开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


S. Wang · 2023年05月31日

为啥不选B嘞,内部控制差,要做的实质性程序更多,也就是scope of audit更大?选项C我能理解为,内部控制差,所以制定的重要性水平比较低不,所以审计就更加严格



Which element of enhanced auditor reports most likely provides insight into the auditor’s assessment of the company’s financial controls?


A.Key audit matters B.Scope of the audit C.Performance materiality


The auditor’s assessment of the company’s financial controls is implied by the magnitude of the discount from materiality used in the auditor’s calculation of performance materiality Larger discounts can signal that the company’s financial controls have room for improvement


Key audit matters


不正确Scope of the audit


Performance materiality

1 个答案

净净_品职助教 · 2023年06月01日


加强审计报告中的三个元素,financial control是业绩重要性这一个元素的内容,接下来这句话非常重要,同学要记住里面数字的含义:“The performance materiality number indicates the extent to which the auditor trusts the company’s financial systems: 75% of the overall materiality threshold is typical, whereas anything around 50% to 60% suggests a low level of confidence in the company’s financial controls. ”业绩重要性数字表明审计师对公司财务系统的信任程度:总体重要性阈值的75%是典型的,而50%至60%左右的数值表明对公司财务控制的信心水平较低。



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NO.PZ2022120701000050 问题如下 Whielement of enhanceautor reports most likely provis insight into the autor’s assessment of the company’s financicontrols? A.Key aut matters B.Scope of the aut C.Performanmateriality The autor’s assessment of the company’s financicontrols is impliethe magnitu of the scount from materiality usein the autor’s calculation of performanmateriality.Larger scounts csignththe company’s financicontrols have room for improvement 请老师讲一讲设定绩效重要性比例(折扣scount)的大小和审计师认为公司财务状况好坏的关系。审计师认为公司财务控制的好,是设定高的还是低的绩效重要性?或者折扣?不太理解折扣和高低具体指的是什么?

2024-05-14 17:03 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000050问题如下 Whielement of enhanceautor reports most likely provis insight into the autor’s assessment of the company’s financicontrols?A.Key aut mattersB.Scope of the autC.Performanmateriality The autor’s assessment of the company’s financicontrols is impliethe magnitu of the scount from materiality usein the autor’s calculation of performanmateriality.Larger scounts csignththe company’s financicontrols have room for improvement 请这三个答案对于审计的作用。

2024-02-29 13:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000050问题如下Whielement of enhanceautor reports most likely provis insight into the autor’s assessment of the company’s financicontrols?A.Key aut mattersB.Scope of the autC.Performanmateriality The autor’s assessment of the company’s financicontrols is impliethe magnitu of the scount from materiality usein the autor’s calculation of performanmateriality.Larger scounts csignththe company’s financicontrols have room for improvement 这三个不都是对的么?

2024-02-28 21:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000050问题如下Whielement of enhanceautor reports most likely provis insight into the autor’s assessment of the company’s financicontrols?A.Key aut mattersB.Scope of the autC.Performanmateriality The autor’s assessment of the company’s financicontrols is impliethe magnitu of the scount from materiality usein the autor’s calculation of performanmateriality.Larger scounts csignththe company’s financicontrols have room for improvement 比如,如果审计过程中,发现了具体什么问题的时候(业绩造假?或是财务凭证等管理不当?),会导致这个打折,分别在什么情况下打折到75%,什么情况下会打折到50%甚至以下?

2024-01-04 22:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000050 问题如下 Whielement of enhanceautor reports most likely provis insight into the autor’s assessment of the company’s financicontrols? A.Key aut matters B.Scope of the aut C.Performanmateriality The autor’s assessment of the company’s financicontrols is impliethe magnitu of the scount from materiality usein the autor’s calculation of performanmateriality.Larger scounts csignththe company’s financicontrols have room for improvement “审计师对公司财务控制的评估是由其计算业绩重要性时所使用的实质性折扣的大小所暗示的。较大的折扣可能表明公司的财务控制有改进的余地。”折扣大小是什么意思?75%审计师对公司内部财务控制有信心,50%有信心说明有较大空间,折扣指的是什么?materiality是重大性还是实质性?没太明白。materiality只是反映了外部审计师有多么相信公司内部财务控制,对吧?

2023-10-27 17:40 1 · 回答