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luojy · 2023年03月10日

expense ratio vs combined ratio



Viktoria Smith is a recently hired junior analyst at Aries Investments. Smith and her supervisor, Ingrid Johansson, meet to discuss some of the firm’s investments in banks and insurance companies.

To evaluate P&C insurance companies, Johansson tells Smith that she places emphasis on the efficiency of spending on obtaining new premiums.

The best indicator of the operations of a P&C insurance company emphasized by Johansson when evaluating P&C insurance companies is the:



underwriting expense ratio.


underwriting loss ratio.


combined ratio.


A is correct.

The underwriting expense ratio is an indicator of the efficiency of money spent on obtaining new premiums. The underwriting loss ratio is an indicator of the quality of a company’s underwriting activities-the degree of success an underwriter has achieved in estimating the risks insured. The combined ratio, a measure of the overall underwriting profitability and efficiency of an underwriting operation, is the sum of these two ratios.

解析:Johansson强调获得新保费的效率。主要看的是underwriting expense ratio=underwriting expense/net premium written。衡量的是每获得一块钱的保费要付出去多少运营成本(销售人员佣金、工资等)。underwriting loss ratio衡量的是银行承保业务的质量,看保险公司对风险的预估是否准确及定的保费是否合理(保费能否cover发生的理赔)。两个合在一起是combined ratio,衡量综合效率。

请问下老师,loss ratio, expense ratio和combined ratio 三大比例分别对应哪些keywords? 能否明确敲定一下,这题和课堂上老师举的例题都是问衡量underwriting operation的, 如果这题选expense ratio,为什么课堂例题选combined ratio?课堂例题如下图

1 个答案

袁园_品职助教 · 2023年03月12日


答案同上一题,整个承保业务(underwriting operation或者underwriting activity)就是combined ratio,如果单独考察其他两个指标,题目都会明明白白给出它们两的定义式的论述的哦。

你看这道题题干说了To evaluate P&C insurance companies, Johansson tells Smith that she places emphasis on the efficiency of spending on obtaining new premiums.为了评估PC保险公司,约翰逊告诉史密斯,她强调了获得新保费的支出效率。这就是expense ratio的定义,就是公司获得新保单和管理保单的比例,所以是expense ratio。
