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必过50 · 2022年12月27日


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Chattahoochee Advisers Case Scenario

Miller tells Browne, “Chattahoochee provides its services to relatively small institutional investors, typically those with assets of USD20 million–USD100 million. Your primary goal is to attract new clients in our three primary target areas: insurance companies, defined benefit pension funds, and endowments and foundations.”

Miller continues, “The asset portfolios of our clients can vary widely. How well do you understand the differences between the investment approaches used by various institutions?”

Browne replies, “I’m familiar with a number of them. For our clients with long-term horizons and relatively low liquidity needs, we could recommend the Canadian model, which entails a high exposure to alternative investments. Given their primary investment objectives, pension funds and insurance companies are usually well suited to the liability-driven investing model.”

Browne asks Miller for some advice on developing a proposal for a potential client, the defined benefit pension plan for Tucker Manufacturing. Tucker is a publicly traded firm whose stock is a part of the Russell 2000 Index. The firm has been in business for 82 years and has a Fitch credit rating of BBB+.

The plan, which does not require any contributions from employees, has 160 retirees and 280 active employees. Employees vest fully after six years of service. The average age of active employees is 54 years, their average length of service is 26 years, and employees may retire and begin to collect benefits after 30 years of service. Benefits are based on years of service and the average salary during the last five years of service. Retirees receive a cost-of-living adjustment based on changes in the consumer price index. Prior to retiring, employees can choose to receive a lump sum payment in place of future pension benefits.

The asset allocation of the portfolio is

  • 37% publicly traded equity, mostly small-cap growth equities, about half of which is in Tucker common stock, which is considered a growth stock and pays no dividends;

  • 29% private equity, invested in two recently launched funds; and

  • 34% directly owned real estate, consisting of vacant land that is expected to be developed in 15–20 years.

The current value of plan assets is USD109 million. Values are calculated using market prices where available and third-party appraisals or valuations where market prices are unavailable or stale. The value of plan liabilities is USD93 million, which is calculated by discounting projected benefit payments using a discount rate equal to the average total return the current asset allocation would have earned over the last 15 years.

Browne tells Miller that Tucker Manufacturing’s management is happy the value of plan assets exceeds the value of plan liabilities by USD16 million. The company anticipates recording an asset on its balance sheet called “plan surplus” in this amount. She asks him whether he sees any problems with this idea.

Miller reminds Browne that her proposal should indicate any risks present in the Tucker pension fund that would be reduced by the Chattahoochee investment proposal. Browne responds, “I have been evaluating a number of potential risk sources and have identified some concerns that I will raise.”

Browne also shares her proposal for a revised investment objective for the Tucker pension:

The primary objectives of the Tucker Manufacturing pension plan are to maintain an asset portfolio that is duration matched to plan liabilities and over the long term earns a return equal to the inflation rate plus the growth rate in salaries of Tucker Manufacturing employees. The secondary objectives of the plan are to prevent being underfunded and avoid increasing required sponsor contributions above their historical level.

Which of the following would Browne least likely consider a source of risk for the Tucker pension plan?


A.Workforce characteristics B.The sponsor’s financial health C.Common risk exposures between the sponsor and the fund



B is correct. The plan sponsor holds an investment-grade credit rating, and there are no indications of declining financial health.

A is incorrect. There are a substantial number of retirees, and the active employees are older, with long service records, suggesting many are nearing retirement. The current asset allocation is both illiquid in nature (newly launched private equity funds and directly owned undeveloped real estate) and volatile in value (small-cap equities). Given the workforce characteristics, the fund should likely be moving to a more current income-producing allocation and one that would reduce surplus volatility.

C is incorrect because 18­%–19% of the fund’s assets are invested in the sponsor’s common stock. If the sponsor’s financial health declines, the value of fund assets will decline at precisely the same time the sponsor is required to make additional contributions. Because it is less likely to be able to do so when it is in poor financial health, this situation creates a greater risk of insolvency than if that allocation were in different assets.


2 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2022年12月30日



The plan, which does not require any contributions from employees, has 160 retirees and 280 active employees.

这个只能说明fully funded。

Employees vest fully after six years of service. The average age of active employees is 54 years, their average length of service is 26 years, and employees may retire and begin to collect benefits after 30 years of service. 



lynn_品职助教 · 2022年12月27日





Browne asks Miller for some advice on developing a proposal for a potential client, the defined benefit pension plan for Tucker Manufacturing. Tucker is a publicly traded firm whose stock is a part of the Russell 2000 Index. The firm has been in business for 82 years and has a Fitch credit rating of BBB+.

第一段主要是说T是上市公司,股票属于Russell 2000指数,BBB+的 credit rating。

The asset allocation of the portfolio is

37% publicly traded equity, mostly small-cap growth equities, about half of which is in Tucker common stock, which is considered a growth stock and pays no dividends;

29% private equity, invested in two recently launched funds; and

34% directly owned real estate, consisting of vacant land that is expected to be developed in 15–20 years.

这一段的意思是当前DB plan的投资是:

·  37%在上市股票上,主要是小市值、增长型股票;同时,一半的股票都投资在本公司的股票上,他们公司的股票是增长型,没有分红。从这句话可以判断,这个Asset投资了本公司股票,投资与公司的Correlation过高,导致了DB Plan的风险承受能力下降。

·  29%投资最新私募股票上;

·  34%投资在房地产上,包括空置的土地、计划在15~20年后开始建设。

综合来看可以判断Sponsor hold investment-grade credit rating,选B。


  • 2

  • 0

  • 1365


NO.PZ202206210200000105问题如下Whiof the following woulBrowne least likely consir a sourof risk for the Tucker pension plan?A.WorkforcharacteristicsB.The sponsor’s financihealthC.Common risk exposures between the sponsor anthe funSolutionB is correct. The plsponsor hol investment-gra cret rating, anthere are no incations of clining financihealth.A is incorrect. There are a substantinumber of retirees, anthe active employees are olr, with long servirecor, suggesting many are nearing retirement. The current asset allocation is both illiquiin nature (newly launcheprivate equity fun anrectly owneunvelopereestate) anvolatile in value (small-cequities). Given the workforcharacteristics, the funshoullikely moving to a more current income-procing allocation anone thwoulresurplus volatility.C is incorrebecause 18­%–19% of the funs assets are investein the sponsor’s common stock. If the sponsor’s financihealth clines, the value of funassets will cline precisely the same time the sponsor is requireto make aitioncontributions. Because it is less likely to able to so when it is in poor financihealth, this situation creates a greater risk of insolventhif thallocation were in fferent assets.B和C答案对应的题干内容在哪里

2024-10-22 15:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206210200000105 问题如下 Whiof the following woulBrowne least likely consir a sourof risk for the Tucker pension plan? A.Workforcharacteristi B.The sponsor’s financihealth C.Common risk exposures between the sponsor anthe fun SolutionB is correct. The plsponsor hol investment-gra cret rating, anthere are no incations of clining financihealth.A is incorrect. There are a substantinumber of retirees, anthe active employees are olr, with long servirecor, suggesting many are nearing retirement. The current asset allocation is both illiquiin nature (newly launcheprivate equity fun anrectly owneunvelopereestate) anvolatile in value (small-cequities). Given the workforcharacteristics, the funshoullikely moving to a more current income-procing allocation anone thwoulresurplus volatility.C is incorrebecause 18­%–19% of the funs assets are investein the sponsor’s common stock. If the sponsor’s financihealth clines, the value of funassets will cline precisely the same time the sponsor is requireto make aitioncontributions. Because it is less likely to able to so when it is in poor financihealth, this situation creates a greater risk of insolventhif thallocation were in fferent assets. workforce的一些特征虽然会对pension造成一些压力,但是这些特征是已知的,我以为已知的就ok。前面有一个题目我感觉就是类似,那个vesting的那个,不就是因为也是已知的状态,根据已有信息已经知道多数员工都是veste,所以不算一个风险考量或者关注的点么?

2024-05-07 23:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206210200000105问题如下Whiof the following woulBrowne least likely consir a sourof risk for the Tucker pension plan?A.WorkforcharacteristicsB.The sponsor’s financihealthC.Common risk exposures between the sponsor anthe funSolutionB is correct. The plsponsor hol investment-gra cret rating, anthere are no incations of clining financihealth.A is incorrect. There are a substantinumber of retirees, anthe active employees are olr, with long servirecor, suggesting many are nearing retirement. The current asset allocation is both illiquiin nature (newly launcheprivate equity fun anrectly owneunvelopereestate) anvolatile in value (small-cequities). Given the workforcharacteristics, the funshoullikely moving to a more current income-procing allocation anone thwoulresurplus volatility.C is incorrebecause 18­%–19% of the funs assets are investein the sponsor’s common stock. If the sponsor’s financihealth clines, the value of funassets will cline precisely the same time the sponsor is requireto make aitioncontributions. Because it is less likely to able to so when it is in poor financihealth, this situation creates a greater risk of insolventhif thallocation were in fferent assets.老师,c请一下

2023-10-26 15:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206210200000105 问题如下 Whiof the following woulBrowne least likely consir a sourof risk for the Tucker pension plan? A.Workforcharacteristi B.The sponsor’s financihealth C.Common risk exposures between the sponsor anthe fun SolutionB is correct. The plsponsor hol investment-gra cret rating, anthere are no incations of clining financihealth.A is incorrect. There are a substantinumber of retirees, anthe active employees are olr, with long servirecor, suggesting many are nearing retirement. The current asset allocation is both illiquiin nature (newly launcheprivate equity fun anrectly owneunvelopereestate) anvolatile in value (small-cequities). Given the workforcharacteristics, the funshoullikely moving to a more current income-procing allocation anone thwoulresurplus volatility.C is incorrebecause 18­%–19% of the funs assets are investein the sponsor’s common stock. If the sponsor’s financihealth clines, the value of funassets will cline precisely the same time the sponsor is requireto make aitioncontributions. Because it is less likely to able to so when it is in poor financihealth, this situation creates a greater risk of insolventhif thallocation were in fferent assets. 老师,您好!我看答案给的回复都是一样的,我想追问下为什么通过“第一段主要是说T是上市公司,股票属于Russell 2000指数,BBB+的 cret rating。”和第二段“asset allocation”这两段能判断Sponsor holinvestment-gra cret rating并且可预期的未来不会有财务风险?谢谢!

2023-05-17 10:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206210200000105 问题如下 Whiof the following woulBrowne least likely consir a sourof risk for the Tucker pension plan? A.Workforcharacteristi B.The sponsor’s financihealth C.Common risk exposures between the sponsor anthe fun SolutionB is correct. The plsponsor hol investment-gra cret rating, anthere are no incations of clining financihealth.A is incorrect. There are a substantinumber of retirees, anthe active employees are olr, with long servirecor, suggesting many are nearing retirement. The current asset allocation is both illiquiin nature (newly launcheprivate equity fun anrectly owneunvelopereestate) anvolatile in value (small-cequities). Given the workforcharacteristics, the funshoullikely moving to a more current income-procing allocation anone thwoulresurplus volatility.C is incorrebecause 18­%–19% of the funs assets are investein the sponsor’s common stock. If the sponsor’s financihealth clines, the value of funassets will cline precisely the same time the sponsor is requireto make aitioncontributions. Because it is less likely to able to so when it is in poor financihealth, this situation creates a greater risk of insolventhif thallocation were in fferent assets. 题目问哪个是B同学最不会考虑的sourof risk。因为该公司有160名退休员工,在职员工基本都是fully veste所以劳动力特征是很明显的,不会发生重大变动,所以我选了A。B的我不太能接受,因为公司的经营状况是会时常发生变化的,当前评级高不代表以后能一直健康运转,为什么财务状况可以不考虑呢?

2023-04-24 16:09 1 · 回答