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jay1180 · 2022年11月20日




Eric’s Used Book Store prepares its financial statements in accordance with IFRS. Inventory was purchased for £1 million and later marked down to £550,000. One of the books, however, was later discovered to be a rare collectible item, and the inventory is now worth an estimated £3 million. The inventory is most likely reported on the balance sheet at:









B  is correct.

Under IFRS, the reversal of write-downs is required if net realisable value increases. The inventory will be reported on the balance sheet at £1,000,000. The inventory is reported at the lower of cost or net realisable value. Under US GAAP, inventory is carried at the lower of cost or market value. After a write-down, a new cost basis is determined and additional revisions may only reduce the value further. The reversal of write-downs is not permitted.



2 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2022年11月22日



在GAAP下,Inventory减值是增加COGS的,并且减值不允许回转。 Any write-down reduces the value of the inventory, and the loss in value (expense) is generally reflected in the income statement in cost of goods sold.

而在IFRS下,Inventory减值是计入expense的,回转时减少COGS。The amount of any reversal of any write-down of inventory arising from an increase in net realisable value is recognised as a reduction in cost of sales (a reduction in the amount of inventories recognised as an expense).

想问一下,到底存货跌价和转回是调COGS还是调inventory impairment gain/loss ??


存货的减值在 I/S 中一般是计入到资产减值损失科目的。CFA 原版书上写的是也可以记录到 COGS 上(具体说法在下图中标亮的部分),但这不是一个好的选择,因为看不出存货是卖掉了一部分,还是减值了一部分。(更好更普遍地做法是先记inventory impairment gain/loss,待存货发出后再把这一部分结转到COGS.)不过因为我们在CFA学习中还是要按照教材的主流说法来解题,所以我们还是直接记调COGS。

Tips:如果记录在资产减值损失科目上,是不影响 Gross Profit 的;如果记录在COGS 中会影响 Gross Profit。两者都会影响 NI。


lynn_品职助教 · 2022年11月21日


存货历史成本是1m, 后来降低到0.55m,所以我们存货最高只能确认0.55m,所以需要计提减值0.45m。

借:inventory impairment gain/loss 0.45

贷:inventory 0.45


借:inventory 0.45

贷:inventory impairment gain/loss 0.45


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NO.PZ2016012101000138 问题如下 Eric’s UseBook Store prepares its financistatements in accornwith IFRS. Inventory wpurchasefor £1 million anlater markewn to £550,000. One of the books, however, wlater scovereto a rare collectible item, anthe inventory is now worth estimate£3 million. The inventory is most likely reporteon the balansheet at: A.£550,000. B.£1,000,000. C.£3,000,000. is correct.Unr IFRS, the reversof write-wns is requireif net realisable value increases. The inventory will reporteon the balansheet £1,000,000. The inventory is reportethe lower of cost or net realisable value. Unr US GAAP, inventory is carriethe lower of cost or market value. After a write-wn, a new cost basis is termineanaitionrevisions monly rethe value further. The reversof write-wns is not permitte解析国际准则下,减值损失可以回转,但又不能超过Cost。现在存货价值3million,cost=1million,所以只能回转到1million。 这个为什么不能用revaluation来考虑呢?IFRS允许revaluation mol,增加的值计入OCI中,是可以超过原资产的价值呀?还是说revaluation只适用于long liveasset,不适用于inventory?

2023-09-28 20:27 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012101000138 问题如下 Eric’s UseBook Store prepares its financistatements in accornwith IFRS. Inventory wpurchasefor £1 million anlater markewn to £550,000. One of the books, however, wlater scovereto a rare collectible item, anthe inventory is now worth estimate£3 million. The inventory is most likely reporteon the balansheet at: A.£550,000. B.£1,000,000. C.£3,000,000. is correct.Unr IFRS, the reversof write-wns is requireif net realisable value increases. The inventory will reporteon the balansheet £1,000,000. The inventory is reportethe lower of cost or net realisable value. Unr US GAAP, inventory is carriethe lower of cost or market value. After a write-wn, a new cost basis is termineanaitionrevisions monly rethe value further. The reversof write-wns is not permitte解析国际准则下,减值损失可以回转,但又不能超过Cost。现在存货价值3million,cost=1million,所以只能回转到1million。 这样的价格也市场认可的啊

2022-11-13 21:24 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012101000138问题如下Eric’s UseBook Store prepares its financistatements in accornwith IFRS. Inventory wpurchasefor £1 million anlater markewn to £550,000. One of the books, however, wlater scovereto a rare collectible item, anthe inventory is now worth estimate£3 million. The inventory is most likely reporteon the balansheet at: A.£550,000. B.£1,000,000. C.£3,000,000. is correct.Unr IFRS, the reversof write-wns is requireif net realisable value increases. The inventory will reporteon the balansheet £1,000,000. The inventory is reportethe lower of cost or net realisable value. Unr US GAAP, inventory is carriethe lower of cost or market value. After a write-wn, a new cost basis is termineanaitionrevisions monly rethe value further. The reversof write-wns is not permitte解析国际准则下,减值损失可以回转,但又不能超过Cost。现在存货价值3million,cost=1million,所以只能回转到1million。关于reserve

2022-04-12 11:04 1 · 回答

回转最多回到之前的价格,也就1million 可是之前价格下降到5500000,那么,难道不用先弥补这部分的下跌,剩下的才记到资产负债表里吗? 老师不是说,要先弥补之前的?

2020-03-18 16:30 1 · 回答