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aaqq · 2023年06月15日




Natasha completes a review of a large UK based oil company and assigns it an improving ESG score because she is impressed by the steps it is taking to meet the Paris Agreement. Nevertheless, she is concerned about the industry’s long-term outlook and potential for stranded assets.

What action(s) should Natasha reflect in her valuation of the company?


A.Adjust her discounted cash flow (DCF) model to reflect a lower cost of capital due to positive ESG steps taken and assign a low price earnings ratio to reflect stranded assets in later years. B.Adjust her discounted cash flow (DCF) model in later years to reflect write offs for stranded assets. C.None, no action is required as the oil price is the only real variable that matters. D.Adjust her discounted cash flow (DCF) model to reflect a higher cost of capital and adjust book value down to reflect an impairment charge made against stranded assets.



Natasha 应调整贴现现金流(DCF)模型,以反映更高的资本成本,并调整账面价值,以反映对搁浅资产的减值支出。(D选项正确)


3 个答案

王岑 · 2023年09月24日


  1. A选项的“降低资本成本”是不合适的,因为DCF模型反映的就是对未来的估值,而Natasha对行业的长期前景和困境资产的潜在风险表示担忧,在这种情况下,哪怕是ESG得分提高了,在未来也不应该再降低资本成本来提高公司的估值。
  2. stranded asset的意思是“搁浅资产”,是指由于某些突发性事件、政策变化、技术创新、环境法规等因素,导致某些资产不能继续产生收益,甚至无法收回投资成本,从而导致其价值大幅缩水或变得毫无价值的资产。这类资产因无法实现预期的经济效益而“搁浅”,无法为投资者带来预期的回报。搁浅资产的正确处理方式是直接在资产负债表中进行减值,而不是降低市盈率。


王岑 · 2023年06月16日




王岑 · 2023年06月16日


Natasha担心石油行业的前景,和搁浅资产的可能性。搁浅资产会造成公司估值下降。因此,在估值时,应该调高资本成本(cost of capital),并且降低账面价值(book value),来反映这个预期。


aaqq · 2023年06月16日

这个题干讲了两件事呀,ESG分数高了,是好事情,这个是立马就能体现的,应该先调低融资成本吧? 搁浅资产是一个未来的潜在威胁,应调整未来吧

fresh · 2023年09月24日


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NO.PZ2022120702000055 问题如下 Natasha completes a review of a large UK baseoil company anassigns it improving ESG score because she is impressethe steps it is taking to meet the Paris Agreement. Nevertheless, she is concerneabout the instry’s long-term outlook anpotentifor stranassets.Whaction(s) shoulNatasha reflein her valuation of the company? A.Aust her scountecash flow (F) mol to reflea lower cost of capite to positive ESG steps taken anassign a low priearnings ratio to reflestranassets in later years. B.Aust her scountecash flow (F) mol in later years to reflewrite offs for stranassets. C.None, no action is requirethe oil priis the only revariable thmatters. Aust her scountecash flow (F) mol to reflea higher cost of capitanaust book value wn to refleimpairment charge ma against stranassets. Natasha完成了对英国一家大型石油公司的评估。因为她对该公司为满足《巴黎协定》所采取的措施印象深刻,因此给该公司一个提高的ESG评分。但是从长期看,她对该行业的前景和搁浅资产的可能性表示担忧。这会导致该石油公司的未来估值预期降低。Natasha 应调整贴现现金流(F)模型,以反映更高的资本成本,并调整账面价值,以反映对搁浅资产的减值支出。(确) ESG分数高,难道对估值没有任何帮助吗?

2024-06-12 22:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000055 问题如下 Natasha completes a review of a large UK baseoil company anassigns it improving ESG score because she is impressethe steps it is taking to meet the Paris Agreement. Nevertheless, she is concerneabout the instry’s long-term outlook anpotentifor stranassets.Whaction(s) shoulNatasha reflein her valuation of the company? A.Aust her scountecash flow (F) mol to reflea lower cost of capite to positive ESG steps taken anassign a low priearnings ratio to reflestranassets in later years. B.Aust her scountecash flow (F) mol in later years to reflewrite offs for stranassets. C.None, no action is requirethe oil priis the only revariable thmatters. Aust her scountecash flow (F) mol to reflea higher cost of capitanaust book value wn to refleimpairment charge ma against stranassets. Natasha完成了对英国一家大型石油公司的评估。因为她对该公司为满足《巴黎协定》所采取的措施印象深刻,因此给该公司一个提高的ESG评分。但是从长期看,她对该行业的前景和搁浅资产的可能性表示担忧。这会导致该石油公司的未来估值预期降低。Natasha 应调整贴现现金流(F)模型,以反映更高的资本成本,并调整账面价值,以反映对搁浅资产的减值支出。(确) 老师您好!我不太认同您对这道题答案的解析,原因是1、我认为B是正确的,绝对估值中对于CF的预测,本身就包括“账面价值或减值”,所以考虑到搁浅资产,是可以通过调低CF来完成的;2、我认为对,是因为它犯了“uble counting ESG risk”的错误,针对一个评估对象,同时调整了F模型的分母(折现率)和分析(现金流)。

2024-05-29 15:27 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000055 问题如下 Natasha completes a review of a large UK baseoil company anassigns it improving ESG score because she is impressethe steps it is taking to meet the Paris Agreement. Nevertheless, she is concerneabout the instry’s long-term outlook anpotentifor stranassets.Whaction(s) shoulNatasha reflein her valuation of the company? A.Aust her scountecash flow (F) mol to reflea lower cost of capite to positive ESG steps taken anassign a low priearnings ratio to reflestranassets in later years. B.Aust her scountecash flow (F) mol in later years to reflewrite offs for stranassets. C.None, no action is requirethe oil priis the only revariable thmatters. Aust her scountecash flow (F) mol to reflea higher cost of capitanaust book value wn to refleimpairment charge ma against stranassets. Natasha完成了对英国一家大型石油公司的评估。因为她对该公司为满足《巴黎协定》所采取的措施印象深刻,因此给该公司一个提高的ESG评分。但是从长期看,她对该行业的前景和搁浅资产的可能性表示担忧。这会导致该石油公司的未来估值预期降低。Natasha 应调整贴现现金流(F)模型,以反映更高的资本成本,并调整账面价值,以反映对搁浅资产的减值支出。(确) B是错在later year吗?

2023-08-14 00:43 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000055 问题如下 Natasha completes a review of a large UK baseoil company anassigns it improving ESG score because she is impressethe steps it is taking to meet the Paris Agreement. Nevertheless, she is concerneabout the instry’s long-term outlook anpotentifor stranassets.Whaction(s) shoulNatasha reflein her valuation of the company? A.Aust her scountecash flow (F) mol to reflea lower cost of capite to positive ESG steps taken anassign a low priearnings ratio to reflestranassets in later years. B.Aust her scountecash flow (F) mol in later years to reflewrite offs for stranassets. C.None, no action is requirethe oil priis the only revariable thmatters. Aust her scountecash flow (F) mol to reflea higher cost of capitanaust book value wn to refleimpairment charge ma against stranassets. Natasha完成了对英国一家大型石油公司的评估。因为她对该公司为满足《巴黎协定》所采取的措施印象深刻,因此给该公司一个提高的ESG评分。但是从长期看,她对该行业的前景和搁浅资产的可能性表示担忧。这会导致该石油公司的未来估值预期降低。Natasha 应调整贴现现金流(F)模型,以反映更高的资本成本,并调整账面价值,以反映对搁浅资产的减值支出。(确) 高ESG得分和资产报废对估值的调整是对冲关系么?为什么要更看重资产报废的影响呢?

2023-01-29 06:45 1 · 回答