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toffee · 2023年05月24日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



What is the approximate unhedged excess return to the United States–based credit manager for an international credit portfolio index equally weighted across the four portfolio choices, assuming no change to spread duration and no default losses occur?









A is correct. We solve for the excess spread by subtracting Expected Loss from

the respective OAS:

Recall that the United States–based investor must convert the euro return to US dollars using RDC = (1 + RFC) (1 + RFX) – 1, so the USD IG and USD HY positions comprising half the portfolio return an average 0.80%, while the EUR IG and EUR HY positions return –1.314% in US dollar terms (= ((1 + ((0.65% + 0.75%)/2)) × 0.98) – 1), so –0.257% = ((0.80% – 1.314%)/2).

1 题目没说spread的变化情况 是不是就默认为delta(spread)=0

2 题目不是说没有违约事件发生啊?按说最后一项应该为0才对,为啥再计算EXR的时候 还是把 expected loss 加上了?

3 个答案

pzqa31 · 2023年05月25日


虽然没说spread不变,但是也没说spread改变了多少,那么第二项△spread*ED是等于零的,同时,No default说明第三项EL也等于0,这道题的答案是错的。


pzqa31 · 2023年05月25日


不是问题 是题干。。


toffee · 2023年05月25日


pzqa31 · 2023年05月24日




toffee · 2023年05月25日

What is the approximate unhedged excess return to the United States–based credit manager for an international credit portfolio index equally weighted across the four portfolio choices, assuming no change to spread duration and no default losses occur? 选项: A. –0.257% B. –0.850% C. 0.750%

  • 3

  • 0

  • 531


NO.PZ202112010200003101 问题如下 Whis the approximate unheeexcess return to the Unitetates–basecret manager for internationcret portfolio inx equallyweighteacross the four portfolio choices, assuming no change to spreration anno changes to the expecteloss occur? A.–0.257% B.–0.850% C.0.750% A is correct. We solve for the excess sprebysubtracting ExpecteLoss fromthe respective OAS:Recall ththe UniteStates–baseinvestor mustconvert the euro return to US llars using R =(1 + RF(1 + RFX)– 1, so the USIG anUSHY positions comprising half the portfolio return average0.80%, while the EUR IG anEUR HY positionsreturn –1.314% in US llterms (= ((1 + ((0.65% + 0.75%)/2)) × 0.98) – 1), so –0.257% = ((0.80% – 1.314%)/2). 请问0.98怎么来的?

2024-08-03 14:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200003101 问题如下 Whis the approximate unheeexcess return to the Unitetates–basecret manager for internationcret portfolio inx equallyweighteacross the four portfolio choices, assuming no change to spreration anno changes to the expecteloss occur? A.–0.257% B.–0.850% C.0.750% A is correct. We solve for the excess sprebysubtracting ExpecteLoss fromthe respective OAS:Recall ththe UniteStates–baseinvestor mustconvert the euro return to US llars using R =(1 + RF(1 + RFX)– 1, so the USIG anUSHY positions comprising half the portfolio return average0.80%, while the EUR IG anEUR HY positionsreturn –1.314% in US llterms (= ((1 + ((0.65% + 0.75%)/2)) × 0.98) – 1), so –0.257% = ((0.80% – 1.314%)/2). 在其他的问题回答中老师说“题目说了no fault loss occur”,但是题目说的是对于fault loss的expect没有改变,不考虑fault loss吗?如果考虑的话,是如何计算的呢?

2024-06-04 10:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200003101 问题如下 Whis the approximate unheeexcess return to the Unitetates–basecret manager for internationcret portfolio inx equallyweighteacross the four portfolio choices, assuming no change to spreration anno changes to the expecteloss occur? A.–0.257% B.–0.850% C.0.750% A is correct. We solve for the excess sprebysubtracting ExpecteLoss fromthe respective OAS:Recall ththe UniteStates–baseinvestor mustconvert the euro return to US llars using R =(1 + RF(1 + RFX)– 1, so the USIG anUSHY positions comprising half the portfolio return average0.80%, while the EUR IG anEUR HY positionsreturn –1.314% in US llterms (= ((1 + ((0.65% + 0.75%)/2)) × 0.98) – 1), so –0.257% = ((0.80% – 1.314%)/2). 1-0.02 还是 1除以1.02

2024-01-25 21:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200003101 问题如下 Whis the approximate unheeexcess return to the Unitetates–basecret manager for internationcret portfolio inx equallyweighteacross the four portfolio choices, assuming no change to spreauration anno fault losses occur? A.–0.257% B.–0.850% C.0.750% A is correct. We solve for the excess sprebysubtracting ExpecteLoss fromthe respective OAS:Recall ththe UniteStates–baseinvestor mustconvert the euro return to US llars using R =(1 + RF(1 + RFX)– 1, so the USIG anUSHY positions comprising half the portfolio return average0.80%, while the EUR IG anEUR HY positionsreturn –1.314% in US llterms (= ((1 + ((0.65% + 0.75%)/2)) × 0.98) – 1), so –0.257% = ((0.80% – 1.314%)/2). 公式里最后一项expecteloss,不是预期损失吗,和是否发生违约有关系吗?是否能需要计算最后一项

2023-08-26 14:46 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200003101 问题如下 Whis the approximate unheeexcess return to the Unitetates–basecret manager for internationcret portfolio inx equallyweighteacross the four portfolio choices, assuming no change to spreauration anno fault losses occur? A.–0.257% B.–0.850% C.0.750% A is correct. We solve for the excess sprebysubtracting ExpecteLoss fromthe respective OAS:Recall ththe UniteStates–baseinvestor mustconvert the euro return to US llars using R =(1 + RF(1 + RFX)– 1, so the USIG anUSHY positions comprising half the portfolio return average0.80%, while the EUR IG anEUR HY positionsreturn –1.314% in US llterms (= ((1 + ((0.65% + 0.75%)/2)) × 0.98) – 1), so –0.257% = ((0.80% – 1.314%)/2). 如题

2023-07-31 23:14 1 · 回答