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S. Wang · 2023年06月21日

为啥negating the right of employees to negotiate individually违反了国际劳工准则?只提到collective bargaining 是支持的呀



Lemon is a Japanese telecommunications company which recently acquired a local company, TTN, that manufactures smart phones, in an effort to integrate vertically and provide clients with a better offer. A significant part of Lemon’s clientele acquisition strategy is a focus on older individuals, and it wants to provide them with phones thatBetter address their needs.

TTN, unlike most of its peers, owns the manufacturing plants which supply parts for its phones. 80% of TTN’s manufacturing personnel are contractors, while the industry average is 40%. Two years ago, TTN was subject to a non-governmental organisation (NGO) campaign requesting that it offered contractors working conditions and pay similar to that of employees. TTN agreed to most of the NGO’s requests.Lemon publicises on its website and in its annual report that it regularly performs audits across its operations to ensure compliance with the International Labour Organisation (ILO)’s International Labour Standards.

Which of the following actions would be a breach of the Standards?


A.Taking a pro-union stance while negating the right of employees to negotiate individually. B.Advocate the implementation of equal remuneration for equal work. C.Abolishing child labour even though that would generate jobs. D.Publishing a policy against discrimination in employment or occupation.


国际劳工组织 (ILO) 总结了最重要的劳工权利,其中包括组织权和集体谈判权,但是否定雇员的个人谈判权是对《标准》的违反,选择A选项。

为啥negating the right of employees to negotiate individually违反了国际劳工准则?只提到collective bargaining 是支持的呀

1 个答案

净净_品职助教 · 2023年06月21日




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NO.PZ2022120702000038问题如下 Lemon is a Japanese telecommunications company whirecently acquirea loccompany, TTN, thmanufactures smart phones, in effort to integrate vertically anprovi clients with a better offer. A significant part of Lemon’s clientele acquisition strategy is a focus on olr invials, anit wants to provi them with phones thatBetter aress their nee.TTN, unlike most of its peers, owns the manufacturing plants whisupply parts for its phones. 80% of TTN’s manufacturing personnel are contractors, while the instry average is 40%. Two years ago, TTN wsubjeto a non-governmentorganisation (NGO) campaign requesting thit offerecontractors working contions anpsimilto thof employees. TTN agreeto most of the NGO’s requests.Lemon publicises on its website anin its annureport thit regularly performs auts across its operations to ensure complianwith the InternationLabour Organisation (ILO)’s InternationLabour Stanr.Whiof the following actions woula breaof the Stanr? A.Taking a pro-union stanwhile negating the right of employees to negotiate invially.B.Aocate the implementation of equremuneration for equwork.C.Abolishing chillabour even though thwoulgenerate jobs.Publishing a poliagainst scrimination in employment or occupation.国际劳工组织 (ILO) 总结了最重要的劳工权利,其中包括组织权和集体谈判权,但是否定雇员的个人谈判权是对《标准》的违反,选择A。这个题,列了一大篇背景,好不容易读了个大概懂。最后题目问的跟背景无关。而且有那么多违反的单词不用,非要用个breach,而且第一个答案也没读懂。到底要考啥?这是要考阅读理解吗?

2023-12-31 09:43 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000038 问题如下 Lemon is a Japanese telecommunications company whirecently acquirea loccompany, TTN, thmanufactures smart phones, in effort to integrate vertically anprovi clients with a better offer. A significant part of Lemon’s clientele acquisition strategy is a focus on olr invials, anit wants to provi them with phones thatBetter aress their nee.TTN, unlike most of its peers, owns the manufacturing plants whisupply parts for its phones. 80% of TTN’s manufacturing personnel are contractors, while the instry average is 40%. Two years ago, TTN wsubjeto a non-governmentorganisation (NGO) campaign requesting thit offerecontractors working contions anpsimilto thof employees. TTN agreeto most of the NGO’s requests.Lemon publicises on its website anin its annureport thit regularly performs auts across its operations to ensure complianwith the InternationLabour Organisation (ILO)’s InternationLabour Stanr.Whiof the following actions woula breaof the Stanr? A.Taking a pro-union stanwhile negating the right of employees to negotiate invially. B.Aocate the implementation of equremuneration for equwork. C.Abolishing chillabour even though thwoulgenerate jobs. Publishing a poliagainst scrimination in employment or occupation. 国际劳工组织 (ILO) 总结了最重要的劳工权利,其中包括组织权和集体谈判权,但是否定雇员的个人谈判权是对《标准》的违反,选择

2023-12-19 14:53 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000038问题如下 Lemon is a Japanese telecommunications company whirecently acquirea loccompany, TTN, thmanufactures smart phones, in effort to integrate vertically anprovi clients with a better offer. A significant part of Lemon’s clientele acquisition strategy is a focus on olr invials, anit wants to provi them with phones thatBetter aress their nee.TTN, unlike most of its peers, owns the manufacturing plants whisupply parts for its phones. 80% of TTN’s manufacturing personnel are contractors, while the instry average is 40%. Two years ago, TTN wsubjeto a non-governmentorganisation (NGO) campaign requesting thit offerecontractors working contions anpsimilto thof employees. TTN agreeto most of the NGO’s requests.Lemon publicises on its website anin its annureport thit regularly performs auts across its operations to ensure complianwith the InternationLabour Organisation (ILO)’s InternationLabour Stanr.Whiof the following actions woula breaof the Stanr? A.Taking a pro-union stanwhile negating the right of employees to negotiate invially.B.Aocate the implementation of equremuneration for equwork.C.Abolishing chillabour even though thwoulgenerate jobs.Publishing a poliagainst scrimination in employment or occupation.国际劳工组织 (ILO) 总结了最重要的劳工权利,其中包括组织权和集体谈判权,但是否定雇员的个人谈判权是对《标准》的违反,选择A。理解题目是说企业要和工会集体谈判,不能单独谈判,逐一击破。反而言之,雇员能否单独和企业谈判,还是如果进入工会,只能由工会代表? 谢谢

2023-11-13 11:53 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000038 问题如下 Lemon is a Japanese telecommunications company whirecently acquirea loccompany, TTN, thmanufactures smart phones, in effort to integrate vertically anprovi clients with a better offer. A significant part of Lemon’s clientele acquisition strategy is a focus on olr invials, anit wants to provi them with phones thatBetter aress their nee.TTN, unlike most of its peers, owns the manufacturing plants whisupply parts for its phones. 80% of TTN’s manufacturing personnel are contractors, while the instry average is 40%. Two years ago, TTN wsubjeto a non-governmentorganisation (NGO) campaign requesting thit offerecontractors working contions anpsimilto thof employees. TTN agreeto most of the NGO’s requests.Lemon publicises on its website anin its annureport thit regularly performs auts across its operations to ensure complianwith the InternationLabour Organisation (ILO)’s InternationLabour Stanr.Whiof the following actions woula breaof the Stanr? A.Taking a pro-union stanwhile negating the right of employees to negotiate invially. B.Aocate the implementation of equremuneration for equwork. C.Abolishing chillabour even though thwoulgenerate jobs. Publishing a poliagainst scrimination in employment or occupation. 国际劳工组织 (ILO) 总结了最重要的劳工权利,其中包括组织权和集体谈判权,但是否定雇员的个人谈判权是对《标准》的违反,选择 题目中没有反应出雇主违反集体谈判权,但是的确提到了同工不同酬的问题,所以为什么B不对?

2023-07-23 08:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000038 问题如下 Lemon is a Japanese telecommunications company whirecently acquirea loccompany, TTN, thmanufactures smart phones, in effort to integrate vertically anprovi clients with a better offer. A significant part of Lemon’s clientele acquisition strategy is a focus on olr invials, anit wants to provi them with phones thatBetter aress their nee.TTN, unlike most of its peers, owns the manufacturing plants whisupply parts for its phones. 80% of TTN’s manufacturing personnel are contractors, while the instry average is 40%. Two years ago, TTN wsubjeto a non-governmentorganisation (NGO) campaign requesting thit offerecontractors working contions anpsimilto thof employees. TTN agreeto most of the NGO’s requests.Lemon publicises on its website anin its annureport thit regularly performs auts across its operations to ensure complianwith the InternationLabour Organisation (ILO)’s InternationLabour Stanr.Whiof the following actions woula breaof the Stanr? A.Taking a pro-union stanwhile negating the right of employees to negotiate invially. B.Aocate the implementation of equremuneration for equwork. C.Abolishing chillabour even though thwoulgenerate jobs. Publishing a poliagainst scrimination in employment or occupation. 国际劳工组织 (ILO) 总结了最重要的劳工权利,其中包括组织权和集体谈判权,但是否定雇员的个人谈判权是对《标准》的违反,选择 老师,B为什么不对

2023-07-20 10:53 2 · 回答