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toffee · 2023年05月20日




Emerging market currency trading is subject to relatively frequent extreme events and market pressures. As a result, the probability distribution of returns for emerging market investments shows a larger tail than the normal distributionwhich usually used to assess the performance of investments in developed markets. In addition, there is a significant negative skew in the probability distribution of returns in emerging markets compared to developed markets (normal distribution).

Analyze the reasons why VAR is used to manage risk in emerging markets,and sharpe ratio is used to measure historical performance is inappropriate.




The probability distribution of returns for emerging market investments shows a larger tail than the normal distribution, and there is a significant negative skew in the probability distribution of returns in emerging markets.

Given these differences, risk management and control tools that rely on normal distribution (such as VAR) can be misleading in extreme market conditions and significantly underestimate the risks to a portfolio.

Similarly, many of the investment performance indicators, such as the Sharpe ratio, used to assess performance are based on normal distribution. So when market conditions are stable, historical performance as measured by these indicators can look very attractive, but this apparent outperformance can disappear into heavy losses faster than most investors react.

Therefore, the "model" of its emerging market portfolio should not be assumed to be normally distributed. Instead, a larger, negatively skewed return probability distribution should be assumed to better reflect exposure to extreme events.



鉴于这些差异,在极端市场条件下,依赖于正态分布的风险管理和控制工具(VAR)可能会产生误导,并大大低估了投资组合所面临的风险。同样,许多用于评估业绩的投资业绩指标也是基于正态分布的。因此,当市场状况稳定时,用夏普比率(Sharpe ratio)等指标评估的历史业绩可能看起来非常有吸引力,但这种明显的出色表现可能会以比大多数投资者反应得更快的速度消失在严重亏损中。


VAR is used to manage risk in emerging markets and sharpe ratio is used to measure historical performance of emerging markets

are inappropriate.

the probability distribution of returns for emerging market investments shows fat tail and negative skew comparing to developed markets with normal distribution.

Var method cannot to manage risk under relatively frequent extreme events and market pressures, which is characteristic of emerging markets. CVar may be most suitable.

sharpe ratio is not suitable due to its assumption that the probability distribution of returns should be normal distribution, which is not characteristic of emerging markets.

1 个答案

pzqa31 · 2023年05月22日




toffee · 2023年05月23日


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NO.PZ2018113001000088 问题如下 Emerging market currentrang is subjeto relatively frequent extreme events anmarketpressures. a result, the probability stribution of returns for emergingmarket investments shows a larger tail ththe normstribution,whiusually useto assess the performanof investments invelopemarkets. In aition, there is a significant negative skew in theprobability stribution of returns in emerging markets compareto velopearkets (normstribution).Analyze the reasons why Vis usetomanage risk in emerging markets,ansharpe ratio is useto measure historicalperformanis inappropriate. Answer:The probability stribution of returns foremerging market investments shows a larger tail ththe normstribution, anhere is a significant negative skew in the probability stribution of returnsin emerging markets. Given these fferences, risk managementancontrol tools threly on normstribution (suVAR) cbemisleang in extreme market contions ansignificantly unrestimate therisks to a portfolio. Similarly, many of the investmentperformanincators, suthe Sharpe ratio, useto assess performanceare baseon normstribution. So when market contions are stable,historicperformanmeasurethese incators clook very attractive,but this apparent outperformancsappeinto heavy losses faster thanmost investors react.Therefore,the \"mol\" of its emerging market portfolio shoulnot assumetonormally stribute Instea a larger, negatively skewereturnprobability stribution shoulassumeto better refleexposure toextreme events.中文解析新兴市场外汇交易受到相对频繁的极端事件和市场压力的影响。因此,新兴市场投资的回报概率分布比通常用于评估发达市场投资表现的正态分布表现出更大的尾部。此外,与发达市场(正态分布)相比,新兴市场的回报概率分布也有明显的负偏态。鉴于这些差异,在极端市场条件下,依赖于正态分布的风险管理和控制工具(如VAR)可能会产生误导,并大大低估了投资组合所面临的风险。同样,许多用于评估业绩的投资业绩指标也是基于正态分布的。因此,当市场状况稳定时,用夏普比率(Sharpe ratio)等指标评估的历史业绩可能看起来非常有吸引力,但这种明显的出色表现可能会以比大多数投资者反应得更快的速度消失在严重亏损中。新兴市场的短期稳定可能会给投资者一种过度自信的错觉,从而鼓励基于正态分布回报错觉的过度配置。因此,不应假定其新兴市场投资组合的“模型”为正态分布,而应该假设一个更大的、负偏态的回报概率分布,更好地反映极端事件的风险暴露。 这个的知识点又是啥

2024-01-16 21:27 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018113001000088 问题如下 Emerging market currentrang is subjeto relatively frequent extreme events anmarketpressures. a result, the probability stribution of returns for emergingmarket investments shows a larger tail ththe normstribution,whiusually useto assess the performanof investments invelopemarkets. In aition, there is a significant negative skew in theprobability stribution of returns in emerging markets compareto velopearkets (normstribution).Analyze the reasons why Vis usetomanage risk in emerging markets,ansharpe ratio is useto measure historicalperformanis inappropriate. Answer:The probability stribution of returns foremerging market investments shows a larger tail ththe normstribution, anhere is a significant negative skew in the probability stribution of returnsin emerging markets. Given these fferences, risk managementancontrol tools threly on normstribution (suVAR) cbemisleang in extreme market contions ansignificantly unrestimate therisks to a portfolio. Similarly, many of the investmentperformanincators, suthe Sharpe ratio, useto assess performanceare baseon normstribution. So when market contions are stable,historicperformanmeasurethese incators clook very attractive,but this apparent outperformancsappeinto heavy losses faster thanmost investors react.Therefore,the \"mol\" of its emerging market portfolio shoulnot assumetonormally stribute Instea a larger, negatively skewereturnprobability stribution shoulassumeto better refleexposure toextreme events.中文解析新兴市场外汇交易受到相对频繁的极端事件和市场压力的影响。因此,新兴市场投资的回报概率分布比通常用于评估发达市场投资表现的正态分布表现出更大的尾部。此外,与发达市场(正态分布)相比,新兴市场的回报概率分布也有明显的负偏态。鉴于这些差异,在极端市场条件下,依赖于正态分布的风险管理和控制工具(如VAR)可能会产生误导,并大大低估了投资组合所面临的风险。同样,许多用于评估业绩的投资业绩指标也是基于正态分布的。因此,当市场状况稳定时,用夏普比率(Sharpe ratio)等指标评估的历史业绩可能看起来非常有吸引力,但这种明显的出色表现可能会以比大多数投资者反应得更快的速度消失在严重亏损中。新兴市场的短期稳定可能会给投资者一种过度自信的错觉,从而鼓励基于正态分布回报错觉的过度配置。因此,不应假定其新兴市场投资组合的“模型”为正态分布,而应该假设一个更大的、负偏态的回报概率分布,更好地反映极端事件的风险暴露。 老师好 这是这章里的知识点吗? 在讲义哪里?谢谢。

2022-04-29 17:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018113001000088 简要地说就是数据不一定都是正态分布的。所以VaR和夏普比率都不一定准确

2022-02-16 07:33 1 · 回答