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TZXคิดถึง · 2023年04月29日


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(2) CCCL sustained substantial losses in its start-up period (1998 to 2002), from whick it is still benefiting for tax purposes, but has been profitable since 2002, reporting a record profit after tax in 2011. However, Treadway is wondering if CCCL's revenues in general are supported by cash flows and if the company might be trying to increase the appearance of profitability in order to increase the share price, which remains low.

The change in which of the following is most likely an indication that CCCL might be recognizing revenue early?



Unearned revenue


Deferred tax assets


Days sales in receivables


A is correct. The decrease in unearned revenue could indicate early revenue recognition as amounts previously deferred are brought into income and not replaced with new deferred revenues on the balance sheet.

An increase in days of sales outstanding could indicate early revenue recognition, but for CCCL, the ratio did not change significantly (from 18.1 days in 2010 to 18.3 days in 2011 using year-end receivables).

Deferred-tax assets can arise from differences in revenue recognition for taxes and financial statement purposes (they would rise with increases in unearned revenue), but there is no indication here that revenue is the reason for the increase in deferred-tax assets (in fact, unearned revenue decreased). The deferred-tax assets most likely arise from the loss carry forwards generated from earlier losses.

days of sales outstanding是越小越好还是越大越好?

DSO=365/receivable turnover,是不是意味着turnover周转率越高越好,所以DSO越小越好?


2 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年04月29日

同学你好,days of sales outstanding越小越好,是的,receivable turnover 越高越好,所以days of sales outstanding越小越好

本题没有说DSO增加是好事,请仔细再看下解析的内容“An increase in days of sales outstanding could indicate early revenue recognition, but for CCCL, the ratio did not change significantly (from 18.1 days in 2010 to 18.3 days in 2011 using year-end receivables).”——正常来说,如果DSO显著增加,那确实说明公司可能提早确认收入了,但是本题是因为CCCL公司没有这个问题,所以C不可以选。

考试一次通过 · 2024年08月21日


王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年08月21日

同学你好,DSO= 365*AR/sales 代表的是应收账款回款的时间

如果DSO显著增加,那最可能的就是公司本期新增了很多的应收账款。此时最可能的就是公司还没有卖出去东西就先确认一个收入同时确认应收账款——一个小于1的分数)(AR/sales ),如果分子分母同时增加相同的金额,最后的结果是变大的,同学可以自己拿几个分数试一下就知道了

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NO.PZ202304050100012102 问题如下 (2) CCsustainesubstantilosses in its start-up perio(1998 to 2002), from whiit is still benefiting for tpurposes, but hbeen profitable sin2002, reporting a recorprofit after tin 2011. However, Treais wonring if CCCL's revenues in generare supportecash flows anif the company might trying to increase the appearanof profitability in orr to increase the share price, whiremains low.The change in whiof the following is most likely incation thCCmight recognizing revenue early? A.Unearnerevenue B.ferretassets C.ys sales in receivables A is correct. The crease in unearnerevenue coulincate early revenue recognition amounts previously ferreare brought into income annot replacewith new ferrerevenues on the balansheet.increase in ys of sales outstanng coulincate early revenue recognition, but for CCCL, the ratio not change significantly (from 18.1 ys in 2010 to 18.3 ys in 2011 using year-enreceivables).ferretassets carise from fferences in revenue recognition for taxes anfinancistatement purposes (they woulrise with increases in unearnerevenue), but there is no incation here threvenue is the reason for the increase in ferretassets (in fact, unearnerevenue crease. The ferretassets most likely arise from the loss carry forwar generatefrom earlier losses. 看了视频还是有些不理解,为什么unearnerevenue确认为revenue会是不好的事情?正常来说,提前收了unearnerevenue以后,企业按照合同约定发货,从而实现了销售收入,这不是很正常的事情吗?为什么会是不好的事情?

2023-09-09 22:48 1 · 回答