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Zunniyaki · 2023年04月21日

请问这个probability ratio对应书上的哪个知识点?

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Which of the portfolios provided in Exhibit 1 has the highest probability of enabling Shipman to meet his goal for the vacation home?


A.Portfolio 1 B.Portfolio 2 C.Portfolio 3



B is correct. Portfolio 2 has the highest probability of enabling Shipman to meet his goal for the vacation home. All three of the portfolios’ expected returns over the next year exceed the 6.0% (see calculations below) required return threshold to avoid reducing the portfolio. However, on a risk-adjusted basis, Portfolio 2 (probability ratio of 0.231) has a higher probability of meeting and surpassing the threshold than either Portfolio 1 (probability ratio of 0.175) or Portfolio 3 (probability ratio of 0.225).

RP = The return for the portfolio

RL = The required return threshold

σP = The standard deviation of the portfolio

Portfolio 1: (10.50% – 6.0%) ÷ 20.0% = 4.50% ÷ 20.0% = 0.225.

Portfolio 2: (9.00% – 6.0%) ÷ 13.0% = 3.00% ÷ 13.0% = 0.231. (Highest)

Portfolio 3: (7.75% – 6.0%) ÷ 10.0% = 1.75% ÷ 10.0% = 0.175.

A is incorrect. Portfolio 1 was chosen because it has the highest projected return.

C is incorrect. Portfolio 3 was chosen because it has the lowest projected standard deviation.


1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2023年04月24日


本题考查资产配置的选择。 题目来源于官网的practice exam,这类题考的是教材中没有专门去讲的知识点,我们如果在考场中遇到了,要自己读题,慢慢分析来做。现在在练习中遇到了,就遇到一题会做一题即可。

Young 的目标:在没有承担更多风险的前提下,每年税后收益至少达到 6%(capital gains tax rate 25%)。

资产规模:$5.5 million; 

限制:a $500,000 minimum investment requirement for alternative assets。 

根据投资限制,如果配置 alternative assets(比如 Private Equity),至少投资$500,000,所以占到总资产的比重至少为$500,000/$5.5 million=9.09%。

三个组合中 Portfolio 1 对 Private Equity 的投资比重为 10%,满足要求;

Portfolio 2 对 Private Equity 的投资比重为 5%,不满足要求;

Portfolio 3 对 Private Equity 的投资比重为 0,不受该项限制影响。 

根据表 1 中各资产在 Portfolio 所占的权重,以及表 2 中各资产税前收益,分别计算各 Portfolio 的税收收益。

需要注意,Municipal Bonds 获得的 interest income 无需纳税,而 Small-Cap Equities、Large-Cap Equities 以及 Private Equity 获得的 capital gain 需要纳税(税率 25%)。 


Portfolio 1: E(Rpt)=9.15%, σpt=28.2% 

Portfolio 2: E(Rpt)=6.64%, σpt=16.3% 

Portfolio 3: E(Rpt)=6.68%, σpt=15.5% 

三个组合都满足税后收益至少6%的要求。Portfolio 1虽然E(Rpt)最大,但σpt也远超其他组合, 

因此 Portfolio 1 不满足要求。Portfolio 2 与 Portfolio 3 比较接近,但 Portfolio 3 比 Portfolio 2 σpt小,E(Rpt)更大,所以 Portfolio 3 承担每单位风险获得的收益更大,Portfolio 2 不满足要求。 

应当选择 Portfolio 3。


  • 1

  • 0

  • 685


NO.PZ202206210100000201 问题如下 Whiof the portfolios proviin Exhibit 1 hthe highest probability of enabling Shipmto meet his gofor the vacation home? A.Portfolio 1 B.Portfolio 2 C.Portfolio 3 SolutionB is correct. Portfolio 2 hthe highest probability of enabling Shipmto meet his gofor the vacation home. All three of the portfolios’ expectereturns over the next yeexceethe 6.0% (see calculations below) requirereturn thresholto avoirecing the portfolio. However, on a risk-austebasis, Portfolio 2 (probability ratio of 0.231) ha higher probability of meeting ansurpassing the thresholtheither Portfolio 1 (probability ratio of 0.175) or Portfolio 3 (probability ratio of 0.225). RP = The return for the portfolio RL = The requirereturn thresholP = The stanrviation of the portfolioPortfolio 1: (10.50% – 6.0%) ÷ 20.0% = 4.50% ÷ 20.0% = 0.225.Portfolio 2: (9.00% – 6.0%) ÷ 13.0% = 3.00% ÷ 13.0% = 0.231. (Highest)Portfolio 3: (7.75% – 6.0%) ÷ 10.0% = 1.75% ÷ 10.0% = 0.175. A is incorrect. Portfolio 1 wchosen because it hthe highest projectereturn.C is incorrect. Portfolio 3 wchosen because it hthe lowest projectestanrviation. 如题

2023-08-07 20:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206210100000201问题如下Whiof the portfolios proviin Exhibit 1 hthe highest probability of enabling Shipmto meet his gofor the vacation home?A.Portfolio 1B.Portfolio 2C.Portfolio 3 SolutionB is correct. Portfolio 2 hthe highest probability of enabling Shipmto meet his gofor the vacation home. All three of the portfolios’ expectereturns over the next yeexceethe 6.0% (see calculations below) requirereturn thresholto avoirecing the portfolio. However, on a risk-austebasis, Portfolio 2 (probability ratio of 0.231) ha higher probability of meeting ansurpassing the thresholtheither Portfolio 1 (probability ratio of 0.175) or Portfolio 3 (probability ratio of 0.225). RP = The return for the portfolio RL = The requirereturn thresholP = The stanrviation of the portfolioPortfolio 1: (10.50% – 6.0%) ÷ 20.0% = 4.50% ÷ 20.0% = 0.225.Portfolio 2: (9.00% – 6.0%) ÷ 13.0% = 3.00% ÷ 13.0% = 0.231. (Highest)Portfolio 3: (7.75% – 6.0%) ÷ 10.0% = 1.75% ÷ 10.0% = 0.175. A is incorrect. Portfolio 1 wchosen because it hthe highest projectereturn.C is incorrect. Portfolio 3 wchosen because it hthe lowest projectestanrviation. 题中也没有说是否用Sharpe ratio 那我更应该用哪个比率呢

2023-07-03 16:37 2 · 回答