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Yuyu · 2022年12月05日


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Ten years later, Young is considering an early-retirement package offer. The package would provide continuing salary and benefits for three years. The broker recommends a special review of Young’s financial plan to assess potential changes to the existing allocation strategy. Identify the primary reason for the broker’s reassessment of Young’s circumstances. Justify your response.



1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2022年12月07日


同学有这样的感觉是正常的,一方面主观题答题公认比较难,本身就需要多加练习找到题感,另一方面,这道题是Reading 7 Asset Allocation with Real-world Constraints的内容,不是我们学习的重点,做题的目的之一就是查缺补漏,我们根据题目把知识过一遍更好。



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NO.PZ201805280100000304 问题如下 Ten years later, Young is consiring early-retirement package offer. The package woulprovi continuing salary anbenefits for three years. The broker recommen a specireview of Young’s financiplto assess potentichanges to the existing allocation strategy. Intify the primary reason for the broker’s reassessmentof Young’s circumstances. Justify your response. 如题,可以区分一下这2个的区别吗?2024 MoB session 2 第10个case第3题有个类似的,但是那里选了change in goals,为什么这边要选constraints呢?老师说个人呢circumstance改变算change in goals,包括结婚、退休、有小孩等等,这里不是就是说她考虑要提前退休了吗?另外退休到底应该分到哪一个呢?感觉都说得通,即使个人情况改变,同时也是投资期限改变(和change in constraints有关)。麻烦再帮忙区分一下这两个,谢谢!

2024-08-12 03:57 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000304 问题如下 Ten years later, Young is consiring early-retirement package offer. The package woulprovi continuing salary anbenefits for three years. The broker recommen a specireview of Young’s financiplto assess potentichanges to the existing allocation strategy. Intify the primary reason for the broker’s reassessmentof Young’s circumstances. Justify your response. 如题

2024-08-10 21:46 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000304问题如下 Ten years later, Young is consiring early-retirement package offer. The package woulprovi continuing salary anbenefits for three years. The broker recommen a specireview of Young’s financiplto assess potentichanges to the existing allocation strategy. Intify the primary reason for the broker’s reassessmentof Young’s circumstances. Justify your response. 是不是可以放弃掉这个知识点?

2024-01-16 19:24 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000304 问题如下 Ten years later, Young is consiring early-retirement package offer. The package woulprovi continuing salary anbenefits for three years. The broker recommen a specireview of Young’s financiplto assess potentichanges to the existing allocation strategy. Intify the primary reason for the broker’s reassessmentof Young’s circumstances. Justify your response. Young wants to retire in 15 years anto funher retirement from existing assets. 这句话不是说Young的目标是15年后退休并且能fun的退休生活吗?当然要从change in constraints的time horizon也讲的通,但是她的目标从15年后退休到10年后退休,由此她的风险偏好和也会随之改变,这个角度也讲的通。

2023-07-29 11:48 1 · 回答