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蜗牛小颖 · 2018年05月09日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016031001000080 [ CFA I ]








1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2018年05月10日

本题让计算 yield-to-worst的收益,所以我们计算出来每种情况下的收益对比一下就好了。

对于 yield-to-maturity:

N=10;PV=-101;PMT=3;FV=100 → CPT:i/y =2.8835

但是要注意这是半年付息一次,所以年化后的 i/y是:5.767%


对于 yield-to-frist call:

N=6;PV=-101;PMT=3;FV=102 → CPT:i/y =3.1229

所以年化后的 i/y是:6.246%


对于 yield-to-second call:

N=8;PV=-101;PMT=3;FV=101 → CPT:i/y =2.97

所以年化后的 i/y是:5.94%


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NO.PZ2016031001000080 问题如下 A bonwith 5 years remaining until maturity is currently trang for 101 per 100 of pvalue. The bonoffers a 6% coupon rate with interest paisemiannually. The bonis first callable in 3 years, anis callable after thte on coupon tes accorng to the following schele: The bons yielto-worst is closest to: A.2.88%. B.5.77%. C.6.25%. B is correct.The yielto-worst is 5.77%. The bons yielto-worst is the lowest of the sequenof yiel-to-call anthe yielto-maturity. From above, we have the following yielmeasures for this bonYielto-first-call: 6.25%Yielto-seconcall: 5.94%Yielto-maturity: 5.77%Thus, the yielto-worst is 5.77%.考点YTW解析本题让计算 yielto-worst,所以需要计算出每种情况下的收益再进行对比。1、对于 yielto-maturity:N=10;PV= -101;PMT=3;FV=100 → CPTI/Y =2.8835,但是要注意这是半年付息一次,所以年化后的 I/Y是5.767%2、对于 yielto-frist call:N=6;PV= -101;PMT=3;FV=102 → CPTI/Y =3.1229,所以年化后的 I/Y是6.246%3、对于 yielto-seconcall:N=8;PV= -101;PMT=3;FV=101 → CPTI/Y =2.97,所以年化后的 I/Y是5.94%所以对比最差的是yielto-maturity,即5.77%,故B正确。 call price对应的是FV,101是价格,对应的是PV。为啥不是call price对应的是PV,到期时的100是FV这样算呢?N也有所不同

2024-07-04 12:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000080 问题如下 A bonwith 5 years remaining until maturity is currently trang for 101 per 100 of pvalue. The bonoffers a 6% coupon rate with interest paisemiannually. The bonis first callable in 3 years, anis callable after thte on coupon tes accorng to the following schele: The bons yielto-worst is closest to: A.2.88%. B.5.77%. C.6.25%. B is correct.The yielto-worst is 5.77%. The bons yielto-worst is the lowest of the sequenof yiel-to-call anthe yielto-maturity. From above, we have the following yielmeasures for this bonYielto-first-call: 6.25%Yielto-seconcall: 5.94%Yielto-maturity: 5.77%Thus, the yielto-worst is 5.77%.考点YTW解析本题让计算 yielto-worst,所以需要计算出每种情况下的收益再进行对比。1、对于 yielto-maturity:N=10;PV= -101;PMT=3;FV=100 → CPTI/Y =2.8835,但是要注意这是半年付息一次,所以年化后的 I/Y是5.767%2、对于 yielto-frist call:N=6;PV= -101;PMT=3;FV=102 → CPTI/Y =3.1229,所以年化后的 I/Y是6.246%3、对于 yielto-seconcall:N=8;PV= -101;PMT=3;FV=101 → CPTI/Y =2.97,所以年化后的 I/Y是5.94%所以对比最差的是yielto-maturity,即5.77%,故B正确。 是不是callable bon的YTW一般都是YTM?

2024-05-26 16:54 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000080问题如下 A bonwith 5 years remaining until maturity is currently trang for 101 per 100 of pvalue. The bonoffers a 6% coupon rate with interest paisemiannually. The bonis first callable in 3 years, anis callable after thte on coupon tes accorng to the following schele: The bons yielto-worst is closest to:A.2.88%.B.5.77%.C.6.25%. B is correct.The yielto-worst is 5.77%. The bons yielto-worst is the lowest of the sequenof yiel-to-call anthe yielto-maturity. From above, we have the following yielmeasures for this bonYielto-first-call: 6.25%Yielto-seconcall: 5.94%Yielto-maturity: 5.77%Thus, the yielto-worst is 5.77%.考点YTW解析本题让计算 yielto-worst,所以需要计算出每种情况下的收益再进行对比。1、对于 yielto-maturity:N=10;PV= -101;PMT=3;FV=100 → CPTI/Y =2.8835,但是要注意这是半年付息一次,所以年化后的 I/Y是5.767%2、对于 yielto-frist call:N=6;PV= -101;PMT=3;FV=102 → CPTI/Y =3.1229,所以年化后的 I/Y是6.246%3、对于 yielto-seconcall:N=8;PV= -101;PMT=3;FV=101 → CPTI/Y =2.97,所以年化后的 I/Y是5.94%所以对比最差的是yielto-maturity,即5.77%,故B正确。 请问老师 为什么yeof 5 不用计算呢

2023-08-26 08:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000080 问题如下 A bonwith 5 years remaining until maturity is currently trang for 101 per 100 of pvalue. The bonoffers a 6% coupon rate with interest paisemiannually. The bonis first callable in 3 years, anis callable after thte on coupon tes accorng to the following schele: The bons yielto-worst is closest to: A.2.88%. B.5.77%. C.6.25%. B is correct.The yielto-worst is 5.77%. The bons yielto-worst is the lowest of the sequenof yiel-to-call anthe yielto-maturity. From above, we have the following yielmeasures for this bonYielto-first-call: 6.25%Yielto-seconcall: 5.94%Yielto-maturity: 5.77%Thus, the yielto-worst is 5.77%.考点YTW解析本题让计算 yielto-worst,所以需要计算出每种情况下的收益再进行对比。1、对于 yielto-maturity:N=10;PV= -101;PMT=3;FV=100 → CPTI/Y =2.8835,但是要注意这是半年付息一次,所以年化后的 I/Y是5.767%2、对于 yielto-frist call:N=6;PV= -101;PMT=3;FV=102 → CPTI/Y =3.1229,所以年化后的 I/Y是6.246%3、对于 yielto-seconcall:N=8;PV= -101;PMT=3;FV=101 → CPTI/Y =2.97,所以年化后的 I/Y是5.94%所以对比最差的是yielto-maturity,即5.77%,故B正确。 first call 是在 yeenof 3,那这个时候计算YTM , N 不是应该4吗,为什么是6?

2022-10-02 21:43 1 · 回答

5.77%. 6.25%. B is correct. The yielto-worst is 5.77%. The bons yielto-worst is the lowest of the sequenof yiel-to-call anthe yielto-maturity. From above, we have the following yielmeasures for this bon Yielto-first-call: 6.25% Yielto-seconcall: 5.94% Yielto-maturity: 5.77% Thus, the yielto-worst is 5.77%. 老师您好,您帮我看看看我错在哪里了?

2020-07-03 15:23 1 · 回答