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皓月 · 2022年11月26日


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Daltonia Case Scenario

Daltonia is a medium sized developing country. Government policies have gradually opened the borders for international trade and the flow of capital. Trade is now substantial with members of the EU and is often denominated in Euros (€). During the early 2000s, privatization of some publicly owned industries, creation of a new free-floating currency, the Dornan (DRN), and sound policies implemented at the central bank put the economy on a track for steady growth and stability. Foreign currency reserves are sizable in comparison to the average daily turnover of the DRN.

Naim Birol, Minister of Finance for Daltonia, is preparing his annual report on the state of the economy and currency markets for the legislative branch of government. He will examine the long- and short-term trends in GDP growth, per capita income, inflation, and exchange rates. He is also responsible for recommending policy initiatives for the legislature to consider in order to promote overall economic prosperity for Daltonian citizens.

In order to estimate long-term GDP growth, Birol examines the data in Exhibit 1 intending to use Solow’s growth accounting equation.

Exhibit 1

Long-Term Trends of Daltonian Economy

Birol consults his colleague Ziya Pamuk to review the policy choices facing the Daltonian government and the possible effects on economic growth and per capita income.

Pamuk states:

“Daltonia’s politicians are debating the effects of growth rate policies focused on three outcomes:

  • higher rates of saving and investment

  • importing more technological innovations

  • greater investment in research and development (R&D)

I conclude that the impact from these policies will cause a long-term increase in the economy’s growth rate and our standard of living. Furthermore, if we emphasize R&D spending, then higher rates of saving and investment are unlikely to encounter diminishing marginal returns.”

Birol believes Daltonia needs to address a recent increase in inflation and appreciation in the exchange rate. Should these trends accelerate, the country’s present prosperity could be threatened. Birol and Pamuk discuss policy alternatives.

  • Birol states: “Since Daltonia allows capital to flow freely, the clearest choice is to implement expansionary monetary and fiscal policies to stop the appreciation of the currency according to the Mundell–Fleming model.”

  • Pamuk replies: “The long run solution to the problem, at least according to the portfolio balance approach, would be a policy choice by the Daltonian government to run large budget deficits on a sustained basis.”

  • Birol adds: “There is also a timing dimension to consider. According to Dornbusch, with inflexible domestic prices in the short run, any decrease in nominal money supply will induce an increase in the domestic interest rate. This will encourage capital inflows and cause the exchange rate to overshoot to the upside in the short run, until domestic prices have a chance to react.”

Birol wants to be on the lookout for situations which might trigger a currency crisis. He and Pamuk discuss recent economic developments that might provide potential warning signs.

  • Birol: “Moving our currency to a floating exchange rate has reduced our susceptibility to a currency crisis.”

  • Pamuk: “Banking crises often precede currency crises, but our banking sector has grown and strengthened substantially by offering foreign denominated savings accounts to foreign investors and lending those funds for domestic infrastructure investments.”

  • Pamuk: “I’m concerned that the ratio of exports to imports has been increasing recently and the ratio of M2 to bank reserves has been falling.”

In examining the currency markets, Birol is concerned that local currency dealers are being taken advantage of by arbitrageurs from Europe. He analyzes the rate quotes in Exhibit 2 for evidence of triangular arbitrage and carry trade opportunities by European hedge funds attempting to exploit the DNR currency.

Exhibit 2

Interbank and Dealer Currency Quotes and Rates

Which of the statements regarding policy alternatives discussed between Birol and Pamuk in response to Daltonia’s recent increase in inflation and deterioration in exchange rate is least accurate?


A.Birol’s statement regarding Dornbusch B.Pamuk’s statement regarding the portfolio balance approach C.Birol’s statement regarding Mundell–Fleming



C is correct. Birol’s statement regarding the Mundell–Fleming model is inaccurate because restrictive (not expansionary) fiscal policy, along with expansionary monetary policy, would lead to capital outflows and cause the currency to depreciate assuming high capital mobility.

A is incorrect because Birol’s statement regarding Dornbusch is accurate.

B is incorrect because Pamuk’s reply regarding the portfolio balance approach is accurate.


2 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2022年11月28日



Which of the statements regarding policy alternatives discussed between Birol and Pamuk in response to Daltonia’s recent increase in inflation and deterioration in exchange rate is least accurate?




2、题目问的是least likely:也就是说,哪个政策不是降低通胀和促进货币升值。



Birol states: “Since Daltonia allows capital to flow freely, the clearest choice is to implement expansionary monetary and fiscal policies to stop the appreciation of the currency according to the Mundell–Fleming model.”


我们看到,在High capital mobility下,货币扩张让本币贬值,财政扩张可以让本币升值。由于在这种情况下,本币升贬值不一定。因此不符合我们要选的“哪个政策可以让货币更加贬值,让通胀更加高”。所以不选A。


  • Pamuk replies: “The long run solution to the problem, at least according to the portfolio balance approach, would be a policy choice by the Daltonian government to run large budget deficits on a sustained basis.”


C is correct. Birol’s statement regarding the Mundell–Fleming model is inaccurate because restrictive (not expansionary) fiscal policy, along with expansionary monetary policy, would lead to capital outflows and cause the currency to depreciate assuming high capital mobility.

C正确。本题要选出让货币贬值的政策。根据Mundell fleming model,扩张货币和紧缩财政,会让货币贬值.


Rachel · 2023年03月28日


笛子_品职助教 · 2023年03月29日




根据讲义,Mundell fleming model下,财政紧缩,货币升值。


  • 2

  • 1

  • 809


NO.PZ202208160100000303问题如下 ltonia Case Scenario ltonia is a meum sizeveloping country. Government policies have graally openethe borrs for internationtra anthe flow of capital. Tra is now substantiwith members of the EU anis often nominatein Euros (€). ring the early 2000s, privatization of some publicly owneinstries, creation of a new free-floating currency, the rn(N), ansounpolicies implementethe centrbank put the economy on a trafor stea growth anstability. Foreign currenreserves are sizable in comparison to the average ily turnover of the N. Naim Birol, Minister of Finanfor ltoniis preparing his annureport on the state of the economy ancurrenmarkets for the legislative branof government. He will examine the long- anshort-term tren in G growth, per capita income, inflation, anexchange rates. He is also responsible for recommenng poliinitiatives for the legislature to consir in orr to promote overall economic prosperity for ltonicitizens. In orr to estimate long-term G growth, Birol examines the ta in Exhibit 1 intenng to use Solow’s growth accounting equation. Exhibit 1 Long-Term Tren of ltoniEconomyBirol consults his colleague Ziya Pamuk to review the polichoices facing the ltonigovernment anthe possible effects on economic growth anper capita income. Pamuk states: “ltonia’s politicians are bating the effects of growth rate policies focuseon three outcomes: higher rates of saving aninvestment importing more technologicinnovations greater investment in researanvelopment (R I conclu ththe impafrom these policies will cause a long-term increase in the economy’s growth rate anour stanrof living. Furthermore, if we emphasize R spenng, then higher rates of saving aninvestment are unlikely to encounter minishing marginreturns.” Birol believes ltonia nee to aress a recent increase in inflation anappreciation in the exchange rate. Shoulthese tren accelerate, the country’s present prosperity coulthreatene Birol anPamuk scuss polialternatives. Birol states: “Sinltonia allows capitto flow freely, the clearest choiis to implement expansionary monetary anfiscpolicies to stop the appreciation of the currenaccorng to the Munll–Fleming mol.” Pamuk replies: “The long run solution to the problem, least accorng to the portfolio balanapproach, woula polichoithe ltonigovernment to run large buet ficits on a sustainebasis.” Birol as: “There is also a timing mension to consir. Accorng to rnbusch, with inflexible mestic prices in the short run, any crease in nominmoney supply will inincrease in the mestic interest rate. This will encourage capitinflows ancause the exchange rate to overshoot to the upsi in the short run, until mestic prices have a chanto react.” Birol wants to on the lookout for situations whimight trigger a currencrisis. He anPamuk scuss recent economic velopments thmight provi potentiwarning signs. Birol: “Moving our currento a floating exchange rate hreceour susceptibility to a currencrisis.” Pamuk: “Banking crises often prece currencrises, but our banking sector hgrown anstrengthenesubstantially offering foreign nominatesavings accounts to foreign investors anlenng those fun for mestic infrastructure investments.” Pamuk: “I’m concerneththe ratio of exports to imports hbeen increasing recently anthe ratio of M2 to bank reserves hbeen falling.” In examining the currenmarkets, Birol is concernethloccurrenalers are being taken aantage of arbitrageurs from Europe. He analyzes the rate quotes in Exhibit 2 for evinof triangularbitrage ancarry tra opportunities Europehee fun attempting to exploit the R currency. Exhibit 2 Interbank analer CurrenQuotes anRates Whiof the statements regarng polialternatives scussebetween Birol anPamuk in response to ltonia’s recent increase in inflation anterioration in exchange rate is least accurate?A.Birol’s statement regarng rnbuschB.Pamuk’s statement regarng the portfolio balanapproachC.Birol’s statement regarng Munll–Fleming SolutionC is correct. Birol’s statement regarng the Munll–Fleming mol is inaccurate because restrictive (not expansionary) fiscpolicy, along with expansionary monetary policy, woulleto capitoutflows ancause the currento preciate assuming high capitmobility.A is incorrebecause Birol’s statement regarng rnbusis accurate.B is incorrebecause Pamuk’s reply regarng the portfolio balanapproais accurate.中文解析C是正确的。比罗尔关于蒙代尔-弗莱明模型的声明是不准确的,因为假设资本流动性较高,限制性(非扩张性)财政政策和扩张性货币政策将导致资本外流并导致货币贬值。A是不正确的,因为Birol关于rnbusch的陈述是准确的。B是不正确的,因为Pamuk关于投资组合平衡方法的回答是准确的。 看了别的答案的讲解都没有找到原文…对于overshooting那一段的讲解在哪呀…或者这道题有没有视频讲解

2024-08-19 11:51 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202208160100000303问题如下Whiof the statements regarng polialternatives scussebetween Birol anPamuk in response to ltonia’s recent increase in inflation anterioration in exchange rate is least accurate?A.Birol’s statement regarng rnbuschB.Pamuk’s statement regarng the portfolio balanapproachC.Birol’s statement regarng Munll–FlemingSolutionC is correct. Birol’s statement regarng the Munll–Fleming mol is inaccurate because restrictive (not expansionary) fiscpolicy, along with expansionary monetary policy, woulleto capitoutflows ancause the currento preciate assuming high capitmobility.A is incorrebecause Birol’s statement regarng rnbusis accurate.B is incorrebecause Pamuk’s reply regarng the portfolio balanapproais accurate.现在为了对抗升值和通胀压力,rnbus模型不应该是增加货币供应量而不是文章描述减少供给来对抗这个现象吧,目的要贬值才是?

2022-11-01 23:07 3 · 回答