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一大 · 2022年12月10日




Private capital is:


A.accurately described by the generic term “private equity”. B.a source of diversification benefits from both debt and equity. C.predisposed to invest in both the debt and equity of a client’s firm.


B is correct. Investments in private capital funds can add diversity to a portfolio composed of publicly traded stocks and bonds because they have less-thanperfect correlation with those investments. There is also the potential to offer further diversification within the private capital asset class. For example, private equity investments may also offer vintage diversification since capital is not deployed at a single point in time but is invested over several years. Private debt provides investors with the opportunity to diversify the fixed-income portion of their portfolios since private debt investments offer more options than bonds and other public forms of traditional fixed income.

A is incorrect because although private equity is considered by many to be the largest component of private capital, using “private equity” as a generic term could be less accurate and possibly misleading since other private forms of alternative finance have grown considerably in size and popularity.

C is incorrect because although many private investment firms often have private equity and private debt arms, these teams typically won’t invest in the same assets or businesses to avoid overexposure to a single investment.

课上不是说private capital都是moderate diversification吗,怎么理解这里说的diversification benefit呢

1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2022年12月12日


moderate diversification和diversification benefit是不矛盾的。


首先 private capital funds就和公开的股票债券是两个类别投资品,投资一部分 private capital funds,本身就公开的投资品做了分散化。所以 private capital funds代表了不同的投资产品和更多的投资选择。



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NO.PZ2018053101000033 问题如下 Private capitis: A.accurately scribethe generic term“private equity”. B.a sourof versification benefits fromboth anequity. C.presposeto invest in both the anquity of a client’s firm. Bis correct. Investments in private capitfun ca versity to aportfolio composeof publicly trastocks anbon because they haveless-thanperfecorrelation with those investments. There is also thepotentito offer further versification within the private capitassetclass. For example, private equity investments malso offer vintageversification sincapitis not ployea single point in time but isinvesteover severyears. Private provis investors with the opportunityto versify the fixeincome portion of their portfolios sinprivate btinvestments offer more options thbon another public forms of trationalfixeincome.Ais incorrebecause although private equity is consiremany to thelargest component of private capital, using “private equity” a generic termcoulless accurate anpossibly misleang sinother private forms ofalternative finanhave grown consirably in size anpopularity.C is incorrectbecause although many private investment firms often have private equity anrivate arms, these teams typically won’t invest in the same assets orbusinesses to avoioverexposure to a single investment. 我记得上课的时候老师讲过,不管是PE还是P本质上投资的也是股票和债券,只不过是不能在二级市场上公开交易而已,所以他的分散效果只是中等啊,所以B的说法是不是不严谨呢?另外有些投资确实是股和债一起投的,只不过会加一条就是债券在未来可以转换成股,这样是给自己加了一层保护,至少有个兜底啊,那C为什么又不对呢

2023-08-07 23:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018053101000033 问题如下 Private capitis: A.accurately scribethe generic term“private equity”. B.a sourof versification benefits fromboth anequity. C.presposeto invest in both the anquity of a client’s firm. Bis correct. Investments in private capitfun ca versity to aportfolio composeof publicly trastocks anbon because they haveless-thanperfecorrelation with those investments. There is also thepotentito offer further versification within the private capitassetclass. For example, private equity investments malso offer vintageversification sincapitis not ployea single point in time but isinvesteover severyears. Private provis investors with the opportunityto versify the fixeincome portion of their portfolios sinprivate btinvestments offer more options thbon another public forms of trationalfixeincome.Ais incorrebecause although private equity is consiremany to thelargest component of private capital, using “private equity” a generic termcoulless accurate anpossibly misleang sinother private forms ofalternative finanhave grown consirably in size anpopularity.C is incorrectbecause although many private investment firms often have private equity anrivate arms, these teams typically won’t invest in the same assets orbusinesses to avoioverexposure to a single investment. a为什么不对,没理解答案的解析

2023-07-28 16:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018053101000033 问题如下 Private capitis: A.accurately scribethe generic term“private equity”. B.a sourof versification benefits fromboth anequity. C.presposeto invest in both the anquity of a client’s firm. Bis correct. Investments in private capitfun ca versity to aportfolio composeof publicly trastocks anbon because they haveless-thanperfecorrelation with those investments. There is also thepotentito offer further versification within the private capitassetclass. For example, private equity investments malso offer vintageversification sincapitis not ployea single point in time but isinvesteover severyears. Private provis investors with the opportunityto versify the fixeincome portion of their portfolios sinprivate btinvestments offer more options thbon another public forms of trationalfixeincome.Ais incorrebecause although private equity is consiremany to thelargest component of private capital, using “private equity” a generic termcoulless accurate anpossibly misleang sinother private forms ofalternative finanhave grown consirably in size anpopularity.C is incorrectbecause although many private investment firms often have private equity anrivate arms, these teams typically won’t invest in the same assets orbusinesses to avoioverexposure to a single investment. C错的原因如果私募投了一个公司的股就不会投一个公司的债,怕用股还债,是这个意思吧

2023-01-02 22:49 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018053101000033 如题,谢谢老师。

2022-01-23 18:25 2 · 回答