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S. Wang · 2023年06月06日




Elements of ESG integration include:


A.watch lists. B.scenario analysis. C.ESG momentum tilts.


The elements of ESG integration include the following:► adjusting forecast financials► adjusting valuation models or multiples► adjusting credit risk and duration► managing risk► ESG factor tilts► ESG momentum tilts► strategic asset allocation► tactical asset allocation► ESG controversies and positive ESG events


1 个答案

王岑 · 2023年06月06日


其实这道题是需要记忆的题目。我们教材里(P375)给出的Elements of ESG Integration:



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NO.PZ2022120701000067问题如下Elements of ESG integration inclu:A.watlists.B.scenario analysis.C.ESG momentum tilts. The elements of ESG integration inclu the following:► austing forecast financials► austing valuation mols or multiples► austing cret risk anration► managing risk► ESG factor tilts► ESG momentum tilts► strategic asset allocation► tacticasset allocation► ESG controversies anpositive ESG events managing risk,inclung scenario analysis为什么不对呢?如何理解呢?

2023-10-18 01:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000067问题如下Elements of ESG integration inclu:A.watlists.B.scenario analysis.C.ESG momentum tilts. The elements of ESG integration inclu the following:► austing forecast financials► austing valuation mols or multiples► austing cret risk anration► managing risk► ESG factor tilts► ESG momentum tilts► strategic asset allocation► tacticasset allocation► ESG controversies anpositive ESG events 何老师在managing risk 时提到了情景分析 为何不能选

2023-10-12 19:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000067问题如下Elements of ESG integration inclu:A.watlists.B.scenario analysis.C.ESG momentum tilts. The elements of ESG integration inclu the following:► austing forecast financials► austing valuation mols or multiples► austing cret risk anration► managing risk► ESG factor tilts► ESG momentum tilts► strategic asset allocation► tacticasset allocation► ESG controversies anpositive ESG events B何老师上课有说在managing risk 这个element 中可以将Esg因子纳入到情景分析中的诶

2023-10-10 15:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000067 问题如下 Elements of ESG integration inclu: A.watlists. B.scenario analysis. C.ESG momentum tilts. The elements of ESG integration inclu the following:► austing forecast financials► austing valuation mols or multiples► austing cret risk anration► managing risk► ESG factor tilts► ESG momentum tilts► strategic asset allocation► tacticasset allocation► ESG controversies anpositive ESG events Elements of ESG integration inclu:Awatlists.Bscenario analysis.CESG momentum tilts.

2023-08-20 17:57 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000067 问题如下 Elements of ESG integration inclu: A.watlists. B.scenario analysis. C.ESG momentum tilts. The elements of ESG integration inclu the following:► austing forecast financials► austing valuation mols or multiples► austing cret risk anration► managing risk► ESG factor tilts► ESG momentum tilts► strategic asset allocation► tacticasset allocation► ESG controversies anpositive ESG events 老师能用简单的话下什么是tilts不?没太看明白。

2023-06-06 16:26 1 · 回答