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🌊Yuri🌊 · 2023年04月26日



A "buy-and-hold" investor purchases a fixed-rate bond at a discount and holds the security until it matures. Which of the following sources of return is least likely to contribute to the investor’s total return over the investment horizon, assuming all payments are made as scheduled?



Capital gain


Principal payment


Reinvestment of coupon payments


A is correct.

A capital gain is least likely to contribute to the investor’s total return. There is no capital gain (or loss) because the bond is held to maturity. The carrying value of the bond at maturity is par value, the same as the redemption amount. When a fixed-rate bond is held to its maturity, the investor receives the principal payment at maturity. This principal payment is a source of return for the investor. A fixed-rate bond pays periodic coupon payments, and the reinvestment of these coupon payments is a source of return for the investor. The investor’s total return is the redemption of principal at maturity and the sum of the reinvested coupons.

考点:Source of return

解析:题干的意思是,一个购买债券并持有至到期的投资者,假设所有的payment都是按时支付的,那么在投资期限中,最不可能包含在total return中的是以下哪一个部分?

total return一共包含三个部分:期间卖掉债券获得的capital gain,coupon以及coupon的再投资收入。由于投资者是持有至到期的,所以不存在当中把债券卖掉而获得的资本利得部分,故选项A正确。

我想问一下为什么零息债券没有captial gain 和loss。

当初买的价格跟我最后到期拿到的价格肯定是不一样的吧 那没有gain的话为啥我还要买这种债券呢?搞晕了

1 个答案

pzqa015 · 2023年04月26日


如果折价买入债券,持有至到期,那么两个价格的确是不一样的,买入的价格低于到期拿到的本金,但需要注意,这并不是capital gain,而是随着时间的流逝,会计成本变化带来的。capital gain是高价卖出债券才有的,如果持有至到期,没有债券卖出行为,是没有capital gain的。
