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Helen 🎈 · 2023年02月13日




The market in PZ company stock is "$5.80 bid, offered at $5.90". Tim places a sell limit order at $5.80. Which of the following statements is correct?



This limit order is said to take the market.


This limit order is said to make the market.


This limit order is said tomake a new market.


A is correct.

Tim's order is at $5.80, which is at the current best bid. The order will immediately execute, therefore, this order is said to take the market.

考点:Execution Instructions

目前市场dealer对PZ公司的报价为$5.80 bid, offered at $5.90。TIM希望以5.8的价格卖出股票。问下列哪个说法是最正确的。

A. TIM 的报价可以成交。take the market就是以报出的指令价格成交。打比比方sell order价格正好等于best bid,立即成交了,这就是take the market。现在TIM报的卖价5.8正好等于dealer的最高买价5.8,因此该订单可以马上成交。

B.TIM 的报价可以看作是一次做市。make the market指如若买价报在best bid或卖价报在 best ask,就是一次做市。本题的best bid和 best ask分别为5.80和5.90,而TIM报的卖价是5.8没有落在best ask,所以这不叫make the market。

C.TIM 的报价可以看作是做了一个新市。make a new market, 它是指报价报在最高的bid和最低ask之间就叫做make a new market。根据dealer的买卖报价,make a new market的范围是(5.80-5.90)也就是best bid-best ask,所以不是make a new market.


2 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年02月15日


不是的,take the order才是刚好报在市场最佳报价上从而使当前报价成交哦


王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年02月13日


同学你好,例如“Tim places a sell limit order at $5.95”,或是报出以任意比$5.90更大的价格卖出的话,就是make the market

所谓make the market,是指新的这个报价人,出的价格不能使市场上原有的best bid / ask的这对报价成交,也不能使bid ask spread 变小,唯一的作用是使市场上增加了一个报价的人,因为使市场的流动性增加了的一种报价


Helen 🎈 · 2023年02月15日

Make the order 不是刚好在市价最佳报价嘛?

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NO.PZ2018062002000027 问题如下 The market in PZ company stois \"$5.80 bi offere$5.90\". Tim places a sell limit orr $5.80. Whiof the following statements is correct? A.This limit orr is saito take the market. B.This limit orr is saito make the market. C.This limit orr is saitomake a new market. A is correct.Tim's orr is $5.80, whiis the current best bi The orr will immeately execute, therefore, this orr is saito take the market.考点Execution Instructions目前市场aler对PZ公司的报价为$5.80 bi offere$5.90。TIM希望以5.8的价格卖出股票。问下列哪个说法是最正确的。TIM 的报价可以成交。take the market就是以报出的指令价格成交。打比比方sell orr价格正好等于best bi立即成交了,这就是take the market。现在TIM报的卖价5.8正好等于aler的最高买价5.8,因此该订单可以马上成交。B.TIM 的报价可以看作是一次做市。make the market指如若买价报在best bi卖价报在 best ask,就是一次做市。本题的best bi best ask分别为5.80和5.90,而TIM报的卖价是5.8没有落在best ask,所以这不叫make the market。C.TIM 的报价可以看作是做了一个新市。make a new market, 它是指报价报在最高的bi最低ask之间就叫做make a new market。根据aler的买卖报价,make a new market的范围是(5.80-5.90)也就是best bibest ask,所以不是make a new market. 如题。

2022-09-27 21:26 2 · 回答

The market in PZ company stois \"$5.80 bi offere$5.90\". Tim places a sell limit orr $5.80. Whiof the following statements is correct? 请问sell limit orr是什么意思?是指只要有人愿意出大于等于5.8的价格就愿意卖吗?那是不是就默认了Tim是aler?另外请问sell limit orr跟哪个知识点有关呀?应该跟short sell无关吧?

2020-08-22 12:09 1 · 回答

This limit orr is saito make the market. This limit orr is saitomake a new market. A is correct. Tim's orr is $5.80, whiis the current best bi The orr will immeately execute, therefore, this orr is saito take the market.老师请麻烦再帮我讲一下make 和take the market的区别。谢谢您。

2020-08-06 12:07 1 · 回答

麻烦老师一下这题,这个offer 5.9是什么意思?

2020-07-06 23:02 1 · 回答