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TZXคิดถึง · 2023年05月17日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Lee’s junior analyst’s comment about materiality is:





incorrect because the acquisition is considered a small acquisition


incorrect because the acquisition represents more than 10% of Stratton’s enterprise value prior to the transaction


C is correct. Materiality can be defined along two dimensions: size and fit. Although the acquisition does not signal a change in strategy or focus for Stratton, the transaction is considered large and material because it exceeds 10% of Stratton’s enterprise value prior to the transaction. The total consideration is USD40 billion, based on share prices just prior to the announcement; thus, it represents 23.5% of Stratton’s enterprise value just prior to the announcement of USD170 billion.

A is incorrect because materiality can be defined along two dimensions: size and fit. Although the acquisition does not signal a change in strategy or focus for Stratton, the transaction is considered large and material because it exceeds 10% of Stratton’s enterprise value prior to the transaction.

B is incorrect because the transaction is considered large and material because it exceeds 10% of Stratton’s enterprise value prior to the transaction.



1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2023年05月18日



判断是否重大,有两个维度:size 和 fit 

size 维度:如果交易价值超过企业价值 EV 的 10%,就认为是重大交易

fit 维度:如果交易和公司之前的战略方向、分析师的预期不一致,就认为是重大交易

从题干表述来看:交易价值 40,企业价值 EV 170,对应 size 维度

第二段最后一句话:这次收购并不意味着公司的战略或业务重点的改变,对应 fit 维度

结论是:从 fit 维度考虑,不算重大;但是从 size 维度考虑,属于重大交易


请参考基础班讲义墨迹版 P216


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NO.PZ202210140300000202 问题如下 Lee’s junior analyst’s comment about materiality is: A.correct. B.incorrebecause the acquisition is consirea small acquisition C.incorrebecause the acquisition represents more th10% of Stratton’s enterprise value prior to the transaction C is correct. Materiality cfinealong two mensions: size anfit. Although the acquisition es not signa change in strategy or focus for Stratton, the transaction is consirelarge anmateribecause it excee 10% of Stratton’s enterprise value prior to the transaction. The totconsiration is US0 billion, baseon share prices just prior to the announcement; thus, it represents 13.8% of Stratton’s enterprise value just prior to the announcement of US50 billion. A is incorrebecause materiality cfinealong two mensions: size anfit. Although the acquisition es not signa change in strategy or focus for Stratton, the transaction is consirelarge anmateribecause it excee 10% of Stratton’s enterprise value prior to the transaction. B is incorrebecause the transaction is consirelarge anmateribecause it excee 10% of Stratton’s enterprise value prior to the transaction. 老师好,请问解析中C里说的\"The totconsiration is US0 billion, baseon share prices just prior to the announcement; thus, it represents 13.8% of Stratton’s enterprise value just prior to the announcement of US50 billion.\"是不是错了? 题干中第二段内所说的支付对价是40billion,Stratton在发布消息前的企业EV是170billion,这样一算支付对价的占比应该是23.5%。

2023-01-10 18:31 2 · 回答