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坏呼呼嘿嘿 · 2023年05月21日

这个题怎么能看出来要算excess return?

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Assuming no change in credit spreads, which data item that the analysts provide Stone would portfolio managers most likely find useful in their analysis?


A.Historical sector default rates B.Rating agency credit outlook C.Expected probability of default



C is correct. In the case of unchanged spreads, credit relative value analysis is essentially about weighing the unknown prospect of default losses or credit rating migration against the known compensation provided by credit spreads. Excess return can be calculated as EXR ≈ (s)(t) – (Δs)(SD) – (t)(p)(L), where EXR = Excess return, s = Spread, t = Holding period, Δs = Change in spread, SD = Spread duration, p = Expected probability of default, and L = Expected loss severity. The data item most useful for relative value analysis is the expected probability of default.

A is incorrect because historical sector default rates would be useful in a top-down—not bottom-up—approach.

B is incorrect because yield and rating agency credit outlook do not provide the necessary input for the excess return formula.


1 个答案

pzqa015 · 2023年05月22日


The analysts have provided him with data for three corporate bonds in the media sector that include the credit rating, spread duration, z-spread, and expected loss severity.


Z spread就是OAS,这三个词就暗示了可能需要用到EXR分解公式。

He asks the analysts to provide data for three additional measures that he feels are required for the portfolio managers to select the most attractive bond using relative value analysis. The measures include expected probability of default, rating agency credit outlook, and historical sector default rates.

rating agency credit outlook是定性考察,没法比较realtive value,historical sector default rates是过去的违约概率,过去的违约概率对预测value的作用显然不如预期的违约概率,所以,综合上面的信息,判断应该选择expected probability of defalut,从而用EXR公式来进行relative value分析。


506623496 · 2024年01月21日

Δs = Change in spread, 这个也没有给吧?