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Cooljas · 2023年01月02日




A trader creates a bear spread using put options with strike prices of USD 25 and USD 30 and the same time to maturity. The options cost USD 2 and USD 4.50 (respectively). Under what circumstances will the trade be profitable?



It costs USD 2.50 to set up the bear spread. If the asset price is between USD 27 .50 and USD 30, the payoff from the spread will be less than USD 2.50. If it is less than USD 27.50, the payoff will be between USD 2.50 and USD 5. Thus, the trade will be profitable if the price of the asset at maturity is less than USD 27.50.

1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2023年01月03日


题目说一个交易员利用put option构造了熊市价差(bear spread)组合,这个组合需要卖出一份较低行权价的put,同时买入一份较高行权价的put。



  1. 当标的资产(股票)的价格处在27.5-30美元的时候,此时30美元行权价的put的payoff=30-股票价格,25美元的put没有payoff,所以此时payoff最大=30-27.5=2.5USD;
  2. 当股票价格低于27.5时,如果股票价格大于25,那么两个put带来的payoff=30-股票价格,如果股票价格小于25,那么payoff = 30-股票价格-(25-股票价格) = 5USD。此时熊市价差的payoff达到最大值5USD。而此时组合带来的净利润=5-2.5=2.5USD;
  3. 如果股票价格大于30USD,两个put都是虚值,交易会亏掉2.5USD的成本。

简便计算方法其实就是用两个行权价做差,30USD-25USD,就得到了熊市价差的最大payoff= 5USD。


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NO.PZ2020021203000094 问题如下 A trar creates a bespreusing put options with strike prices of US25 anUS30 anthe same time to maturity. The options cost US2 anUS4.50 (respectively). Unr whcircumstances will the tra profitable? It costs US2.50 to set up the besprea If the asset priis between US27 .50 anUS30, the payoff from the sprewill less thUS2.50. If it is less thUS27.50, the payoff will between US2.50 anUS5. Thus, the tra will profitable if the priof the asset maturity is less thUS27.50. 助教你好,我按照李老师的方法写出以下东西,得出mgain是2.5,breakeven point是27.5,mloss是-2.5。既然mgain是2.5,为什么解析这句【If it is less thUS27.50, the payoff will between US2.50 anUS5】会有5?若他这话成立,那mgain应该是5才对呀,但这就跟式子推出来的不一致了。到底是哪儿错了?谢谢。

2023-06-05 10:35 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020021203000094 问题如下 A trar creates a bespreusing put options with strike prices of US25 anUS30 anthe same time to maturity. The options cost US2 anUS4.50 (respectively). Unr whcircumstances will the tra profitable? It costs US2.50 to set up the besprea If the asset priis between US27 .50 anUS30, the payoff from the sprewill less thUS2.50. If it is less thUS27.50, the payoff will between US2.50 anUS5. Thus, the tra will profitable if the priof the asset maturity is less thUS27.50. 想请问一下老师,为什么这道题就自然地讨论股票价格小于27.5和大于27.5的情况,答案看明白了,但是不知道怎么想到27.5

2023-03-15 10:05 2 · 回答