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FrankSun · 2023年04月24日


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Which of Larent’s statements about structured financial instruments is most likely correct? The statement about:


A.relative value. B.diversification. C.the value of the senior tranches.



A is correct. Laurent’s statement about relative value is correct. CDOs are securities whose underlying cash flows are the interest and principal of the underlying debt instruments that are pledged as collateral. Whenever the value of a CDO is different from the value of its underlying collateral (in this example, the CDO value is lower as implied by the BB rating of its underlying debt instruments), an arbitrage opportunity exists. In this example, the trade opportunity is to (1) short (alternatively, purchase credit default swaps on) the underlying bonds and (2) purchase the undervalued CDO.

B is incorrect because the collateral for a CDO consists of its underlying corporate bonds. Accordingly, there is no diversification benefit.

C is incorrect because the mezzanine tranche of a CDO increases by more than the senior tranche whenever correlations increase.


4 个答案

pzqa015 · 2023年04月24日


Moreover, the value of the senior tranches should increase by more than the value of the mezzanine tranches since default correlations are expected to increase.”


对于分层债券,通常买入的价格senior>mezzanine>subordinate,对应的收益率是senior<mezzanine<subordinate,正常情况下,违约风险也是senior<mezzanine<subordinate,如果信用状况改善,意味着subordinate的违约风险也下降了,有可能是三个层级都不会发生违约(此时default correlation变大,default correlation变大意思是三个层级同时违约或三个层级同时不违约,信用状况改善和信用状况恶化时,都会发生default correlation变大),那么由于subordinate和mazzanine买入的价格便宜,所以,subordinate和mazzanine更划算,所以,这句话说senior的value increase more是错误的。


pzqa015 · 2023年04月24日


AA rated CDOs currently offer significant relative value for long-term investors as the yield spread reflects a BB default rate expectation for the underlying collateral.


AA级别的债券的yield spread反映的是BB级别债券的default rate,意味着AA级别的债券Yield spread大,yield spread被高估,所以AA债券的价格被低估,故它的relative value更好。



pzqa015 · 2023年04月24日


AA rated CDOs currently offer significant relative value for long-term investors as the yield spread reflects a BB default rate expectation for the underlying collateral.


AA级别的债券的yield spread反映的是BB级别债券的default rate,意味着AA级别的债券Yield spread大,yield spread被高估,所以AA债券的价格被低估,故它的relative value更好。



pzqa015 · 2023年04月24日


For purposes of diversification, both collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and their underlying corporate bonds should be included in the portfolio.





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NO.PZ202209060200004206 问题如下 Whiof Larent’s statements about structurefinanciinstruments is most likely correct? The statement about: A.relative value. B.versification. C.the value of the senior tranches. SolutionA is correct. Laurent’s statement about relative value is correct. Cs are securities whose unrlying cash flows are the interest anprincipof the unrlying instruments thare pleecollateral. Whenever the value of a C is fferent from the value of its unrlying collater(in this example, the C value is lower impliethe rating of its unrlying instruments), arbitrage opportunity exists. In this example, the tra opportunity is to (1) short (alternatively, purchase cret fault swaps on) the unrlying bon an(2) purchase the unrvalueC. B is incorrebecause the collaterfor a C consists of its unrlying corporate bon. Accorngly, there is no versification benefit.C is incorrebecause the mezzanine tranche of a C increases more ththe senior tranche whenever correlations increase. 老师好,关于这道题的A和B我的理解是这样的,您看对不对“The cret cycle is expecteto improve. For purposes of versification, both collateralizeobligations (Cs) antheir unrlying corporate bon shoulincluin the portfolio. rateCs currently offer significant relative value for long-term investors the yielsprereflects a fault rate expectation for the unrlying collateral.”大背景环境会变好为了做分散化,要同时买C和C底层的corporate bon—这个应该不太对,要么只买C要么只买底层,同时买肯定不是分散化。现在AA的C提供的相对价值比BB的预期违约率要高“rateCs currently offer significant relative value for long-term investors the yielsprereflects a fault rate expectation for the unrlying collateral.”——这句话是什么意思我没太明白,意思是说AA的C现在比BB的C值钱么?

2024-05-24 17:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004206问题如下 Whiof Larent’s statements about structurefinanciinstruments is most likely correct? The statement about:A.relative value.B.versification.C.the value of the senior tranches.SolutionA is correct. Laurent’s statement about relative value is correct. Cs are securities whose unrlying cash flows are the interest anprincipof the unrlying instruments thare pleecollateral. Whenever the value of a C is fferent from the value of its unrlying collater(in this example, the C value is lower impliethe rating of its unrlying instruments), arbitrage opportunity exists. In this example, the tra opportunity is to (1) short (alternatively, purchase cret fault swaps on) the unrlying bon an(2) purchase the unrvalueC. B is incorrebecause the collaterfor a C consists of its unrlying corporate bon. Accorngly, there is no versification benefit.C is incorrebecause the mezzanine tranche of a C increases more ththe senior tranche whenever correlations increase.​relative value啥意思呀?是哪块的知识点呀?谢谢!

2023-08-06 22:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004206 问题如下 Whiof Larent’s statements about structurefinanciinstruments is most likely correct? The statement about: A.relative value. B.versification. C.the value of the senior tranches. SolutionA is correct. Laurent’s statement about relative value is correct. Cs are securities whose unrlying cash flows are the interest anprincipof the unrlying instruments thare pleecollateral. Whenever the value of a C is fferent from the value of its unrlying collater(in this example, the C value is lower impliethe rating of its unrlying instruments), arbitrage opportunity exists. In this example, the tra opportunity is to (1) short (alternatively, purchase cret fault swaps on) the unrlying bon an(2) purchase the unrvalueC. B is incorrebecause the collaterfor a C consists of its unrlying corporate bon. Accorngly, there is no versification benefit.C is incorrebecause the mezzanine tranche of a C increases more ththe senior tranche whenever correlations increase. rateCs currently offer significant relative value for long-term investors the yielsprereflects a fault rate expectation for the unrlying collateral.这句话怎么理解?谢谢

2023-07-11 10:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004206 问题如下 Whiof Larent’s statements about structurefinanciinstruments is most likely correct? The statement about: A.relative value. B.versification. C.the value of the senior tranches. SolutionA is correct. Laurent’s statement about relative value is correct. Cs are securities whose unrlying cash flows are the interest anprincipof the unrlying instruments thare pleecollateral. Whenever the value of a C is fferent from the value of its unrlying collater(in this example, the C value is lower impliethe rating of its unrlying instruments), arbitrage opportunity exists. In this example, the tra opportunity is to (1) short (alternatively, purchase cret fault swaps on) the unrlying bon an(2) purchase the unrvalueC. B is incorrebecause the collaterfor a C consists of its unrlying corporate bon. Accorngly, there is no versification benefit.C is incorrebecause the mezzanine tranche of a C increases more ththe senior tranche whenever correlations increase. 如题

2023-05-21 11:56 1 · 回答