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Yuyu · 2023年02月12日

如果考虑股价上涨的因素,3个月后的cash flow包括哪些部分?

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Using Exhibit 1, if the Spanish shares had been sold after three months, the cash outflow (in US dollars) required to close out the forward contract would have been closest to:


A.489,182.00 B.489,850.00 C.491,400.00


B is correct.

The initial foreign asset position was EUR18 million: 200,000 shares × EUR90/share. The six-month forward contract would have been sold using the bid of the base currency (euro) at an all-in forward rate of 1.3935 – 19/10,000 = 1.3916 USD/EUR.

If the position had been closed in three months, a three-month forward contract would have to be purchased at the offer of the base currency at an all-in forward rate of 1.4210 – 21/10,000 = 1.4189 USD/EUR.

The cash outflow at settlement would have been EUR18 million × (1.4189 – 1.3916) USD/EUR = USD491,400. This amount needs to be discounted by three months at the US dollar Libor rate: 491,400/(1 + 0.01266 × 90/360) = USD489,850.

A is incorrect. The euro Libor rate is used to discount the settlement cash flow: 491,400/(1 + 0.01814 × 90/360) = USD489,182.



因此一开始需要short forward on 欧元,期限是6个月,对应的远期汇率是1.3935 – 19/10,000 = 1.3916 USD/EUR。(此合约在到期的时候是卖欧元,收到美元)

那现在3个月的时候股票被卖掉了,所以原来的6个月期限的合约用不到了,需要平仓平掉。签反向对冲合约:long forward on欧元,期限是3个月,对应的远期汇率是1.4210 – 21/10,000 = 1.4189 USD/EUR。(此合约到期的时候是买欧元,支付美元)

那么在到期的时候(也就是再过3个月后),对应的cash outflow就是EUR18 million×(1.41891.3916)USD/EUR = USD491,400。

但现在是站在3时刻,因此需要在到期时候的金额USD491,400向前折现3个月,即:491,400/(1 + 0.01266 × 90/360) = USD489,850。

C is incorrect. It uses the settlement cash flow, ignoring any discounting: USD491,400.Solution

本题思路已经明白,但是对三个月后,股价上涨到100元这里有点疑问。如果题目中最开始6个月的对冲合约不变,但三个月的时候,我们还要做一个针对于100元股价的新的对冲合约, 那么这个头寸是不是包括以下几部分:

  1. 和原题一样的反向对冲合约平仓后的价值,也就是 USD cash outflow;
  2. 现货市场上买入100元欧元的USD outflow

1 个答案

Hertz_品职助教 · 2023年02月13日



同学的问题:本题思路已经明白,但是对三个月后,股价上涨到100元这里有点疑问。如果题目中最开始6个月的对冲合约不变,但三个月的时候,我们还要做一个针对于100元股价的新的对冲合约, 那么这个头寸是不是包括以下几部分:

  1. 和原题一样的反向对冲合约平仓后的价值,也就是 USD cash outflow;
  2. 现货市场上买入100元欧元的USD outflow




因此需要的操作是:short forward on 欧元,规模是2million,期限是3个月。


另外补充一点,如果同学说的是基于股价涨到了100,我们计算net CF的话,注意和这里的涨到100是没有关系的。




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NO.PZ202208100100000403 问题如下 Using Exhibit 1, if the Spanish shares hbeen solafter three months, the cash outflow (in US llars) requireto close out the forwarcontrawoulhave been closest to: A.489,182.00 B.489,850.00 C.491,400.00 B is correct. The initiforeign asset position wEUR18 million: 200,000 shares × EUR90/share. The six-month forwarcontrawoulhave been solusing the biof the base curren(euro) all-in forwarrate of 1.3935 – 19/10,000 = 1.3916 USEUR.If the position hbeen closein three months, a three-month forwarcontrawoulhave to purchasethe offer of the base currenall-in forwarrate of 1.4210 – 21/10,000 = 1.4189 USEUR.The cash outflow settlement woulhave been EUR18 million × (1.4189 – 1.3916) USEUR = US91,400. This amount nee to scountethree months the US llLibor rate: 491,400/(1 + 0.01266 × 90/360) = US89,850.A is incorrect. The euro Libor rate is useto scount the settlement cash flow: 491,400/(1 + 0.01814 × 90/360) = US89,182.中文解析初始的外币资产头寸是18million的欧元(0.2million股*90欧元/股)。因此一开始需要short forwaron 欧元,期限是6个月,对应的远期汇率是1.3935 – 19/10,000 = 1.3916 USEUR。(此合约在到期的时候是卖欧元,收到美元)那现在3个月的时候股票被卖掉了,所以原来的6个月期限的合约用不到了,需要平仓平掉。签反向对冲合约long forwaron欧元,期限是3个月,对应的远期汇率是1.4210 – 21/10,000 = 1.4189 USEUR。(此合约到期的时候是买欧元,支付美元)那么在到期的时候(也就是再过3个月后),对应的cash outflow就是EUR18 million×(1.4189–1.3916)USEUR =US91,400。但现在是站在3时刻,因此需要在到期时候的金额US91,400向前折现3个月,即491,400/(1 + 0.01266 × 90/360) = US89,850。C is incorrect. It uses the settlement cash flow, ignoring any scounting: US91,400.Solution 怎么判断一开始是long还是short forwar

2024-01-27 10:54 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208100100000403问题如下 Using Exhibit 1, if the Spanish shares hbeen solafter three months, the cash outflow (in US llars) requireto close out the forwarcontrawoulhave been closest to: A.489,182.00B.489,850.00C.491,400.00 B is correct. The initiforeign asset position wEUR18 million: 200,000 shares × EUR90/share. The six-month forwarcontrawoulhave been solusing the biof the base curren(euro) all-in forwarrate of 1.3935 – 19/10,000 = 1.3916 USEUR.If the position hbeen closein three months, a three-month forwarcontrawoulhave to purchasethe offer of the base currenall-in forwarrate of 1.4210 – 21/10,000 = 1.4189 USEUR.The cash outflow settlement woulhave been EUR18 million × (1.4189 – 1.3916) USEUR = US91,400. This amount nee to scountethree months the US llLibor rate: 491,400/(1 + 0.01266 × 90/360) = US89,850.A is incorrect. The euro Libor rate is useto scount the settlement cash flow: 491,400/(1 + 0.01814 × 90/360) = US89,182.中文解析初始的外币资产头寸是18million的欧元(0.2million股*90欧元/股)。因此一开始需要short forwaron 欧元,期限是6个月,对应的远期汇率是1.3935 – 19/10,000 = 1.3916 USEUR。(此合约在到期的时候是卖欧元,收到美元)那现在3个月的时候股票被卖掉了,所以原来的6个月期限的合约用不到了,需要平仓平掉。签反向对冲合约long forwaron欧元,期限是3个月,对应的远期汇率是1.4210 – 21/10,000 = 1.4189 USEUR。(此合约到期的时候是买欧元,支付美元)那么在到期的时候(也就是再过3个月后),对应的cash outflow就是EUR18 million×(1.4189–1.3916)USEUR =US91,400。但现在是站在3时刻,因此需要在到期时候的金额US91,400向前折现3个月,即491,400/(1 + 0.01266 × 90/360) = US89,850。C is incorrect. It uses the settlement cash flow, ignoring any scounting: US91,400.Solution 什么时候要折现什么时候不要折现

2024-01-14 22:24 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208100100000403 问题如下 Using Exhibit 1, if the Spanish shares hbeen solafter three months, the cash outflow (in US llars) requireto close out the forwarcontrawoulhave been closest to: A.489,182.00 B.489,850.00 C.491,400.00 B is correct. The initiforeign asset position wEUR18 million: 200,000 shares × EUR90/share. The six-month forwarcontrawoulhave been solusing the biof the base curren(euro) all-in forwarrate of 1.3935 – 19/10,000 = 1.3916 USEUR.If the position hbeen closein three months, a three-month forwarcontrawoulhave to purchasethe offer of the base currenall-in forwarrate of 1.4210 – 21/10,000 = 1.4189 USEUR.The cash outflow settlement woulhave been EUR18 million × (1.4189 – 1.3916) USEUR = US91,400. This amount nee to scountethree months the US llLibor rate: 491,400/(1 + 0.01266 × 90/360) = US89,850.A is incorrect. The euro Libor rate is useto scount the settlement cash flow: 491,400/(1 + 0.01814 × 90/360) = US89,182.中文解析初始的外币资产头寸是18million的欧元(0.2million股*90欧元/股)。因此一开始需要short forwaron 欧元,期限是6个月,对应的远期汇率是1.3935 – 19/10,000 = 1.3916 USEUR。(此合约在到期的时候是卖欧元,收到美元)那现在3个月的时候股票被卖掉了,所以原来的6个月期限的合约用不到了,需要平仓平掉。签反向对冲合约long forwaron欧元,期限是3个月,对应的远期汇率是1.4210 – 21/10,000 = 1.4189 USEUR。(此合约到期的时候是买欧元,支付美元)那么在到期的时候(也就是再过3个月后),对应的cash outflow就是EUR18 million×(1.4189–1.3916)USEUR =US91,400。但现在是站在3时刻,因此需要在到期时候的金额US91,400向前折现3个月,即491,400/(1 + 0.01266 × 90/360) = US89,850。C is incorrect. It uses the settlement cash flow, ignoring any scounting: US91,400.Solution 老师,为什么三个月以后平仓用的是ask-pri的价格,按照乘小除大的原则,要把EUR销掉,不是都应该用乘法吗,也就是乘以小的,每次一到这个点就犯迷糊,请老师详细讲解一下

2024-01-14 09:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208100100000403 问题如下 Using Exhibit 1, if the Spanish shares hbeen solafter three months, the cash outflow (in US llars) requireto close out the forwarcontrawoulhave been closest to: A.489,182.00 B.489,850.00 C.491,400.00 B is correct. The initiforeign asset position wEUR18 million: 200,000 shares × EUR90/share. The six-month forwarcontrawoulhave been solusing the biof the base curren(euro) all-in forwarrate of 1.3935 – 19/10,000 = 1.3916 USEUR.If the position hbeen closein three months, a three-month forwarcontrawoulhave to purchasethe offer of the base currenall-in forwarrate of 1.4210 – 21/10,000 = 1.4189 USEUR.The cash outflow settlement woulhave been EUR18 million × (1.4189 – 1.3916) USEUR = US91,400. This amount nee to scountethree months the US llLibor rate: 491,400/(1 + 0.01266 × 90/360) = US89,850.A is incorrect. The euro Libor rate is useto scount the settlement cash flow: 491,400/(1 + 0.01814 × 90/360) = US89,182.中文解析初始的外币资产头寸是18million的欧元(0.2million股*90欧元/股)。因此一开始需要short forwaron 欧元,期限是6个月,对应的远期汇率是1.3935 – 19/10,000 = 1.3916 USEUR。(此合约在到期的时候是卖欧元,收到美元)那现在3个月的时候股票被卖掉了,所以原来的6个月期限的合约用不到了,需要平仓平掉。签反向对冲合约long forwaron欧元,期限是3个月,对应的远期汇率是1.4210 – 21/10,000 = 1.4189 USEUR。(此合约到期的时候是买欧元,支付美元)那么在到期的时候(也就是再过3个月后),对应的cash outflow就是EUR18 million×(1.4189–1.3916)USEUR =US91,400。但现在是站在3时刻,因此需要在到期时候的金额US91,400向前折现3个月,即491,400/(1 + 0.01266 × 90/360) = US89,850。C is incorrect. It uses the settlement cash flow, ignoring any scounting: US91,400.Solution 课后题有涉及到计算现金流的也没要求折现啊? 而且 即使是折现,那描述的应该是mark to market 计算value啊 ?

2023-05-21 11:19 1 · 回答