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DAWS · 2023年01月31日

请问这道题 3-5是要标准化先吗?



Either using a Z table or the Excel function NORM.S.DIST, compute

a. Pr(-1.5 < Z < 0), where Z ∼ N(0, 1)

b. Pr(Z < -1.5), where Z ∼ N(0, 1)

c. Pr(-1.5 < X < 0), where X ∼ N(1, 2)

d. Pr(X > 2), where X ∼ N(1, 2)

e. Pr(W > 12), where W ∼ N(3, 9)



a. 43.3%. In Excel, the command to compute this value is NORM.S.DIST(0,TRUE) – NORM.S.DIST(-1.5,TRUE).

b. 6.7%. In Excel, the command to compute this value is NORM.S.DIST(-1.5,TRUE).

c. 20.1%. In Excel, the command to compute this value is NORM.S.DIST((0 – 1)/SQRT(2),TRUE) – NORM.S.DIST((-1.5-1)/SQRT(2),TRUE).

d. 24.0%. In Excel, the command to compute this value is 1 – NORM.S.DIST((2 – 1)/SQRT(2),TRUE).

e. 0.13%. In Excel, the command to compute this value is 1 – NORM.S.DIST((12 – 3)/3,TRUE).


2 个答案

pzqa27 · 2023年02月01日




pzqa27 · 2023年01月31日



比如d问的是X>2的概率,而X服从均值为1,方差为2的正态分布。 已知方差为2,那么标准差是根号2,大概是1.414左右,然后把X=2转化到01的标准正态分布中,计算:



DAWS · 2023年02月01日

谢谢老师,比如这个C问,我算出来是:-0.7071 和 -1.76, 查表得出概率是0.2206 - 0.093 大概等于18%,但是题目答案是20.1%,我是哪里算错了吗

DAWS · 2023年02月01日

查表得出是0.2206 - 0.0384, 前面那条打错了。

  • 2

  • 0

  • 221


NO.PZ2020010303000009问题如下Either using a Z table or the Excel function NORM.S.ST, compute Pr(-1.5 Z 0), where Z ∼ N(0, 1) Pr(Z -1.5), where Z ∼ N(0, 1) Pr(-1.5 X 0), where X ∼ N(1, 2) Pr(X 2), where X ∼ N(1, 2) e. Pr(W 12), where W ∼ N(3, 9) 43.3%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is NORM.S.ST(0,TRUE) – NORM.S.ST(-1.5,TRUE).6.7%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is NORM.S.ST(-1.5,TRUE).20.1%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is NORM.S.ST((0 – 1)/SQRT(2),TRUE) – NORM.S.ST((-1.5-1)/SQRT(2),TRUE). 24.0%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is 1 – NORM.S.ST((2 – 1)/SQRT(2),TRUE).e. 0.13%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is 1 – NORM.S.ST((12 – 3)/3,TRUE). -1·5 Z 0如何查表得出的结果

2024-04-16 13:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020010303000009 问题如下 Either using a Z table or the Excel function NORM.S.ST, compute Pr(-1.5 Z 0), where Z ∼ N(0, 1) Pr(Z -1.5), where Z ∼ N(0, 1) Pr(-1.5 X 0), where X ∼ N(1, 2) Pr(X 2), where X ∼ N(1, 2) e. Pr(W 12), where W ∼ N(3, 9) 43.3%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is NORM.S.ST(0,TRUE) – NORM.S.ST(-1.5,TRUE).6.7%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is NORM.S.ST(-1.5,TRUE).20.1%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is NORM.S.ST((0 – 1)/SQRT(2),TRUE) – NORM.S.ST((-1.5-1)/SQRT(2),TRUE). 24.0%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is 1 – NORM.S.ST((2 – 1)/SQRT(2),TRUE).e. 0.13%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is 1 – NORM.S.ST((12 – 3)/3,TRUE). excel function NORM.S.ST 这是Excel的计算公式吗?这个也需要掌握吗

2024-01-15 00:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020010303000009 问题如下 Either using a Z table or the Excel function NORM.S.ST, compute Pr(-1.5 Z 0), where Z ∼ N(0, 1) Pr(Z -1.5), where Z ∼ N(0, 1) Pr(-1.5 X 0), where X ∼ N(1, 2) Pr(X 2), where X ∼ N(1, 2) e. Pr(W 12), where W ∼ N(3, 9) 43.3%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is NORM.S.ST(0,TRUE) – NORM.S.ST(-1.5,TRUE).6.7%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is NORM.S.ST(-1.5,TRUE).20.1%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is NORM.S.ST((0 – 1)/SQRT(2),TRUE) – NORM.S.ST((-1.5-1)/SQRT(2),TRUE). 24.0%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is 1 – NORM.S.ST((2 – 1)/SQRT(2),TRUE).e. 0.13%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is 1 – NORM.S.ST((12 – 3)/3,TRUE). 这道题除了有超出给定表的数据,还有无法精准得出的,比如1.5,在表单中只有接近1.5的数据,这种情况怎么计算?

2024-01-14 23:32 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020010303000009 问题如下 Either using a Z table or the Excel function NORM.S.ST, compute Pr(-1.5 Z 0), where Z ∼ N(0, 1) Pr(Z -1.5), where Z ∼ N(0, 1) Pr(-1.5 X 0), where X ∼ N(1, 2) Pr(X 2), where X ∼ N(1, 2) e. Pr(W 12), where W ∼ N(3, 9) 43.3%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is NORM.S.ST(0,TRUE) – NORM.S.ST(-1.5,TRUE).6.7%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is NORM.S.ST(-1.5,TRUE).20.1%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is NORM.S.ST((0 – 1)/SQRT(2),TRUE) – NORM.S.ST((-1.5-1)/SQRT(2),TRUE). 24.0%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is 1 – NORM.S.ST((2 – 1)/SQRT(2),TRUE).e. 0.13%. In Excel, the commanto compute this value is 1 – NORM.S.ST((12 – 3)/3,TRUE). 是不是可以标准化到 P(-1.77 X -0.71)这个式子,在去查表但是-1.77超过了将以中给的表的范围

2023-02-26 15:41 1 · 回答