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倩倩加油鸭 · 2023年02月18日

老师,是不是复习的时候case study for个人机构ips的可以不用再花时间啦?谢谢



The Lemont Family Foundation follows a systematic quarterly rebalancing policy based on rebalancing corridors for each asset class. In the latest quarter, a significant sell-off in US public equities resulted in an unusually large 1.2% underweight position relative to the applicable lower corridor boundary. This is the only policy exception requiring rebalancing attention.

The Foundation’s investment team views the sell-off as temporary and remains pleased with the performance of all external managers, including that of its US public equities manager. However, the sell-off has increased the significance of liquidity and flexibility for the team. As a result, the team now considers whether to rebalance through the cash market or the derivatives market.

Q. Determine the most appropriate rebalancing choice for the Foundation’s investment team. Justify your response.



1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2023年02月19日


老师,是不是复习的时候case study for个人机构ips的可以不用再花时间啦?谢谢




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NO.PZ2022051904000008问题如下 The Lemont Family Fountion follows a systematic quarterly rebalancing polibaseon rebalancing corrirs for eaasset class. In the latest quarter, a significant sell-off in US public equities resultein unusually large 1.2% unrweight position relative to the applicable lower corrir bounry. This is the only poliexception requiring rebalancing attention. The Fountion’s investment teviews the sell-off temporary anremains pleasewith the performanof all externmanagers, inclung thof its US public equities manager. However, the sell-off hincreasethe significanof liquity anflexibility for the team. a result, the tenow consirs whether to rebalanthrough the cash market or the rivatives market. Q. termine the most appropriate rebalancing choifor the Fountion’s investment team. Justify your response. 同上和提问一样。。。。。。

2023-09-09 13:57 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022051904000008 问题如下 The Lemont Family Fountion follows a systematic quarterly rebalancing polibaseon rebalancing corrirs for eaasset class. In the latest quarter, a significant sell-off in US public equities resultein unusually large 1.2% unrweight position relative to the applicable lower corrir bounry. This is the only poliexception requiring rebalancing attention. The Fountion’s investment teviews the sell-off temporary anremains pleasewith the performanof all externmanagers, inclung thof its US public equities manager. However, the sell-off hincreasethe significanof liquity anflexibility for the team. a result, the tenow consirs whether to rebalanthrough the cash market or the rivatives market. Q. termine the most appropriate rebalancing choifor the Fountion’s investment team. Justify your response. 如题

2023-04-23 17:41 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022051904000008 问题如下 The Lemont Family Fountion follows a systematic quarterly rebalancing polibaseon rebalancing corrirs for eaasset class. In the latest quarter, a significant sell-off in US public equities resultein unusually large 1.2% unrweight position relative to the applicable lower corrir bounry. This is the only poliexception requiring rebalancing attention. The Fountion’s investment teviews the sell-off temporary anremains pleasewith the performanof all externmanagers, inclung thof its US public equities manager. However, the sell-off hincreasethe significanof liquity anflexibility for the team. a result, the tenow consirs whether to rebalanthrough the cash market or the rivatives market. Q. termine the most appropriate rebalancing choifor the Fountion’s investment team. Justify your response. 问题1.rebalanthrough the cash marekt和rebalanthrough the cash equilibrium ivestment tools一般,如果说 投资 货币现金类投资工具,是用后者这个描述对吗? cash market 就是现货市场问题2.没理解答案的意思,ability to leave externmanagers in place?什么意思问题3.如果遇到类似的考题,相当于问期货相对于现货的优点。quiimplementation ,期货要比现货操作快吗?有点不理解,感觉都差不多呀?high liquity ,股票衍生品的流动性要高于股票期货吗?有点不理解。(衍生品如果是 over the count , 而现货是exchangetea现货的流动性是不是更好?)Flexibility to tactically aust exposure.衍生品 对组合的调整,要比现货更快吗?问题4.为什么他这里没有写 衍生品带来的杠杆 和提高资金利用率的优点呢?

2022-11-12 07:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022051904000008问题如下 The Lemont Family Fountion follows a systematic quarterly rebalancing polibaseon rebalancing corrirs for eaasset class. In the latest quarter, a significant sell-off in US public equities resultein unusually large 1.2% unrweight position relative to the applicable lower corrir bounry. This is the only poliexception requiring rebalancing attention. The Fountion’s investment teviews the sell-off temporary anremains pleasewith the performanof all externmanagers, inclung thof its US public equities manager. However, the sell-off hincreasethe significanof liquity anflexibility for the team. a result, the tenow consirs whether to rebalanthrough the cash market or the rivatives market. Q. termine the most appropriate rebalancing choifor the Fountion’s investment team. Justify your response. 完全没有印象 请问在基础班讲义第几页

2022-10-11 18:00 2 · 回答