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SYc · 2023年03月28日


在SFDR下,提到它在Article6,8,9products的ESG整合,那其他几Articles products分别是什么,在哪里提出来的?

2 个答案

Tina_品职助教 · 2023年03月29日


Article 1. Address the Subject matter and scope. This Regulation establishes the criteria for determining whether an economic activity qualifies as environmentally sustainable for the purposes of establishing the degree to which an investment is environmentally sustainable.


Article 2 sets the foundation of the regulation by providing basic definitions to navigate SFDR, for example, who are the financial market participants and what is a financial product. What is sustainable investment is answered under article 2 (17)


Article 3 of the SFDR sets out requirements for transparency in sustainability risk policies. 1. Financial market participants shall publish on their websites information about their policies on the integration of sustainability risks in their investment decision- making process.


Article 4 of SFDR requires managers (on a “comply or explain” basis) to publish on their websites a statement on the due diligence policies concerning principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors (the “PAI Statement”), taking into account the manager's size, nature, scale of activities.


Article 5 of SFDR “Financial market participants and financial advisers shall include in their remuneration policies information on how those policies are consistent with the integration of sustainability risks, and shall publish that information on their websites.”


Tina_品职助教 · 2023年03月29日


SFDR 《可持续金融信息披露条例》 是针对披露各方面的规定,

其中的6,8,9 是对不同esg渗透维度下可持续基金的界定,其它的articles不是介绍products的。

Article 6: Funds without a sustainability scope 

Article 8: Funds that promote environmental or social characteristics (light green)

Article 9: Funds that have sustainable investment as their objective (dark green)

SFDR requires asset managers to classify their funds as either an Article 6, 8 or 9 fund.



SYc · 2023年03月29日


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