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lldyy · 2023年04月08日

他这个题目说了normally distributed 为什么还选单尾呢 正态分布不是双尾吗



A hypothesis test for a normally-distributed population at a 0.05 significance level implies a:



95% probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis.


95% probability of a Type I error for a two-tailed test.


5% rejection region in a tail of the distribution for a one-tailed test.


C is correct.

For a one-tailed hypothesis test, there is a 5% rejection region in one tail of the distribution.

对于单尾的检验(for a one-tailed test),单侧拒绝域是5%。

他这个题目说了normally distributed 为什么还选单尾呢 正态分布不是双尾吗

1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2023年04月09日

同学你好,1)所有分布都是双尾,不能以此做区分;2)significance level=rejection region=probability of Type I error,不受单双尾影响,在选项里找到正确的对应关系即可。

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NO.PZ2017092702000123 问题如下 A hypothesis test for a normally-stributepopulation a 0.05 significanlevel implies A.95% probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis. B.95% probability of a Type I error for a two-tailetest. C.5% rejection region in a tail of the stribution for a one-tailetest. C is correct. For a one-tailehypothesis test, there is a 5% rejection region in one tail of the stribution.对于单尾的检验(for a one-tailetest),单侧拒绝域是5%。 0.05 significanlevel,不就意味着type I error的发生概率是5%吗?

2023-07-31 11:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000123 问题如下 A hypothesis test for a normally-stributepopulation a 0.05 significanlevel implies A.95% probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis. B.95% probability of a Type I error for a two-tailetest. C.5% rejection region in a tail of the stribution for a one-tailetest. C is correct. For a one-tailehypothesis test, there is a 5% rejection region in one tail of the stribution.对于单尾的检验(for a one-tailetest),单侧拒绝域是5%。 如何区分单位还是双尾

2022-12-05 21:28 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000123 问题如下 A hypothesis test for a normally-stributepopulation a 0.05 significanlevel implies A.95% probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis. B.95% probability of a Type I error for a two-tailetest. C.5% rejection region in a tail of the stribution for a one-tailetest. C is correct. For a one-tailehypothesis test, there is a 5% rejection region in one tail of the stribution.对于单尾的检验(for a one-tailetest),单侧拒绝域是5%。 請問a錯在哪裡?謝謝

2022-11-07 02:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000123问题如下A hypothesis test for a normally-stributepopulation a 0.05 significanlevel implies a:A.95% probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis. B.95% probability of a Type I error for a two-tailetest. C.5% rejection region in a tail of the stribution for a one-tailetest. C is correct. For a one-tailehypothesis test, there is a 5% rejection region in one tail of the stribution.对于单尾的检验(for a one-tailetest),单侧拒绝域是5%。 请问单双尾的拒绝域和查单尾T表和双尾T表是一个概念吗?

2022-09-03 12:40 1 · 回答