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sincex · 2023年06月04日

当利率上升的时候,pay float会导致duration上升,pay fix会导致duration下降,这样理解对吗

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Assume the manager is able to extend her mandate by adding derivatives strategies to the three portfolio alternatives.

The best way to position her portfolio to benefit from a bear flattening scenario is to combine a:



2-year receive-fixed Australian dollar (AUD) swap with the same money duration as the bullet portfolio.


2-year pay-fixed AUD swap with twice the money duration as the 2-year government bond in the barbell portfolio.


9-year receive-fixed AUD swap with twice the money duration as the 9-year government bond position in the equally weighted portfolio.


B is correct. A bear flattening scenario is a decrease in the yield spread between long- and short-term maturities driven by higher short-term rates. The manager must therefore position her portfolio to benefit from rising short-term yields.

Under A, the receive-fixed 2-year swap is a synthetic long position, increasing portfolio duration that will result in an MTM loss under bear flattening. The receive-fixed swap in answer C will increase duration in long-term maturities.
In the case of B, the pay-fixed swap with twice the money duration of the barbell will more than offset the existing long position, resulting in net short 2-year and long 9-year bond positions in the overall portfolio and a gain under bear flattening.

如题。另外老师可以帮忙再讲一下derivative overlay的出题方法和重要公式理解吗?谢谢!

当利率上升的时候,pay float 会导致duration上升,反之会导致duration下降,这样理解对吗?除开利率对duration的影响,这题里面呢不同的债券类型实际上不影响答案的是吗?

1 个答案

pzqa31 · 2023年06月04日


当做免疫时,资产负债之间如果有Duration (BPV) Gap,为了使得资产负债达到匹配、实现BPV相等,我们就使用了衍生品来Close duration gap,这就是derivatives overlay。derivatives overlay可以看成是duration matching的一个补充。这部分内容还是以考计算为主,题目一般都是比较常规的,同学不用紧张哈,一般就是先要根据题目中对市场预期的描述,判断是要调高还是调低duration,然后构建策略,计算需要采用多少份的衍生品。建议同学再去把这部分内容的基础班听一下,方便加深理解,内容并不复杂哈。

另外,一般来讲,fixed rate bond duration>0,float rate bond duration≈0,其实,float rate bond在存续期内duration不一定等于0,只不过在每次利率调整的时间点,duration为0,我们把float rate bond 的duration当做0,是做简化处理。做题的时候,咱们只要知道pay fixed duraion<0,receive fixed duration>0即可。不同债券类型主要还是根据duration不同而会对构建策略造成影响的哈。


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NO.PZ202112010200000103 问题如下 Assume the manager isable to extenher mante aing rivatives strategies to the three portfolioalternatives. The best wto position her portfolio to benefitfrom a bearflattening scenariois to combine A.2-yereceive-fixeAustralill(AUswwith the samemoney rationthe bullet portfolio. B.2-yepay-fixeAUswwith twithe money ration the 2-yegovernment bonin the barbell portfolio. C.9-yereceive-fixeAUswwith twithe money ration the 9-yegovernment bonposition in the equally weighteportfolio. B is correct. A bearflattening scenario is a crease in the yielsprebetween long-anshort-term maturities iven higher short-term rates. The managermust therefore positionher portfolio to benefit from rising short-term yiel.Unr thereceive-fixe2-yeswis a synthetic long position, increasing portfolioration thwill result in MTM loss unr beflattening. Thereceive-fixeswinanswer C will increase ration in long-term maturities.In the case of thepay-fixeswwith twithe money ration of the barbell will more thanoffset the existing long position, resulting in net short 2-yeanlong 9-yebonositions in the overall portfolio ana gain unr beflattening. 我的解题思路是由于是beflattening,—— 因此对债整体不好,利率都是上升的,—— 因此短期利率上升快,长期上升慢 —— 因此应该卖短期。我的思路卡顿了,请老师帮忙一下,谢谢。另外,有几个问题如下看了答案,1)这里是如何联想到ration的?2)为何利率都是上升,但这里却需要long 长期呢?3)和barbell和bullet有什么关系呢? 谢谢

2024-05-04 15:19 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200000103 问题如下 Assume the manager isable to extenher mante aing rivatives strategies to the three portfolioalternatives. The best wto position her portfolio to benefitfrom a bearflattening scenariois to combine A.2-yereceive-fixeAustralill(AUswwith the samemoney rationthe bullet portfolio. B.2-yepay-fixeAUswwith twithe money ration the 2-yegovernment bonin the barbell portfolio. C.9-yereceive-fixeAUswwith twithe money ration the 9-yegovernment bonposition in the equally weighteportfolio. B is correct. A bearflattening scenario is a crease in the yielsprebetween long-anshort-term maturities iven higher short-term rates. The managermust therefore positionher portfolio to benefit from rising short-term yiel.Unr thereceive-fixe2-yeswis a synthetic long position, increasing portfolioration thwill result in MTM loss unr beflattening. Thereceive-fixeswinanswer C will increase ration in long-term maturities.In the case of thepay-fixeswwith twithe money ration of the barbell will more thanoffset the existing long position, resulting in net short 2-yeanlong 9-yebonositions in the overall portfolio ana gain unr beflattening. 想问一下yielcurve strategy里关于yielcurve twist的策略,是ration占主导,还是long/short 长期和短期债券占主导。这道题beflattening,想到策略是long LT(长期),short 短期(ST);这样的话B和C都可以。而解题思路上,这道题又以ration为主,因为是beflattening,所以要降低ration。。

2024-02-06 23:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200000103 问题如下 Assume the manager isable to extenher mante aing rivatives strategies to the three portfolioalternatives. The best wto position her portfolio to benefitfrom a bearflattening scenariois to combine A.2-yereceive-fixeAustralill(AUswwith the samemoney rationthe bullet portfolio. B.2-yepay-fixeAUswwith twithe money ration the 2-yegovernment bonin the barbell portfolio. C.9-yereceive-fixeAUswwith twithe money ration the 9-yegovernment bonposition in the equally weighteportfolio. B is correct. A bearflattening scenario is a crease in the yielsprebetween long-anshort-term maturities iven higher short-term rates. The managermust therefore positionher portfolio to benefit from rising short-term yiel.Unr thereceive-fixe2-yeswis a synthetic long position, increasing portfolioration thwill result in MTM loss unr beflattening. Thereceive-fixeswinanswer C will increase ration in long-term maturities.In the case of thepay-fixeswwith twithe money ration of the barbell will more thanoffset the existing long position, resulting in net short 2-yeanlong 9-yebonositions in the overall portfolio ana gain unr beflattening. beflatten,短期r上涨大于长期r 所以应该是短期降低ration长期增加ration?然后方向的话感觉B和C 都对,如果判断一个更合适的话应该是B,那么这个两倍的money ration是怎么得出来的呢?C 是怎么排除掉的呢?我的思考方式是对的吗?

2023-12-24 18:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200000103 问题如下 A Syey-baseixeincome portfolio manager is consiring the following Commonwealthof Australia government bon traon the ASX (AustraliStoExchange): The manager isconsiring portfolio strategies baseupon various interest rate scenariosover the next 12 months. She is consiring three long-only governmentbonportfolioalternatives, follows:Bullet: Invest solely in 4.5-yegovernment bonBarbell: Invest equally in 2-yean9-yegovernment bonEquweights: Invest equally in 2-year, 4.5-year, an9-yebon Assume the manager isable to extenher mante aing rivatives strategies to the three portfolioalternatives. The best wto position her portfolio to benefitfrom a bearflattening scenariois to combine A.2-yereceive-fixeAustralill(AUswwith the samemoney rationthe bullet portfolio. B.2-yepay-fixeAUswwith twithe money ration the 2-yegovernment bonin the barbell portfolio. C.9-yereceive-fixeAUswwith twithe money ration the 9-yegovernment bonposition in the equally weighteportfolio. B is correct. A bearflattening scenario is a crease in the yielsprebetween long-anshort-term maturities iven higher short-term rates. The managermust therefore positionher portfolio to benefit from rising short-term yiel.Unr thereceive-fixe2-yeswis a synthetic long position, increasing portfolioration thwill result in MTM loss unr beflattening. Thereceive-fixeswinanswer C will increase ration in long-term maturities.In the case of thepay-fixeswwith twithe money ration of the barbell will more thanoffset the existing long position, resulting in net short 2-yeanlong 9-yebonositions in the overall portfolio ana gain unr beflattening. 2-yepay-fixeAUswwith twithe money ration the 2-yegovernment bonin the barbell portfolio.知道要 2-yepay-fixe后半句不是特别理解,是用 2-yegovernment bonin the barbell portfolio 构建的意思吗?可否详细讲一下

2023-08-08 21:45 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200000103 问题如下 Assume the manager isable to extenher mante aing rivatives strategies to the three portfolioalternatives. The best wto position her portfolio to benefitfrom a bearflattening scenariois to combine A.2-yereceive-fixeAustralill(AUswwith the samemoney rationthe bullet portfolio. B.2-yepay-fixeAUswwith twithe money ration the 2-yegovernment bonin the barbell portfolio. C.9-yereceive-fixeAUswwith twithe money ration the 9-yegovernment bonposition in the equally weighteportfolio. B is correct. A bearflattening scenario is a crease in the yielsprebetween long-anshort-term maturities iven higher short-term rates. The managermust therefore positionher portfolio to benefit from rising short-term yiel.Unr thereceive-fixe2-yeswis a synthetic long position, increasing portfolioration thwill result in MTM loss unr beflattening. Thereceive-fixeswinanswer C will increase ration in long-term maturities.In the case of thepay-fixeswwith twithe money ration of the barbell will more thanoffset the existing long position, resulting in net short 2-yeanlong 9-yebonositions in the overall portfolio ana gain unr beflattening. 为何中的意思貌似是long barbel呢?

2023-07-03 22:31 1 · 回答