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Susie · 2023年03月26日




An investor who owns a mortgage pass-through security is exposed to extension risk, which is the risk that when interest rates:


A.fall, the security will effectively have a shorter maturity than was anticipated at the time of purchase. B.rise, the security will effectively have a shorter maturity than was anticipated at the time of purchase. C.rise, the security will effectively have a longer maturity than was anticipated at the time of purchase.


C is correct. Extension risk is the risk faced that when interest rates rise, fewer prepayments will occur because homeowners will be reluctant to give up the benefits of a contractual interest rate that is now lower than the market rate. As a result, the security becomes longer in maturity than anticipated at the time of purchase.

A is incorrect because extension risk is the risk faced that when interest rates rise (not fall), fewer prepayments will occur because homeowners are reluctant to give up the benefits of a contractual interest rate that is now lower than the market rate. As a result, the security becomes longer in maturity than anticipated at the time of purchase.

B is incorrect because extension risk is the risk faced that when interest rates rise, fewer prepayments will occur because homeowners are reluctant to give up the benefits of a contractual interest rate that is now lower than the market rate. As a result, the security becomes longer (not shorter) in maturity than anticipated at the time of purchase.

考点:prepayment risk

解析:展期风险,是指当利率上升时,投资者面临的风险。当利率上升的时候,借款者倾向于延期还款,贷款的提前偿还速度没有达到之前预设的提前还款速度,导致证券化的产品的偿还速度没有预设快,产品maturity被拉长。那么产生的则是extension risk。

1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2023年03月26日


题目的主语是An investor who owns a mortgage pass-through security,也就是债券的持有人即投资者。当利率上升的时候,借款者倾向于延期还款,投资者面临的就是extension risk。


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