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Ivana 🍭 · 2023年05月25日

老师请问T-t 为什么是3/12而不是9/12啊?

* 问题详情,请 查看题干



VFO is considering a sold call strategy to generate income from the sale of a call. In your scenario analysis of the sold call option alternative, VFO has asked you to value the call option in three months' time if Biomian's spot price is INR 325 per share. Given an estimated call price of INR 46.41 at that time, which of the following correctly reflects the relationship between the call's exercise value and its time value?


A.The call's exercise value is INR 24.16, and its time value is INR 22.25.

B.The call's exercise value is INR 27.10, and its time value is INR 19.31.

C.The call's exercise value is INR 20.99, and its time value is INR 25.42.



B is correct.

The option price is equal to the sum of the exercise value and the time value. A call option's exercise value is equal to the greater of zero and the spot price minus the present value of the exercise price:

Max(0, StX(1+r)(Tt))= Max(0, INR325 − INR300.84(1.04)-0.25)= INR27.10

The time value is equal to the call price minus the exercise value, or INR 19.31 (= INR46.41 − INR27.10). A is incorrect as it takes the spot price minus the exercise price as the exercise value, while C calculates the exercise value as the present value of the spot price minus the exercise price.


本题考察的是期权的exercise value以及time value

需要注意的是本题中虽然为了对冲股价下跌的风险,采取的关于call的策略是short call。但根据选项的数字可知,本小题中就long call来做分析的。

Long call的执行价格,直接根据公式计算即可:Max (0, St X(1 + r)(Tt) ).

然后再根据Option price = exercise value + time value,计算time value即可。

老师请问T-t 为什么是3/12而不是9/12啊?

4 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2023年05月28日




Lucky_品职助教 · 2023年05月26日


本题说value the call option in three months' time,就是告知t到T之间的时间是3个月,直接用就可以,不需要再用12去减了~


Ivana 🍭 · 2023年05月26日


Lucky_品职助教 · 2023年05月26日


是这样的,我们目前是t时刻,需要从T折现到t时刻,因此如果要计算的是三个月后的看涨期权价值,T-t 就=3,这个T并不是12哦


Ivana 🍭 · 2023年05月26日

那T是多少? 能否画个图?

Lucky_品职助教 · 2023年05月26日


根据题目描述,要计算的是三个月后的看涨期权价值,一个季度有12个月,因此3个月可以表示为3/12。所以期权到期时间应该是0.25年,T-t = 0.25。


Ivana 🍭 · 2023年05月26日

请问若要计算的是四个月后的看涨期权价值,一个季度有12个月,因此4个月可以表示为4/12。所以期权到期时间应该是0.33年,T-t = 0.33吗? 老师能否画个图?请问折现是往哪边折的?

Ivana 🍭 · 2023年05月26日

要计算的是三个月后的看涨期权价值。这句话可以理解为t=3吗? 那T-t=12-3=9啊 为什么T-t是=3/12的呀?

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NO.PZ202208260100000703 问题如下 VFO is consiring a solcall strategy to generate income from the sale of a call. In your scenario analysis of the solcall option alternative, VFO haskeyou to value the call option in three months' time if Biomian's spot priis INR 325 per share. Given estimatecall priof INR 46.41 thtime, whiof the following correctly reflects the relationship between the call's exercise value anits time value? A.The call's exercise value is INR 24.16, anits time value is INR 22.25. B.The call's exercise value is INR 27.10, anits time value is INR 19.31. C.The call's exercise value is INR 20.99, anits time value is INR 25.42. SolutionB is correct. The option priis equto the sum of the exercise value anthe time value. A call option's exercise value is equto the greater of zero anthe spot priminus the present value of the exercise price:Max(0, St−X(1+r)−(T−t))Max0,  St−X1+r−T−t= Max(0, INR325 − INR300.84(1.04)-0.25)= INR27.10The time value is equto the call priminus the exercise value, or INR 19.31 (= INR46.41 − INR27.10). A is incorreit takes the spot priminus the exercise prithe exercise value, while C calculates the exercise value the present value of the spot priminus the exercise price. 中文解析本题考察的是期权的exercise value以及time value。需要注意的是本题中虽然为了对冲股价下跌的风险,采取的关于call的策略是short call。但根据的数字可知,本小题中就long call来做分析的。Long call的执行价格,直接根据公式计算即可​M(0, St − X(1 + r)−(T−t) ).然后再根据Option pri= exercise value + timevalue,计算time value即可。 为什么是按照long call option来计算的呢?不是说了是sell call吗?还是说在计算期权value的时候不分Long和short是吗

2023-09-29 22:52 1 · 回答