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苏·Xu · 2023年03月13日



Question Which of the following multiples is most useful when comparing companies with significant differences in capital structure?


A.EV/EBITDA B.Price-to-book ratio C.Price-to-cash flow ratio



A is correct. The EV/EBITDA (enterprise value/earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) approach is most useful when comparing companies with significant differences in capital structure. EBITDA is computed prior to payment to any of the company’s financial stakeholders and is not affected by the amount of debt leverage.

B is incorrect. The EV/EBITDA approach is most useful when comparing companies with significant differences in capital structure.

C is incorrect. The EV/EBITDA approach is most useful when comparing companies with significant differences in capital structure.

BC的解释逻辑就是因为A正确,所以BC错误🙂 而没有就BC本身解释BC各错在什么地方,麻烦解释一下。

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年03月13日

B选项,book value是指equity的book value,既然公司资本结构不同,那equity占比每家公司就会不同,继续用equity做一个ratio来对比各家公司就不合适了

C选项,CFO是以NI为基础计算的,而NI对应的也是equity value,所以和B同理,也不合适用在资本结构不同的公司上