The fund manager of Portfolio B believes that setting up a full currency hedge requires a simple matching of the current market value of the foreign-currency exposure in the portfolio with an equal and offsetting position in a forward contract.
Explain how the hedge, as described by the fund manager, will eventually expose the portfolio to currency risk.
In practice, matching the current market value of the foreign-currency exposure in the portfolio with an equal and offsetting position in a forward contract is likely to be ineffective over time because the market value of foreign-currency assets will change with market conditions. A static hedge (i.e., an unchanging hedge) will tend to accumulate unwanted currency exposures as the value of the foreign-currency assets change. This will result in a mismatch between the market value of the foreign-currency asset portfolio and the nominal size of the forward contract used for the currency hedge (resulting in currency risk). For this reason, the portfolio manager will generally need to implement a dynamic hedge by rebalancing the portfolio periodically.
1)不能单单买一份 Fo(N)的长期合约来hedge,因为在起始点很难预估终点时的市场价格。这属于静态对冲,会产生错配。
2)因此要买多分rolling的短期合约,不断靠近最终的市场价格。比如 Fo(1)+F1(2)+F2(3)。这属于动态对冲,可以解决错配的问题。