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徐威廉 · 2023年02月13日


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In her discussion of liquidity issues, Zimmermann is most likely correct regarding:


A.annual portfolio rebalancing. B.maintaining current spending levels. C.the impact of an economic downturn.



A is correct. Private equity requires a long-term commitment of capital with very uncertain drawdowns of that commitment and return of invested capital. Early in the investment cycle, only a portion of the committed capital will be called by the general partner and the timing of future calls is uncertain. Later in the investment cycle, the timing of a fund’s sale of investments and return of capital to investors is uncertain. The investment itself is very illiquid (hard to sell in the secondary market); thus, rebalancing to a model allocation on an annual basis will be infeasible.

B is incorrect. Early in the private equity investment cycle, committed capital will be held in relatively liquid assets with lower expected returns to fund capital drawdowns that have uncertain timing. Further, little return will be realized from early-stage investments, particularly on the venture capital side of private equity. Also, bad investments tend to fail earlier than good investments succeed. Overall, private equity is subject to a J-curve, with low or even negative returns early on and high returns later on. For these reasons, the portfolio’s overall return will be lower in early years, reducing the endowment’s available spending according to its current spending rules and making it difficult to increase the spending rate in two years.

C is incorrect. In an economic downturn, capital calls for a newer private equity fund can accelerate because depressed market prices produce good investment opportunities precisely when the endowment portfolio’s public asset values are depressed. This can require either selling portfolio assets for negative returns to fund capital calls or abandoning the investment in private equity at a total loss. Further, in an economic downtown, the general partner of a more mature private equity fund will extend the fund’s life and avoid selling holdings at depressed prices, thereby reducing cash flows the endowment portfolio had anticipated.


1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2023年02月13日


A是正确的。私募股权需要资本的长期commitment ,但该commitment 的提取和投资资本的回报非常不确定。在投资周期的早期,GP只会调用一部分承诺资本,未来调用的时间也不确定。在投资周期的后期,基金出售投资和向投资者返还资本的时机是不确定的。投资本身流动性很差(难以在二级市场出售);因此,每年重新调整模型分配是不可行的。

B不正确。在私募股权投资周期的早期,commitment 资本将被持有在流动性相对较低的资产中,预期回报率较低,用于资金提取,时间不确定。此外,早期投资,特别是私募股权的风险投资方面,几乎不会获得回报。此外,糟糕的投资往往比好的投资成功更早失败。总体而言,私募股权受制于J型曲线,早期回报率低甚至为负,后期回报率高。出于这些原因,投资组合的整体回报率在早些年将较低,根据其当前的支出规则减少了基金的可用支出,并使两年内难以提高支出率。



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