开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


chenlalalalalala · 2022年11月23日




A decrease in both the labor force participation ratio and the unemployment rate is most likely caused by:


A.an increase in discouraged workers.

B.an increase in underemployed workers.

C.a decrease in voluntarily unemployed persons.


A is correct. Discouraged workers have given up seeking employment and are statistically outside the labor force. Therefore, an increase in discouraged workers will decrease the labor force and thus the labor participation ratio, which is the ratio of labor force to total working age population. Additionally, an increase in discouraged workers will decrease the unemployment rate because discouraged workers are not counted in the official unemployment rate.



1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2022年11月23日




我们看C选项。C.a decrease in voluntarily unemployed persons.

C选项中的 voluntarily unemployed persons,指自愿失业。自愿失业的含义是,适龄劳动人口,没有工作,而且也不愿意找工作。




根据劳动力( labor force)的定义:劳动力是指适龄工作人口,并且愿意参加工作的人。

自愿失业人口不属于 labor force。

因此decrease in both the labor force participation ratio 是 increase voluntarily unemployed persons.

C选项说法不对,本题要求选Most likely,因此不选。


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NO.PZ2021052601000018 问题如下 A crease in both the labor forparticipation ratio anthe unemployment rate is most likely causeby: A.increase in scourageworkers. B.increase in unremployeworkers. C.a crease in voluntarily unemployepersons. A is correct. scourageworkers have given up seeking employment anare statistically outsi the labor force. Therefore, increase in scourageworkers will crease the labor foranthus the labor participation ratio, whiis the ratio of labor forto totworking age population. Aitionally, increase in scourageworkers will crease the unemployment rate because scourageworkers are not countein the officiunemployment rate.灰心丧气的工人放弃了找工作,统计数据显示他们不在劳动力大军之中。因此,这类工人的增加会降低劳动力,从而降低劳动参与率,即劳动力与总劳动年龄人口的比率下降。此外,此类工人的增加将降低失业率,因为它们不计入官方失业率。 自愿失业人数增加,对两个指标的影响都是下降吗?气馁工人人数增加,对两个指标的影响都是下降吗?

2023-06-13 14:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021052601000018 问题如下 A crease in both the labor forparticipation ratio anthe unemployment rate is most likely causeby: A.increase in scourageworkers. B.increase in unremployeworkers. C.a crease in voluntarily unemployepersons. A is correct. scourageworkers have given up seeking employment anare statistically outsi the labor force. Therefore, increase in scourageworkers will crease the labor foranthus the labor participation ratio, whiis the ratio of labor forto totworking age population. Aitionally, increase in scourageworkers will crease the unemployment rate because scourageworkers are not countein the officiunemployment rate.灰心丧气的工人放弃了找工作,统计数据显示他们不在劳动力大军之中。因此,这类工人的增加会降低劳动力,从而降低劳动参与率,即劳动力与总劳动年龄人口的比率下降。此外,此类工人的增加将降低失业率,因为它们不计入官方失业率。 适龄人口有三部分,分别是labor force、unemployee和unremployee这三个应该是平行关系吧?)1) 气馁人口从labor force、unemployee中流失掉了。所以失业率、参与率都下降2) 自愿失业人口是labor for人口流失到unemployee,所以只有参与率下降3)unremployee变动,失业率、参与率的变化不好说不知道我理解的对不对

2023-02-04 23:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021052601000018 问题如下 A crease in both the labor forparticipation ratio anthe unemployment rate is most likely causeby: A.increase in scourageworkers. B.increase in unremployeworkers. C.a crease in voluntarily unemployepersons. A is correct. scourageworkers have given up seeking employment anare statistically outsi the labor force. Therefore, increase in scourageworkers will crease the labor foranthus the labor participation ratio, whiis the ratio of labor forto totworking age population. Aitionally, increase in scourageworkers will crease the unemployment rate because scourageworkers are not countein the officiunemployment rate.灰心丧气的工人放弃了找工作,统计数据显示他们不在劳动力大军之中。因此,这类工人的增加会降低劳动力,从而降低劳动参与率,即劳动力与总劳动年龄人口的比率下降。此外,此类工人的增加将降低失业率,因为它们不计入官方失业率。 劳动参与率 = 劳动力/劳动适龄人口因为劳动适龄人口总数是在短期不会有显著变化,因此劳动参与率下降,就意味着劳动力下降。如果气馁工人数量增加,因为气馁工人已经放弃了找工作,因此,不属于失业人员,也不属于劳动力。那么按照这个,气馁工人降低劳动参与率的原因是不是因为,他不属于劳动力,但又是劳动适龄人口,分母变大,总体变小啊

2022-08-09 14:27 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2021052601000018问题如下 A crease in both the labor forparticipation ratio anthe unemployment rate is most likely causeby: A.increase in scourageworkers. B.increase in unremployeworkers. C.a crease in voluntarily unemployepersons. A is correct. scourageworkers have given up seeking employment anare statistically outsi the labor force. Therefore, increase in scourageworkers will crease the labor foranthus the labor participation ratio, whiis the ratio of labor forto totworking age population. Aitionally, increase in scourageworkers will crease the unemployment rate because scourageworkers are not countein the officiunemployment rate.灰心丧气的工人放弃了找工作,统计数据显示他们不在劳动力大军之中。因此,这类工人的增加会降低劳动力,从而降低劳动参与率,即劳动力与总劳动年龄人口的比率下降。此外,此类工人的增加将降低失业率,因为它们不计入官方失业率。 同上

2022-04-20 22:31 1 · 回答