is 25%.termine whiproposeportfolio mostclosely meets Young’s sireobjectives. (Circle one.) Justify your response. 您好,请问municipbon收益率计算不需要乘以0.75吗

2024-07-12 21:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000302 问题如下 A broker proposes to Young three portfolios, shown in Exhibit 1. The broker also provis Young with asset class estimatereturns anportfolio stanrviations in Exhibit 2 anExhibit 3, respectively. The broker notes ththere is a $500,000 minimum investment requirement for alternative assets. Finally, because the fun in the money market account are realy investible, the broker suggests using thaccount only for this initiinvestment rounYoung wants to earn least 6.0% after tper year, without taking on aitionincrementrisk. Young’s capitgains anoverall trate is 25%.termine whiproposeportfolio mostclosely meets Young’s sireobjectives. (Circle one.) Justify your response. 本题如果用SFR 也是选组合3吧?另一个回答里提问说是按照SFR选组合1?不对吧

2024-07-01 23:11 2 · 回答