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布布不吃发糕 · 2023年02月19日

为什么Asset owners是pension funds的counterparty?



Asset managers:


A.include pension funds and sovereign wealth funds. B.are not the counterparty to investment transactions. C.have legal ownership of the assets under management.


Asset managers are not the counterparty to investment transactions (asset owners are the counterparty Pension funds and SWFs are “asset owners,” although they may manage some of their own assets while outsourcing some assets to asset managers


1.为什么Asset owner是pension funds的counterparty,asset owner难道不是pension fund的实际所有人吗?

2.pension funds 和SWFs的关系是什么呢?SWFs才是pension funds的实际所有人吗?


1 个答案

净净_品职助教 · 2023年02月19日


  1. 交易对手方的理解:举个例子,我去菜市场买菜,我和菜贩子就是交易对手方。资产经理扮演的是管理资产的角色,他来帮助有钱人(asset owner)构建组合,选择具体的投资标的,真正发生交易,类似一手交钱一手交货的是有钱人和投资标的,他俩才是交易对手方。养老金就是asset owner,养老金中的资金投向ABC公司,那么养老金和ABC公司就是交易对手方。
  2. SWF主权财富基金,也是一类asset owner。主权财富基金和养老金都是机构投资者。除此之外,大学捐赠基金、保险公司都是机构投资者,它们都有钱,在资本市场上寻求投资机会。


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2024-05-23 07:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000012 问题如下 Asset managers: A.inclu pension fun ansovereign wealth fun. B.are not the counterparty to investment transactions. C.have legownership of the assets unr management. Asset managers are not the counterparty to investment transactions (asset owners are the counterparty Pension fun anSWFs are “asset owners,” although they mmanage some of their own assets while outsourcing some assets to asset managers countryparty应该怎么理解呢

2023-12-05 20:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000012问题如下Asset managers:A.inclu pension fun ansovereign wealth fun.B.are not the counterparty to investment transactions.C.have legownership of the assets unr management.Asset managers are not the counterparty to investment transactions (asset owners are the counterparty Pension fun anSWFs are “asset owners,” although they mmanage some of their own assets while outsourcing some assets to asset managers可以下C吗?

2023-10-26 22:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000012问题如下Asset managers:A.inclu pension fun ansovereign wealth fun.B.are not the counterparty to investment transactions.C.have legownership of the assets unr management.Asset managers are not the counterparty to investment transactions (asset owners are the counterparty Pension fun anSWFs are “asset owners,” although they mmanage some of their own assets while outsourcing some assets to asset managers老师可以说一下A吗?问题就是a为什么错,其他两个已经知道了

2023-10-11 13:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000012 问题如下 Asset managers: A.inclu pension fun ansovereign wealth fun. B.are not the counterparty to investment transactions. C.have legownership of the assets unr management. Asset managers are not the counterparty to investment transactions (asset owners are the counterparty Pension fun anSWFs are “asset owners,” although they mmanage some of their own assets while outsourcing some assets to asset managers 不理解B

2023-09-24 22:54 1 · 回答