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未未 · 2023年02月12日


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Calculate the net cash flow (in euros) to maintain the desired hedge. Show your calculations.



When hedging one month ago, Delgado would have sold USD2,500,000 one month forward against the euro. Now, with the US dollar-denominated portfolio increasing in value to USD2,650,000, a mismatched FX swap is needed to settle the initial expiring forward contract and establish a new hedge given the higher market value of the US dollar-denominated portfolio.

To calculate the net cash flow (in euros) to maintain the desired hedge, the following steps are necessary:

1. Buy USD2,500,000 at the spot rate. Buying US dollars against the euro means selling euros, which is the base currency in the USD/EUR spot rate. Therefore, the bid side of the market must be used to calculate the outflow in euros.

USD2,500,000 × 0.8876 = EUR2,219,000.

2. Sell USD2,650,000 at the spot rate adjusted for the one-month forward points (all-in forward rate). Selling the US dollar against the euro means buying euros, which is the base currency in the USD/EUR spot rate. Therefore, the offer side of the market must be used to calculate the inflow in euros.

All-in forward rate = 0.8875 + (20/10,000) = 0.8895.

USD2,650,000 × 0.8895 = EUR2,357,175.

3. Therefore, the net cash flow is equal to EUR2,357,175 – EUR2,219,000, which is equal to EUR138,175.


首先呢我们是持有美元的外币资产,本币是欧元。因此在一个月前的头寸是short forward on EUR/USD,即锁定了一个月后卖美元买欧元的价格。

1. 现在到了一个月的时候,或者严格说是马上到了一个月的时候,因为在现实中我们不能真正在合约到期的当天进行平仓的,而是要提前个一两天,但是在做题的时候我们就忽略掉这个实务的问题处理哈。


2. 新签订的远期合约,注意此时的合约规模是2.65million,按照0.8895的汇率,因此在合约到期的时候我们会通过卖掉2.65million的美元收到2.357175million的欧元

3. 后者是收到前者是花掉二者作差就是所求


未未 · 2023年02月12日


1 个答案

Hertz_品职助教 · 2023年02月13日







1. 在第一步平仓操作中需要Buy USD2,500,000,也就是“目标是获得USD”,适用于“除大”。


那我们需要买USD2,500,000,就需要USD2,500,000 ÷ (1/0.8876 )=USD2,500,000 × 0.8876 = EUR2.219million.

2. 后面的新签的远期合约中将来是要卖美元,目标是获得EUR,适用于“乘小”。


因此卖出2.65million的美元,获得2.65*0.8895=EUR 2,375,175



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NO.PZ201601050100001502问题如下 Calculate the net cash flow (in euros) to maintain the sirehee. Show your calculations. When heing one month ago, lga woulhave solUS,500,000 one month forwaragainst the euro. Now, with the US llar-nominateportfolio increasing in value to US,650,000, a mismatcheFX swis neeto settle the initiexpiring forwarcontraanestablish a new hee given the higher market value of the US llar-nominateportfolio.To calculate the net cash flow (in euros) to maintain the sirehee, the following steps are necessary:1. Buy US,500,000 the spot rate. Buying US llars against the euro means selling euros, whiis the base currenin the USEUR spot rate. Therefore, the bisi of the market must useto calculate the outflow in euros.US,500,000 × 0.8876 = EUR2,219,000.2. Sell US,650,000 the spot rate austefor the one-month forwarpoints (all-in forwarrate). Selling the US llagainst the euro means buying euros, whiis the base currenin the USEUR spot rate. Therefore, the offer si of the market must useto calculate the inflow in euros.All-in forwarrate = 0.8875 + (20/10,000) = 0.8895.US,650,000 × 0.8895 =EUR2,357,175.3. Therefore, the net cash flow is equto EUR2,357,175 – EUR2,219,000, whiis equtoEUR138,175. 中文解析首先呢我们是持有美元的外币资产,本币是欧元。因此在一个月前的头寸是short forwaron EUR/US即锁定了一个月后卖美元买欧元的价格。1. 现在到了一个月的时候,或者严格说是马上到了一个月的时候,因为在现实中我们不能真正在合约到期的当天进行平仓的,而是要提前个一两天,但是在做题的时候我们就忽略掉这个实务的问题处理哈。此时我们的远期合约马上到期,如果到期我们就要按照合约约定的价格卖掉金额是2.5million的美元了,此时我们平仓的话是要在现货市场上买美元,注意这里我们需要保证的是买的美元的金额是2.5million,这一点是要保证的。但是使用的汇率却不是定下来的,是随行就市的。当前的汇率是0.8876才能买到美元,那么我们就只能使用这个汇率。因此我们买2.5million的美元需要花掉的欧元是2.5million*0.8876=2.219million。2. 新签订的远期合约,注意此时的合约规模是2.65million,按照0.8895的汇率,因此在合约到期的时候我们会通过卖掉2.65million的美元收到2.357175million的欧元。3. 后者是收到前者是花掉,二者作差就是所求。 请问第一步sell eur 获得us步骤中,使用了乘法,根据乘小除大的原理,答案里为什么乘了一个较大的biask sprea?

2024-06-27 14:50 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100001502 问题如下 Calculate the net cash flow (in euros) to maintain the sirehee. Show your calculations. When heing one month ago, lga woulhave solUS,500,000 one month forwaragainst the euro. Now, with the US llar-nominateportfolio increasing in value to US,650,000, a mismatcheFX swis neeto settle the initiexpiring forwarcontraanestablish a new hee given the higher market value of the US llar-nominateportfolio.To calculate the net cash flow (in euros) to maintain the sirehee, the following steps are necessary:1. Buy US,500,000 the spot rate. Buying US llars against the euro means selling euros, whiis the base currenin the USEUR spot rate. Therefore, the bisi of the market must useto calculate the outflow in euros.US,500,000 × 0.8876 = EUR2,219,000.2. Sell US,650,000 the spot rate austefor the one-month forwarpoints (all-in forwarrate). Selling the US llagainst the euro means buying euros, whiis the base currenin the USEUR spot rate. Therefore, the offer si of the market must useto calculate the inflow in euros.All-in forwarrate = 0.8875 + (20/10,000) = 0.8895.US,650,000 × 0.8895 =EUR2,357,175.3. Therefore, the net cash flow is equto EUR2,357,175 – EUR2,219,000, whiis equtoEUR138,175. 中文解析首先呢我们是持有美元的外币资产,本币是欧元。因此在一个月前的头寸是short forwaron EUR/US即锁定了一个月后卖美元买欧元的价格。1. 现在到了一个月的时候,或者严格说是马上到了一个月的时候,因为在现实中我们不能真正在合约到期的当天进行平仓的,而是要提前个一两天,但是在做题的时候我们就忽略掉这个实务的问题处理哈。此时我们的远期合约马上到期,如果到期我们就要按照合约约定的价格卖掉金额是2.5million的美元了,此时我们平仓的话是要在现货市场上买美元,注意这里我们需要保证的是买的美元的金额是2.5million,这一点是要保证的。但是使用的汇率却不是定下来的,是随行就市的。当前的汇率是0.8876才能买到美元,那么我们就只能使用这个汇率。因此我们买2.5million的美元需要花掉的欧元是2.5million*0.8876=2.219million。2. 新签订的远期合约,注意此时的合约规模是2.65million,按照0.8895的汇率,因此在合约到期的时候我们会通过卖掉2.65million的美元收到2.357175million的欧元。3. 后者是收到前者是花掉,二者作差就是所求。 老师好,新版课后书的第33题给的条件已经改过了。我有个疑问EUR2,977,193是一个月卖出US得的现金流,为什么不折现后才与EUR2,816,901相减,得到net cash flow?这类题目如果用差额法,是不是先计算hee现货规模差额部分在一个月后形成的现金流,然后折现到现在这个时点?

2024-06-22 01:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100001502 问题如下 Calculate the net cash flow (in euros) to maintain the sirehee. Show your calculations. When heing one month ago, lga woulhave solUS,500,000 one month forwaragainst the euro. Now, with the US llar-nominateportfolio increasing in value to US,650,000, a mismatcheFX swis neeto settle the initiexpiring forwarcontraanestablish a new hee given the higher market value of the US llar-nominateportfolio.To calculate the net cash flow (in euros) to maintain the sirehee, the following steps are necessary:1. Buy US,500,000 the spot rate. Buying US llars against the euro means selling euros, whiis the base currenin the USEUR spot rate. Therefore, the bisi of the market must useto calculate the outflow in euros.US,500,000 × 0.8876 = EUR2,219,000.2. Sell US,650,000 the spot rate austefor the one-month forwarpoints (all-in forwarrate). Selling the US llagainst the euro means buying euros, whiis the base currenin the USEUR spot rate. Therefore, the offer si of the market must useto calculate the inflow in euros.All-in forwarrate = 0.8875 + (20/10,000) = 0.8895.US,650,000 × 0.8895 =EUR2,357,175.3. Therefore, the net cash flow is equto EUR2,357,175 – EUR2,219,000, whiis equtoEUR138,175. 中文解析首先呢我们是持有美元的外币资产,本币是欧元。因此在一个月前的头寸是short forwaron EUR/US即锁定了一个月后卖美元买欧元的价格。1. 现在到了一个月的时候,或者严格说是马上到了一个月的时候,因为在现实中我们不能真正在合约到期的当天进行平仓的,而是要提前个一两天,但是在做题的时候我们就忽略掉这个实务的问题处理哈。此时我们的远期合约马上到期,如果到期我们就要按照合约约定的价格卖掉金额是2.5million的美元了,此时我们平仓的话是要在现货市场上买美元,注意这里我们需要保证的是买的美元的金额是2.5million,这一点是要保证的。但是使用的汇率却不是定下来的,是随行就市的。当前的汇率是0.8876才能买到美元,那么我们就只能使用这个汇率。因此我们买2.5million的美元需要花掉的欧元是2.5million*0.8876=2.219million。2. 新签订的远期合约,注意此时的合约规模是2.65million,按照0.8895的汇率,因此在合约到期的时候我们会通过卖掉2.65million的美元收到2.357175million的欧元。3. 后者是收到前者是花掉,二者作差就是所求。 这题为什么不能使用2650000-2500000=150,000US再用150,000*(0.8875+0.0020)=133425?

2024-01-26 15:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100001502 问题如下 Calculate the net cash flow (in euros) to maintain the sirehee. Show your calculations. When heing one month ago, lga woulhave solUS,500,000 one month forwaragainst the euro. Now, with the US llar-nominateportfolio increasing in value to US,650,000, a mismatcheFX swis neeto settle the initiexpiring forwarcontraanestablish a new hee given the higher market value of the US llar-nominateportfolio.To calculate the net cash flow (in euros) to maintain the sirehee, the following steps are necessary:1. Buy US,500,000 the spot rate. Buying US llars against the euro means selling euros, whiis the base currenin the USEUR spot rate. Therefore, the bisi of the market must useto calculate the outflow in euros.US,500,000 × 0.8876 = EUR2,219,000.2. Sell US,650,000 the spot rate austefor the one-month forwarpoints (all-in forwarrate). Selling the US llagainst the euro means buying euros, whiis the base currenin the USEUR spot rate. Therefore, the offer si of the market must useto calculate the inflow in euros.All-in forwarrate = 0.8875 + (20/10,000) = 0.8895.US,650,000 × 0.8895 =EUR2,357,175.3. Therefore, the net cash flow is equto EUR2,357,175 – EUR2,219,000, whiis equtoEUR138,175. 中文解析首先呢我们是持有美元的外币资产,本币是欧元。因此在一个月前的头寸是short forwaron EUR/US即锁定了一个月后卖美元买欧元的价格。1. 现在到了一个月的时候,或者严格说是马上到了一个月的时候,因为在现实中我们不能真正在合约到期的当天进行平仓的,而是要提前个一两天,但是在做题的时候我们就忽略掉这个实务的问题处理哈。此时我们的远期合约马上到期,如果到期我们就要按照合约约定的价格卖掉金额是2.5million的美元了,此时我们平仓的话是要在现货市场上买美元,注意这里我们需要保证的是买的美元的金额是2.5million,这一点是要保证的。但是使用的汇率却不是定下来的,是随行就市的。当前的汇率是0.8876才能买到美元,那么我们就只能使用这个汇率。因此我们买2.5million的美元需要花掉的欧元是2.5million*0.8876=2.219million。2. 新签订的远期合约,注意此时的合约规模是2.65million,按照0.8895的汇率,因此在合约到期的时候我们会通过卖掉2.65million的美元收到2.357175million的欧元。3. 后者是收到前者是花掉,二者作差就是所求。 老师,这道题求net cash flow时,为什么不算上在toy时,原本forwarcontract到期时可以收到的一笔Euro 2500*(0.8913+0.0020),而是只包括为了平仓而支付的2219000欧元和未来一个月后新contract到期时收到的euro。在toy时,原先的forwarcontract不是也应该带来一笔cash inflow吗。

2024-01-15 22:11 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100001502问题如下 Calculate the net cash flow (in euros) to maintain the sirehee. Show your calculations. When heing one month ago, lga woulhave solUS,500,000 one month forwaragainst the euro. Now, with the US llar-nominateportfolio increasing in value to US,650,000, a mismatcheFX swis neeto settle the initiexpiring forwarcontraanestablish a new hee given the higher market value of the US llar-nominateportfolio.To calculate the net cash flow (in euros) to maintain the sirehee, the following steps are necessary:1. Buy US,500,000 the spot rate. Buying US llars against the euro means selling euros, whiis the base currenin the USEUR spot rate. Therefore, the bisi of the market must useto calculate the outflow in euros.US,500,000 × 0.8876 = EUR2,219,000.2. Sell US,650,000 the spot rate austefor the one-month forwarpoints (all-in forwarrate). Selling the US llagainst the euro means buying euros, whiis the base currenin the USEUR spot rate. Therefore, the offer si of the market must useto calculate the inflow in euros.All-in forwarrate = 0.8875 + (20/10,000) = 0.8895.US,650,000 × 0.8895 =EUR2,357,175.3. Therefore, the net cash flow is equto EUR2,357,175 – EUR2,219,000, whiis equtoEUR138,175. 中文解析首先呢我们是持有美元的外币资产,本币是欧元。因此在一个月前的头寸是short forwaron EUR/US即锁定了一个月后卖美元买欧元的价格。1. 现在到了一个月的时候,或者严格说是马上到了一个月的时候,因为在现实中我们不能真正在合约到期的当天进行平仓的,而是要提前个一两天,但是在做题的时候我们就忽略掉这个实务的问题处理哈。此时我们的远期合约马上到期,如果到期我们就要按照合约约定的价格卖掉金额是2.5million的美元了,此时我们平仓的话是要在现货市场上买美元,注意这里我们需要保证的是买的美元的金额是2.5million,这一点是要保证的。但是使用的汇率却不是定下来的,是随行就市的。当前的汇率是0.8876才能买到美元,那么我们就只能使用这个汇率。因此我们买2.5million的美元需要花掉的欧元是2.5million*0.8876=2.219million。2. 新签订的远期合约,注意此时的合约规模是2.65million,按照0.8895的汇率,因此在合约到期的时候我们会通过卖掉2.65million的美元收到2.357175million的欧元。3. 后者是收到前者是花掉,二者作差就是所求。 答案是不是错了? 在1个月后,cash flow 应该是1个月前签的forwar + 现货买入US的利率差 * 25000000US在要roll 进的forwar是不需要cash的! 所以 现在的net cash 应该是一个月前的合同 卖US0.8913+0.0025 减去现货买入平仓的 US@0.8876 再承合同的notion2500000

2023-12-03 09:45 1 · 回答