Which of the following statements about minority shareholder alignment is most accurate?
A.Dual-class shares protect minority rights B.Pre-emption rights protect minority shareholders C.Individual institutional shareholders are seldom minority shareholders解释:
B is correct because a "key area for minority shareholder protection is pre-emption rights."
A is incorrect because an "area in which minority shareholders can feel exploited is through the mechanism of dual-class shares."
C is incorrect because "for minority shareholders – which institutional investors will almost always be – a crucial issue is that they are not exploited by the dominant or controlling shareholders."
Pre-emption rights 会不会同样保护了大股东,因为他们也是有优先购买权对吧?如果大股东都买光了,小股东不久没得买啦?优先购买权里面是不是还有优先级顺序呢?