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mushkc · 2023年06月03日


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Young decides to accept the retirement offer. Having very low liquidity needs, she wants to save part of the retirement payout for unforeseen costs that might occur more than a decade in the future. The broker’s view on long term stock market prospects is positive and recommends additional equity investment.

Determine which of Young’s accounts (education, retirement, reallocated money market, or unexpected needs) is best suited for implementing the broker’s recommendation.



如果长期观点是正向的,说明股权价值会大幅涨价,产生大量的capital gain tax。

如此一来,不是放在tax efficient accounts比放在taxable accounts更合理吗?

2 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2023年06月05日


所以综合来说,通常适合放在TA账户的是长线股票和免税城市债;而适合放在TDA/TEA账户的是短线股票和所有纳税债券,是这样的吗?那ETF、hedge fund、real estate、mutual fund适合放在什么账户呀?


要看题目给得具体信息,目前从以往的例题、课后题、教材来看,我们只知道mutual fund在美国是有免税的政策,但是题目一定要把税相关的信息告知我们,我们再根据这个信息答题。



lynn_品职助教 · 2023年06月05日


如果长期观点是正向的,说明股权价值会大幅涨价,产生大量的capital gain tax。

如此一来,不是放在tax efficient accounts比放在taxable accounts更合理吗?




Unexpected needs意味着这笔现金流流出的时间和金额是不确定,极端情况可能下一秒或者第二天就要用上这笔钱,因而肯定不可能投入到股票市场上的,更应该投的是货币市场基金,比方说T+0可随时申购赎回产品,以应对不确定性。

通过流动性我们可以排除education和Unexpected needs这两个账户,因为他们要求的流动性较高,所以长期持有股票不合适。



也就是说股权价值会大幅涨价,产生大量的capital gain tax,同学的这个推论不一定成立,因为即使涨了很多,如果投资目的不是为了低买高卖而是长期投资的话,就不会在高位卖出并产生大量的capital gain tax。

对于长期持有的股票,一个收益是期间现金流(股利),它相较于bond每年产生的利息而言是比较少的;另一个收益是卖出股票时产生资本利得,因为是长期持有,其实这里已经有了deferred capital gain tax treatment的效果。

综合以上两点,对于长期持有的股票,可以将它放在taxable accout。


mushkc · 2023年06月05日

所以综合来说,通常适合放在TA账户的是长线股票和免税城市债;而适合放在TDA/TEA账户的是短线股票和所有纳税债券,是这样的吗?那ETF、hedge fund、real estate、mutual fund适合放在什么账户呀?

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NO.PZ201805280100000305 问题如下 Young cis to accept the retirement offer. Having very low liquity nee, she wants to save part of the retirement payout for unforeseen costs thmight occur more tha ca in the future. The broker’s view on long term stomarket prospects is positive anrecommen aitionequity investment.termine whiof Young’s accounts (ecation, retirement, reallocatemoney market, or unexpectenee) is best suitefor implementing the broker’s recommention. 这种账户都是taxable account, low liquity nee吗?我这道题选了retirement 因为没看到题目说reallocatemoney account是long term holng 的 taxable account呀?

2024-08-16 12:14 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000305 问题如下 Young cis to accept the retirement offer. Having very low liquity nee, she wants to save part of the retirement payout for unforeseen costs thmight occur more tha ca in the future. The broker’s view on long term stomarket prospects is positive anrecommen aitionequity investment.termine whiof Young’s accounts (ecation, retirement, reallocatemoney market, or unexpectenee) is best suitefor implementing the broker’s recommention. Emma Young, a 47-year-olsingle mother of two ughters, ages 7 an10, recently sola business for $5.5 million net of taxes anput the procee into a money market account. Her other assets inclu a tax-ferreretirement account worth $3.0 million, a $500,000 after-taccount signatefor her ughters’ ecation, a $400,000 after-taccount for unexpectenee, anher home, whishe owns outright.Her living expenses are fully covereher joYoung wants to retire in 15 years anto funher retirement from existing assets. orpheight who experiencechiloofinanciharhips, she places a high priority on retirement security anwants to avoilosing money in any of her three accounts.NO.PZ201805280100000305问题如下Young cis to accept the retirement offer. Having very low liquity nee, she wants to save part of the retirement payout for unforeseen costs thmight occur more tha ca in the future. The broker’s view on long term stomarket prospects is positive anrecommen aitionequity investment.termine whiof Young’s accounts (ecation, retirement, reallocatemoney market, or unexpectenee) is best suitefor implementing the broker’s recommention.我的回答The reallocatemoney market account shoulimplement the recommention. Equities have lower trate thbon, so it shoulput into taxable account.Young hlittle liquity nee, so holng stocks longer in taxable account is better while ecation anunexpectenee accounts neemore liquity.老师,第三句我是否可以不写?因为考试时可能来不及。

2023-12-26 14:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000305 问题如下 Young cis to accept the retirement offer. Having very low liquity nee, she wants to save part of the retirement payout for unforeseen costs thmight occur more tha ca in the future. The broker’s view on long term stomarket prospects is positive anrecommen aitionequity investment.termine whiof Young’s accounts (ecation, retirement, reallocatemoney market, or unexpectenee) is best suitefor implementing the broker’s recommention. 通过流动性我们可以排除ecation和Unexpectenee这两个账户,因为他们要求的流动性较高,所以长期持有股票不合适。以上助教的没有看懂。 unexpectenee考虑是明白的。但是主人公由于儿时经历,对retirement的安全度要求非常高,所以应该少配置equity啊。另外两个孩子7岁和10岁,上大学还早,所以时间期限比较长,可以投资equity,为什么不选呢

2023-06-12 17:00 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000305 问题如下 Young cis to accept the retirement offer. Having very low liquity nee, she wants to save part of the retirement payout for unforeseen costs thmight occur more tha ca in the future. The broker’s view on long term stomarket prospects is positive anrecommen aitionequity investment.termine whiof Young’s accounts (ecation, retirement, reallocatemoney market, or unexpectenee) is best suitefor implementing the broker’s recommention. reallocatemoney market account is most suitable to implement the suggestion. Young hlow liquity nee. long term stomarket prospects is positive. so holng stolonger ha best favorable ttreatment. it shoulallocateinto taxable account. 最后一句表达的意思就是 对于有税收优惠的产品 应该放在纳税账户中;而对于没有税收优惠的产品应放在T或TEA中,不知道以上的答法怎么样?考试时间紧,我觉得也就是也个三句话的样子,做不到答案那么精准的描述。

2023-05-04 22:38 1 · 回答