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ruby5ltc · 2023年01月24日

critical value等于几?

* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Determine using Exhibit 2 which one of the following statements is most likely to be correct. Monthly seasonality in the firm’s portfolio is________.


A.highly likely B.highly unlikely C.not able to be determined from the given data


B is correct. Monthly seasonality in the firm’s portfolio is highly unlikely. Thevariance explained by the model (R-squared) is only 10.3%, and after adjusting forthe number of independent variables (adjusted R-squared), it becomes negative.Also, the insignificant F-statistic indicates a 56.3% chance that all variable coefficients are zero. Finally, t-statistics and associated p-values indicate that all thevariable coefficients are insignificant (i.e., not significantly different from zero).Consequently, monthly seasonality is highly unlikely to exist in this portfolio.

critical value等于几?

2 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2023年03月17日

@𝒜𝒩𝒥𝒜 安雅🎃


本题的seasonality是通过n-1个dummy variables体现的,运用的模型是多元回归。AR模型中的seasonality是自己和自己回归体现的,即运用的模型是自回归。


星星_品职助教 · 2023年01月29日


本题给出p-value,直接对比p-value和significance level即可。不需要去查critical value。

由于表格中的p-value都非常大,最小的一个也有19.3%,基本不可能小于significance level。也就无法拒绝ρ=0的原假设,即没有serial correlation/seasonality的问题。

𝒜𝒩𝒥𝒜 安雅🎃 · 2023年03月17日

星星助教你好,这题是关于检验季节性,module 5 AR model那里也有检验季节性....这两个检验seasonality是同一回事吗?一个是用X回归出Y,另一个是Xt-1回归出Xt,这样看它们好像不是同一回事吧?学懵了 T^T

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NO.PZ202208220100000405 问题如下 termine using Exhibit 2 whione of the following statements is most likely to correct. Monthly seasonality in the firm’s portfolio is________. A.highly likely B.highly unlikely C.not able to terminefrom the given t B is correct. Monthly seasonality in the firm’s portfolio is highly unlikely. Thevarianexplainethe mol (R-square is only 10.3%, anafter austing forthe number of inpennt variables (austeR-square, it becomes negative.Also, the insignificant F-statistic incates a 56.3% chanthall variable coefficients are zero. Finally, t-statistianassociatep-values incate thall thevariable coefficients are insignificant (i.e., not significantly fferent from zero).Consequently, monthly seasonality is highly unlikely to exist in this portfolio. 所以只要说significant F 就是 F的p value 就和significanlevel(e.g. 5%)比较就可以了?

2024-07-14 01:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208220100000405问题如下 termine using Exhibit 2 whione of the following statements is most likely to correct. Monthly seasonality in the firm’s portfolio is________. A.highly likelyB.highly unlikelyC.not able to terminefrom the given tB is correct. Monthly seasonality in the firm’s portfolio is highly unlikely. Thevarianexplainethe mol (R-square is only 10.3%, anafter austing forthe number of inpennt variables (austeR-square, it becomes negative.Also, the insignificant F-statistic incates a 56.3% chanthall variable coefficients are zero. Finally, t-statistianassociatep-values incate thall thevariable coefficients are insignificant (i.e., not significantly fferent from zero).Consequently, monthly seasonality is highly unlikely to exist in this portfolio. F value =0.879, significant F 等于0.563,F 值落在临界值右边,不是应该要拒绝原假设吗

2023-10-22 23:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208220100000405问题如下 termine using Exhibit 2 whione of the following statements is most likely to correct. Monthly seasonality in the firm’s portfolio is________. A.highly likelyB.highly unlikelyC.not able to terminefrom the given tB is correct. Monthly seasonality in the firm’s portfolio is highly unlikely. Thevarianexplainethe mol (R-square is only 10.3%, anafter austing forthe number of inpennt variables (austeR-square, it becomes negative.Also, the insignificant F-statistic incates a 56.3% chanthall variable coefficients are zero. Finally, t-statistianassociatep-values incate thall thevariable coefficients are insignificant (i.e., not significantly fferent from zero).Consequently, monthly seasonality is highly unlikely to exist in this portfolio. F检验的criticvalue和test statistic在这道题是多少,怎么我看答案和提问都说0.563就是不显著,没明白其中的逻辑关系

2023-10-05 10:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208220100000405 问题如下 The CIO asks you to analyze one of the firm’s portfolios to intify influentioutliers thmight skewing regression results of its return ivers. For eaobservation, you calculate leverage, the stuntizeresial, anCook’s There are 96 observations antwo inpennt variables (k = 2), anthe criticalt-statistic is 2.63 a 1% significanlevel. Partiresults of your calculations areshown in Exhibit 1.Finally, you are taskewith investigating whether there is any monthly seasonality in the excess portfolio returns. You construa regression mol using mmy variables for the months; your regression statistianANOVA results are shown in Exhibit 2. termine using Exhibit 2 whione of the following statements is most likely to correct. Monthly seasonality in the firm’s portfolio is________. A.highly likely B.highly unlikely C.not able to terminefrom the given t B is correct. Monthly seasonality in the firm’s portfolio is highly unlikely. Thevarianexplainethe mol (R-square is only 10.3%, anafter austing forthe number of inpennt variables (austeR-square, it becomes negative.Also, the insignificant F-statistic incates a 56.3% chanthall variable coefficients are zero. Finally, t-statistianassociatep-values incate thall thevariable coefficients are insignificant (i.e., not significantly fferent from zero).Consequently, monthly seasonality is highly unlikely to exist in this portfolio. 请问这道题的讲解视频链接?

2023-09-24 17:40 3 · 回答

NO.PZ202208220100000405 问题如下 termine using Exhibit 2 whione of the following statements is most likely to correct. Monthly seasonality in the firm’s portfolio is________. A.highly likely B.highly unlikely C.not able to terminefrom the given t B is correct. Monthly seasonality in the firm’s portfolio is highly unlikely. Thevarianexplainethe mol (R-square is only 10.3%, anafter austing forthe number of inpennt variables (austeR-square, it becomes negative.Also, the insignificant F-statistic incates a 56.3% chanthall variable coefficients are zero. Finally, t-statistianassociatep-values incate thall thevariable coefficients are insignificant (i.e., not significantly fferent from zero).Consequently, monthly seasonality is highly unlikely to exist in this portfolio. 如题。

2023-03-21 22:20 1 · 回答