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坏呼呼嘿嘿 · 2023年06月19日

请问esop为什么做到capital gain tax defer ?另外类似的题要把其他两个没选的选项也都分析一下吗?还是把选择的原因说了就可以。

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With most of Omo’s personal net worth tied up in his software company, he is asset rich but cash poor. Jing suggests three possible strategies that Omo could use to generate liquidity from the software company:

Strategy 1: Personal loan secured by Omo’s company’s shares without a put arrangement

Strategy 2: Leveraged recapitalization

Strategy 3: Leveraged ESOP (employee stock ownership plan)

Omo tells Jing that his goals are to avoid an immediate taxable event for him or his company and to maintain his ownership and control of his company.

11 Determine the most appropriate strategy that can generate liquidity and accomplish Omo’s goals. Justify your response.




2 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2023年06月20日



王暄_品职助教 · 2023年06月20日


那么现在钱进到了养老金里账户里,所以,现在股票并没有卖出去,也不会产生cpaitla gain tax。

等到将来员工退休了才需要发养老金,所以那个时候才需要卖股票交税,所以defer capital gain tax;将来其实也是养老金交税,但是不同的公司、国家会有各自的制度,结合当时的情况决定,最后的资本利得税是究竟多少由股东出,多少由养老金出,

坏呼呼嘿嘿 · 2023年06月20日


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NO.PZ202109080300000402 问题如下 Withmost of Omo’s personnet worth tieup in his software company, he is assetribut cash poor. Jing suggests three possible strategies thOmo couluse togenerate liquity from the software company:Strategy 1: PersonlosecureOmo’scompany’s shares without a put arrangementStrategy 2: LeveragerecapitalizationStrategy 3: LeverageESOP (employee stockownership plan)Omo tells Jing thhis goals are to avoin immeate taxable event for him or his company anto maintain his ownershipancontrol of his company.11 termine the most appropriate strategythcgenerate liquity anaccomplish Omo’s goals. Justify your response. 我的回答如下,烦请老师看看是否可以?我没有回答利息抵税的优势。I recommenstrategy 1, personlosecureOmo’s company’s shares without a put arrangement.Because no put arrangement, it will not cause immeate taxable event anpersonlosecureOmo’s company’s shares will maintain ownership ancontrol of the company with more cash on han Using this metho Omo will get liquition without cause immeate taxable even anmaintain ownership ancontrol of the company, whiis corresponng with Omo’s goals.

2024-06-14 11:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202109080300000402问题如下 Withmost of Omo’s personnet worth tieup in his software company, he is assetribut cash poor. Jing suggests three possible strategies thOmo couluse togenerate liquity from the software company:Strategy 1: PersonlosecureOmo’scompany’s shares without a put arrangementStrategy 2: LeveragerecapitalizationStrategy 3: LeverageESOP (employee stockownership plan)Omo tells Jing thhis goals are to avoin immeate taxable event for him or his company anto maintain his ownershipancontrol of his company.11 termine the most appropriate strategythcgenerate liquity anaccomplish Omo’s goals. Justify your response. 策略2和3可以下区别吗

2022-05-16 10:15 1 · 回答