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米妮涵 · 2023年05月07日




Bevis is a fund manager at a Canadianinvestment firm. He manages a 6-month portfolio with a value of $2,000,000. Heis worried about the foreign exchange exposure of his portfolio of dollarassets. So he plans to fully hedge currency risk with one-month forward contracts andadjust the hedging ratio monthly.

Now, at the end of the first month, heneeds to make a dynamic adjustment. Relevant data are shown in Exhibit 1:

Calculate the net cash flow (in CAD) to maintain the desired hedge.



1. Buy USD2,000,000 at the spotrate:

USD2,000,000 × 1.2598= CAD 2,519,600.

2. Sell USD2,200,000 at the spotrate adjusted for the one-month forward points (all-in forward rate):

All-in forward rate= 1.2597 + (25/10,000) = 1.2622.

USD2,200,000 × 1.2622= CAD 2,776,840.

3. Therefore, the net cash flow isequal to CAD 2,776,840 – CAD 2,519,600, which is equal to CAD257,240.








2 个答案

pzqa31 · 2023年05月08日


乘小除大是为了选择bid ask price,不是计算的时候真的去除,买卖都是针对外币的,标价形式是DC/FC(CAD/USD),已知USD求CAD当然要用乘法啦,这个和乘小除大是两回事。


pzqa31 · 2023年05月07日


这道题是说一个加拿大投资者去美国投资,本币是加币,外币是美元,他要fully hedge外币风险,所以签了一份6个月的forward合约,1个月过去了,外币资产规模增长了,此时无法fully hedge了,所以要动态调整。

首先,要先把原来的forward合约平仓平掉,原合约是卖美元,相反的,现在需要买美元。思考汇率选择有两种方式,同学可以选择你容易理解的记忆即可:第一种是因为报价是dealer方的报价,此时我们要买美元,也就是dealer要卖美元,选ask price1.2598(看一下标价正好是CAD/USD),现金流是支付加币USD2,000,000 × 1.2598= CAD 2,519,600,注意因为是在此时此刻平仓,选spot rate。另一个思考方法是乘小除大,因为此时要保留美元消掉加币,所以要用除法,在报价里选个大的1.2598。这里特别注意,乘小除大是为了判断bid-ask报价选择的,不是真实计算的时候去做除法。如果实在理解不了这种方法,选择第一种理解方法就好。

第二步,平仓以后再签一个新合约,合约规模是2.2millilon(USD),这时候就要卖美元啦,汇率选择参考第一步讲解,因为这时候是要签远期合约,远期汇率是 1.2597 + (25/10,000) = 1.2622。现金流是收到加币USD2,200,000 × 1.2622= CAD 2,776,840

最终net cash flow = CAD 2,776,840 – CAD 2,519,600


米妮涵 · 2023年05月08日


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NO.PZ2018113001000091 问题如下 Bevis is a funmanager a Canaaninvestment firm. He manages a 6-month portfolio with a value of $2,000,000. Heis worrieabout the foreign exchange exposure of his portfolio of llarassets. So he plans to fully hee currenrisk with one-month forwarcontracts anust the heing ratio monthly. Now, the enof the first month, henee to make a namic austment. Relevant ta are shown in Exhibit 1:Calculate the net cash flow (in CA to maintain the sirehee. Answer:1. Buy US,000,000 the spotrate:US,000,000 × 1.2598= C2,519,600.2. Sell US,200,000 the spotrate austefor the one-month forwarpoints (all-in forwarrate):All-in forwarrate= 1.2597 + (25/10,000) = 1.2622.US,200,000 × 1.2622= C2,776,840.3. Therefore, the net cash flow isequto C2,776,840 – C2,519,600, whiis equto CA57,240.中文解析Bevis是一个投资公司的基金经理,本币是CA管理着外币为美元的资产。他用forwar约来管理外汇风险,并且每个月动态调整一次。现在一个月过去了,美元的资产规模根据表格可知有2million增长到了2.2million。此时他需要作动态调整了第一步把原来的forwar约平仓平掉,需要在现货市场上买美元,使用的汇率是当前的汇率为1.2598(注意表格中给到的biask价格是aler的报价,我们作为交易的对手方,买美元对应的使用的是aler的ask价格,即1.2598),花掉加拿大元2,519,600.第二步重新建立一个新的一个月的forwar约,此时的合约规模是2.2million,按照将来的汇率1.26229,因此在合约到期的时候我们会通过卖掉2.2million的美元,收到加拿大元2,776,840。第三步收到的加拿大元减去付出的加拿大元就是所求了。 老师,这道题可以用0.2million*1.2622=2524400这个方法吗

2024-07-19 22:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018113001000091 问题如下 Bevis is a funmanager a Canaaninvestment firm. He manages a 6-month portfolio with a value of $2,000,000. Heis worrieabout the foreign exchange exposure of his portfolio of llarassets. So he plans to fully hee currenrisk with one-month forwarcontracts anust the heing ratio monthly. Now, the enof the first month, henee to make a namic austment. Relevant ta are shown in Exhibit 1:Calculate the net cash flow (in CA to maintain the sirehee. Answer:1. Buy US,000,000 the spotrate:US,000,000 × 1.2598= C2,519,600.2. Sell US,200,000 the spotrate austefor the one-month forwarpoints (all-in forwarrate):All-in forwarrate= 1.2597 + (25/10,000) = 1.2622.US,200,000 × 1.2622= C2,776,840.3. Therefore, the net cash flow isequto C2,776,840 – C2,519,600, whiis equto CA57,240.中文解析Bevis是一个投资公司的基金经理,本币是CA管理着外币为美元的资产。他用forwar约来管理外汇风险,并且每个月动态调整一次。现在一个月过去了,美元的资产规模根据表格可知有2million增长到了2.2million。此时他需要作动态调整了第一步把原来的forwar约平仓平掉,需要在现货市场上买美元,使用的汇率是当前的汇率为1.2598(注意表格中给到的biask价格是aler的报价,我们作为交易的对手方,买美元对应的使用的是aler的ask价格,即1.2598),花掉加拿大元2,519,600.第二步重新建立一个新的一个月的forwar约,此时的合约规模是2.2million,按照将来的汇率1.26229,因此在合约到期的时候我们会通过卖掉2.2million的美元,收到加拿大元2,776,840。第三步收到的加拿大元减去付出的加拿大元就是所求了。 如题

2024-06-14 09:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018113001000091 问题如下 Bevis is a funmanager a Canaaninvestment firm. He manages a 6-month portfolio with a value of $2,000,000. Heis worrieabout the foreign exchange exposure of his portfolio of llarassets. So he plans to fully hee currenrisk with one-month forwarcontracts anust the heing ratio monthly. Now, the enof the first month, henee to make a namic austment. Relevant ta are shown in Exhibit 1:Calculate the net cash flow (in CA to maintain the sirehee. Answer:1. Buy US,000,000 the spotrate:US,000,000 × 1.2598= C2,519,600.2. Sell US,200,000 the spotrate austefor the one-month forwarpoints (all-in forwarrate):All-in forwarrate= 1.2597 + (25/10,000) = 1.2622.US,200,000 × 1.2622= C2,776,840.3. Therefore, the net cash flow isequto C2,776,840 – C2,519,600, whiis equto CA57,240.中文解析Bevis是一个投资公司的基金经理,本币是CA管理着外币为美元的资产。他用forwar约来管理外汇风险,并且每个月动态调整一次。现在一个月过去了,美元的资产规模根据表格可知有2million增长到了2.2million。此时他需要作动态调整了第一步把原来的forwar约平仓平掉,需要在现货市场上买美元,使用的汇率是当前的汇率为1.2598(注意表格中给到的biask价格是aler的报价,我们作为交易的对手方,买美元对应的使用的是aler的ask价格,即1.2598),花掉加拿大元2,519,600.第二步重新建立一个新的一个月的forwar约,此时的合约规模是2.2million,按照将来的汇率1.26229,因此在合约到期的时候我们会通过卖掉2.2million的美元,收到加拿大元2,776,840。第三步收到的加拿大元减去付出的加拿大元就是所求了。 2个问题: 如果使用另一种namic hee的方法, short 0.2mn forwaron US计算公式是什么? 算出来的结果和本题答案不一样. 0.2 mn (1.2597+25/10000)=0.2524mn. \"乘小除大“的口诀在这里怎么不适用了? buy US 应该乘,就用小的1.2597. 理解答案的用1.2598的. 只是不懂为什么乘小除大不适用了.

2024-03-06 00:21 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018113001000091 问题如下 Bevis is a funmanager a Canaaninvestment firm. He manages a 6-month portfolio with a value of $2,000,000. Heis worrieabout the foreign exchange exposure of his portfolio of llarassets. So he plans to fully hee currenrisk with one-month forwarcontracts anust the heing ratio monthly. Now, the enof the first month, henee to make a namic austment. Relevant ta are shown in Exhibit 1:Calculate the net cash flow (in CA to maintain the sirehee. Answer:1. Buy US,000,000 the spotrate:US,000,000 × 1.2598= C2,519,600.2. Sell US,200,000 the spotrate austefor the one-month forwarpoints (all-in forwarrate):All-in forwarrate= 1.2597 + (25/10,000) = 1.2622.US,200,000 × 1.2622= C2,776,840.3. Therefore, the net cash flow isequto C2,776,840 – C2,519,600, whiis equto CA57,240.中文解析Bevis是一个投资公司的基金经理,本币是CA管理着外币为美元的资产。他用forwar约来管理外汇风险,并且每个月动态调整一次。现在一个月过去了,美元的资产规模根据表格可知有2million增长到了2.2million。此时他需要作动态调整了第一步把原来的forwar约平仓平掉,需要在现货市场上买美元,使用的汇率是当前的汇率为1.2598(注意表格中给到的biask价格是aler的报价,我们作为交易的对手方,买美元对应的使用的是aler的ask价格,即1.2598),花掉加拿大元2,519,600.第二步重新建立一个新的一个月的forwar约,此时的合约规模是2.2million,按照将来的汇率1.26229,因此在合约到期的时候我们会通过卖掉2.2million的美元,收到加拿大元2,776,840。第三步收到的加拿大元减去付出的加拿大元就是所求了。 No.PZ2018113001000091 (问答题)来源: 品职出题Bevis is a funmanager a Canainvestment firm. He manages a 6-month portfolio with a value of $2,000,000. He is worrieabout the foreign exchange exposure of his portfolio of llassets. So he plans to fully hee currenrisk with one-month forwarcontracts anaust the heing ratio monthly.Now, the enof the first month, he nee to make a namic austment. Relevant ta are shown in Exhibit 1:Calculate the net cash flow (in CA to maintain the sirehee.这里问的net cashflow应该是指the enof the first month, 因此也就只有第一份forwarcontra的gain/loss. 2.2m那个合同应该还没发生cashflow的settlement才对?答案应该是2*(1.2662-1.2598)=0.0128m CAD

2024-01-08 16:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018113001000091问题如下 Bevis is a funmanager a Canaaninvestment firm. He manages a 6-month portfolio with a value of $2,000,000. Heis worrieabout the foreign exchange exposure of his portfolio of llarassets. So he plans to fully hee currenrisk with one-month forwarcontracts anust the heing ratio monthly. Now, the enof the first month, henee to make a namic austment. Relevant ta are shown in Exhibit 1:Calculate the net cash flow (in CA to maintain the sirehee. Answer:1. Buy US,000,000 the spotrate:US,000,000 × 1.2598= C2,519,600.2. Sell US,200,000 the spotrate austefor the one-month forwarpoints (all-in forwarrate):All-in forwarrate= 1.2597 + (25/10,000) = 1.2622.US,200,000 × 1.2622= C2,776,840.3. Therefore, the net cash flow isequto C2,776,840 – C2,519,600, whiis equto CA57,240.中文解析Bevis是一个投资公司的基金经理,本币是CA管理着外币为美元的资产。他用forwar约来管理外汇风险,并且每个月动态调整一次。现在一个月过去了,美元的资产规模根据表格可知有2million增长到了2.2million。此时他需要作动态调整了第一步把原来的forwar约平仓平掉,需要在现货市场上买美元,使用的汇率是当前的汇率为1.2598(注意表格中给到的biask价格是aler的报价,我们作为交易的对手方,买美元对应的使用的是aler的ask价格,即1.2598),花掉加拿大元2,519,600.第二步重新建立一个新的一个月的forwar约,此时的合约规模是2.2million,按照将来的汇率1.26229,因此在合约到期的时候我们会通过卖掉2.2million的美元,收到加拿大元2,776,840。第三步收到的加拿大元减去付出的加拿大元就是所求了。 不应该是(1.2702-1.2598)*2M吗?

2023-12-14 11:56 2 · 回答