开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


Brownie · 2022年12月26日

bond future 的duration

* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Six months later, Uff has since closed out both the equity index futures contract position and the interest rate swap position. In response to market movements, he now wants to implement a tactical rebalancing of the Fund’s portfolio.

Exhibit 3 presents the current and target asset allocations for the Fund’s portfolio.

Uff decides to use equity index and bond futures contracts to rebalance the portfolio. Exhibit 4 shows selected data on the Fund’s portfolio and the relevant futures contracts.

Determine how many equity index and bond futures contracts Uff should use to rebalance the Fund’s portfolio to the target allocation. Identify whether the futures contracts should be bought or sold.


Uff needs to reduce the equity allocation by €13,202,500 (= €201,384,000 – €188,181,500).

The number of equity index futures contracts required to rebalance the Fund’s portfolio to the target allocation is calculated as follows:

Uff needs to move to a notional “cash” position (βT = 0) to reduce equity exposure, and the portfolio beta is βS = 1.28. The beta of the equity index futures contract (βf ) is 1.00, so the number of equity index futures contracts required is calculated as follows:

Because the number of futures contracts (Nf ) is negative, Uff should sell 483 equity index futures contracts (after rounding).

Uff needs to increase the bond allocation by €13,202,500 (= €101,328,500 – €88,126,000).

The number of bond futures contracts required to rebalance the Fund’s portfolio to the target allocation is calculated as follows:


Now, starting with a notional “cash” position (BPVP = 0) provided by the reduction in equity exposure above, and noting that BPVCTD = €91.26 and CF = 0.733194, the number of bond futures contracts is calculated as follows:

Because the BPVHR is positive, Uff should buy 49 bond futures contracts (after rounding).





请问题目中,CTD bond的BPV 是91.26, 如何求Mudr of CTD bond?


这里的MV 是多少(。ì _ í。)

1 个答案

Hertz_品职助教 · 2022年12月27日



问题:这里的MV 是多少(。ì _ í。)





  • 1

  • 0

  • 394


NO.PZ201601050100001803 问题如下 Six months later, Uff hsincloseout both the equity inx futures contraposition anthe interest rate swposition. In response to market movements, he now wants to implement a tacticrebalancing of the Funs portfolio. Exhibit 3 presents the current antarget asset allocations for the Funs portfolio.Uff cis to use equity inx anbonfutures contracts to rebalanthe portfolio. Exhibit 4 shows selecteta on the Funs portfolio anthe relevant futures contracts.termine how many equity inx anbonfutures contracts Uff shouluse to rebalanthe Funs portfolio to the target allocation. Intify whether the futures contracts shoulbought or sol Uff nee to rethe equity allocation €13,202,500 (= €201,384,000 – €188,181,500).The number of equity inx futures contracts requireto rebalanthe Funs portfolio to the target allocation is calculatefollows:Uff nee to move to a notion“cash” position (βT = 0) to reequity exposure, anthe portfolio beta is βS = 1.28. The beta of the equity inx futures contra(βf ) is 1.00, so the number of equity inx futures contracts requireis calculatefollows:Because the number of futures contracts (Nf ) is negative, Uff shoulsell 483 equity inx futures contracts (after rounng).Uff nee to increase the bonallocation €13,202,500 (= €101,328,500 – €88,126,000).The number of bonfutures contracts requireto rebalanthe Funs portfolio to the target allocation is calculatefollows:whereNow, starting with a notion“cash” position (BPVP = 0) provithe rection in equity exposure above, annoting thBPVCT= €91.26 an= 0.733194, the number of bonfutures contracts is calculatefollows:Because the BPVHR is positive, Uff shoulbuy 49 bonfutures contracts (after rounng).中文解析本题考察的是使用股指期货合约和债券期货合约进行资产配置。根据题干的意思可知,现在想要降低股票在组合中的占比,增加债券在组合中的占比。因此第一步是通过卖出股指期货合约来降低股票头寸,第二步再通过买入债券期货合约来增加债券头寸。具体合约的份数按照上述公式计算即可。 是不是考试问合约份数的题目,最后答案都要给整数?含小数的答案需要写上吗

2024-07-24 14:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100001803 问题如下 Six months later, Uff hsincloseout both the equity inx futures contraposition anthe interest rate swposition. In response to market movements, he now wants to implement a tacticrebalancing of the Funs portfolio. Exhibit 3 presents the current antarget asset allocations for the Funs portfolio.Uff cis to use equity inx anbonfutures contracts to rebalanthe portfolio. Exhibit 4 shows selecteta on the Funs portfolio anthe relevant futures contracts.termine how many equity inx anbonfutures contracts Uff shouluse to rebalanthe Funs portfolio to the target allocation. Intify whether the futures contracts shoulbought or sol Uff nee to rethe equity allocation €13,202,500 (= €201,384,000 – €188,181,500).The number of equity inx futures contracts requireto rebalanthe Funs portfolio to the target allocation is calculatefollows:Uff nee to move to a notion“cash” position (βT = 0) to reequity exposure, anthe portfolio beta is βS = 1.28. The beta of the equity inx futures contra(βf ) is 1.00, so the number of equity inx futures contracts requireis calculatefollows:Because the number of futures contracts (Nf ) is negative, Uff shoulsell 483 equity inx futures contracts (after rounng).Uff nee to increase the bonallocation €13,202,500 (= €101,328,500 – €88,126,000).The number of bonfutures contracts requireto rebalanthe Funs portfolio to the target allocation is calculatefollows:whereNow, starting with a notion“cash” position (BPVP = 0) provithe rection in equity exposure above, annoting thBPVCT= €91.26 an= 0.733194, the number of bonfutures contracts is calculatefollows:Because the BPVHR is positive, Uff shoulbuy 49 bonfutures contracts (after rounng).中文解析本题考察的是使用股指期货合约和债券期货合约进行资产配置。根据题干的意思可知,现在想要降低股票在组合中的占比,增加债券在组合中的占比。因此第一步是通过卖出股指期货合约来降低股票头寸,第二步再通过买入债券期货合约来增加债券头寸。具体合约的份数按照上述公式计算即可。 尽可能少打字但有不会被扣分的那种

2023-12-31 16:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100001803 问题如下 Six months later, Uff hsincloseout both the equity inx futures contraposition anthe interest rate swposition. In response to market movements, he now wants to implement a tacticrebalancing of the Funs portfolio. Exhibit 3 presents the current antarget asset allocations for the Funs portfolio.Uff cis to use equity inx anbonfutures contracts to rebalanthe portfolio. Exhibit 4 shows selecteta on the Funs portfolio anthe relevant futures contracts.termine how many equity inx anbonfutures contracts Uff shouluse to rebalanthe Funs portfolio to the target allocation. Intify whether the futures contracts shoulbought or sol Uff nee to rethe equity allocation €13,202,500 (= €201,384,000 – €188,181,500).The number of equity inx futures contracts requireto rebalanthe Funs portfolio to the target allocation is calculatefollows:Uff nee to move to a notion“cash” position (βT = 0) to reequity exposure, anthe portfolio beta is βS = 1.28. The beta of the equity inx futures contra(βf ) is 1.00, so the number of equity inx futures contracts requireis calculatefollows:Because the number of futures contracts (Nf ) is negative, Uff shoulsell 483 equity inx futures contracts (after rounng).Uff nee to increase the bonallocation €13,202,500 (= €101,328,500 – €88,126,000).The number of bonfutures contracts requireto rebalanthe Funs portfolio to the target allocation is calculatefollows:whereNow, starting with a notion“cash” position (BPVP = 0) provithe rection in equity exposure above, annoting thBPVCT= €91.26 an= 0.733194, the number of bonfutures contracts is calculatefollows:Because the BPVHR is positive, Uff shoulbuy 49 bonfutures contracts (after rounng).中文解析本题考察的是使用股指期货合约和债券期货合约进行资产配置。根据题干的意思可知,现在想要降低股票在组合中的占比,增加债券在组合中的占比。因此第一步是通过卖出股指期货合约来降低股票头寸,第二步再通过买入债券期货合约来增加债券头寸。具体合约的份数按照上述公式计算即可。 1、为什么调节债券头寸的部分,计算BPVT时用的ration是原本portfolio里债券的ration呢?2、在一个portfolio里股票和债券头寸都需要调整的情况下,并非一个要增加的value就等于另一个要减少的value,对吗?例如本题就是两个头寸分别计算调整的value。关于这一点我不是很确定,想和老师确认一下。

2023-11-30 21:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100001803 问题如下 Six months later, Uff hsincloseout both the equity inx futures contraposition anthe interest rate swposition. In response to market movements, he now wants to implement a tacticrebalancing of the Funs portfolio. Exhibit 3 presents the current antarget asset allocations for the Funs portfolio.Uff cis to use equity inx anbonfutures contracts to rebalanthe portfolio. Exhibit 4 shows selecteta on the Funs portfolio anthe relevant futures contracts.termine how many equity inx anbonfutures contracts Uff shouluse to rebalanthe Funs portfolio to the target allocation. Intify whether the futures contracts shoulbought or sol Uff nee to rethe equity allocation €13,202,500 (= €201,384,000 – €188,181,500).The number of equity inx futures contracts requireto rebalanthe Funs portfolio to the target allocation is calculatefollows:Uff nee to move to a notion“cash” position (βT = 0) to reequity exposure, anthe portfolio beta is βS = 1.28. The beta of the equity inx futures contra(βf ) is 1.00, so the number of equity inx futures contracts requireis calculatefollows:Because the number of futures contracts (Nf ) is negative, Uff shoulsell 483 equity inx futures contracts (after rounng).Uff nee to increase the bonallocation €13,202,500 (= €101,328,500 – €88,126,000).The number of bonfutures contracts requireto rebalanthe Funs portfolio to the target allocation is calculatefollows:whereNow, starting with a notion“cash” position (BPVP = 0) provithe rection in equity exposure above, annoting thBPVCT= €91.26 an= 0.733194, the number of bonfutures contracts is calculatefollows:Because the BPVHR is positive, Uff shoulbuy 49 bonfutures contracts (after rounng).中文解析本题考察的是使用股指期货合约和债券期货合约进行资产配置。根据题干的意思可知,现在想要降低股票在组合中的占比,增加债券在组合中的占比。因此第一步是通过卖出股指期货合约来降低股票头寸,第二步再通过买入债券期货合约来增加债券头寸。具体合约的份数按照上述公式计算即可。 在算出48.69以后为什么不需要再乘 (1320500/35000)了呢? 公式里不是还有后缀吗

2023-08-12 23:22 1 · 回答