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chiara9009 · 2022年11月18日

老师可以详细解释一下IRR的两个假设原理吗,感觉在corporate issue里好像也没有讲到这个点。



Which of the following is true regarding private equity performance calculations?


A.The money multiple calculate relies on the amount and timing of cash flows B.The IRR calculation involves the assumption of two rates C.Because private equity funds have low volatility, accounting conventions allow them to use a lagged mark-to-market process.


B is correct. The determination of an IRR involves certain assumptions about a financing rate to use for outgoing cash flows (typically a weighted average cost of capital) and a reinvestment rate assumption to make on incoming cash flows (which must be assumed and may or may not actually be earned).

A is incorrect because the money multiple calculation completely ignores the timing of cash flows.

C is incorrect because it is somewhat of a reversal of cause and effect: Private equity (PE) funds can appear to have low volatility because of the lag in their mark-to-market process. It’s not that PE investments don’t actually rise and fall behind the scenes with economic influences, but accounting conventions may simply leave longer-lived investments marked at their initial cost for some time or with only modest adjustments to such carrying value until known impairments or realization events begin to transpire. Also, because PE funds are not easily marked to market, their returns can appear somewhat smoothed, making them appear more resilient and less correlated with other assets than they really are. The slowness to re-mark them can unfortunately be confused by investors as an overall lack of volatility.


感觉在corporate issue里好像也没有讲到这个点。

1 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2022年11月20日




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NO.PZ2018053101000043 问题如下 Whiof the following is trueregarng private equity performancalculations? A.Themoney multiple calculate relies on the amount antiming of cash flows B.TheIRR calculation involves the assumption of two rates C.Because private equity fun have lowvolatility, accounting conventions allow them to use a laggemark-to-marketprocess. Bis correct. The termination of IRR involves certain assumptions about afinancing rate to use for outgoing cash flows (typically a weighteaveragecost of capital) ana reinvestment rate assumption to make on incoming cashflows (whimust assumeanmor mnot actually earne.Ais incorrebecause the money multiple calculation completely ignores thetiming of cash flows.Cis incorrebecause it is somewhof a reversof cause aneffect: Privateequity (PE) fun cappeto have low volatility because of the lin theirmark-to-market process. It’s not thPE investments n’t actually rise anall behinthe scenes with economic influences, but accounting conventions maysimply leave longer-liveinvestments marketheir initicost for sometime or with only most austments to sucarrying value until knownimpairments or realization events begin to transpire. Also, because PE funare not easily marketo market, their returns cappesomewhsmoothemaking them appemore resilient anless correlatewith other assets thanthey really are. The slowness to re-mark them cunfortunately confusebyinvestors overall laof volatility. irr只假设了按照一个rate即irr本身进行再投资,为什么说有两个rates的假设?还是说Irr用线性插值法计算时候用到了两个rates来计算,这也不算是假设吧

2023-11-04 17:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018053101000043 问题如下 Whiof the following is trueregarng private equity performancalculations? A.Themoney multiple calculate relies on the amount antiming of cash flows B.TheIRR calculation involves the assumption of two rates C.Because private equity fun have lowvolatility, accounting conventions allow them to use a laggemark-to-marketprocess. Bis correct. The termination of IRR involves certain assumptions about afinancing rate to use for outgoing cash flows (typically a weighteaveragecost of capital) ana reinvestment rate assumption to make on incoming cashflows (whimust assumeanmor mnot actually earne.Ais incorrebecause the money multiple calculation completely ignores thetiming of cash flows.Cis incorrebecause it is somewhof a reversof cause aneffect: Privateequity (PE) fun cappeto have low volatility because of the lin theirmark-to-market process. It’s not thPE investments n’t actually rise anall behinthe scenes with economic influences, but accounting conventions maysimply leave longer-liveinvestments marketheir initicost for sometime or with only most austments to sucarrying value until knownimpairments or realization events begin to transpire. Also, because PE funare not easily marketo market, their returns cappesomewhsmoothemaking them appemore resilient anless correlatewith other assets thanthey really are. The slowness to re-mark them cunfortunately confusebyinvestors overall laof volatility. 请问老师 PE如何进行业绩评估呀?是通过IRR和money multiple 吗?老师这个知识点在哪里有视频讲解哈?一点印象都没有了~谢谢老师。

2023-08-09 14:29 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018053101000043 问题如下 Whiof the following is trueregarng private equity performancalculations? A.Themoney multiple calculate relies on the amount antiming of cash flows B.TheIRR calculation involves the assumption of two rates C.Because private equity fun have lowvolatility, accounting conventions allow them to use a laggemark-to-marketprocess. Bis correct. The termination of IRR involves certain assumptions about afinancing rate to use for outgoing cash flows (typically a weighteaveragecost of capital) ana reinvestment rate assumption to make on incoming cashflows (whimust assumeanmor mnot actually earne.Ais incorrebecause the money multiple calculation completely ignores thetiming of cash flows.Cis incorrebecause it is somewhof a reversof cause aneffect: Privateequity (PE) fun cappeto have low volatility because of the lin theirmark-to-market process. It’s not thPE investments n’t actually rise anall behinthe scenes with economic influences, but accounting conventions maysimply leave longer-liveinvestments marketheir initicost for sometime or with only most austments to sucarrying value until knownimpairments or realization events begin to transpire. Also, because PE funare not easily marketo market, their returns cappesomewhsmoothemaking them appemore resilient anless correlatewith other assets thanthey really are. The slowness to re-mark them cunfortunately confusebyinvestors overall laof volatility. 老师您好,可以麻烦讲解以下 A以及A中的money multiple是什么意思吗? 请问老师 money multiple 是那个地方的知识点。谢谢老师。

2023-08-09 14:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018053101000043问题如下 Whiof the following is trueregarng private equity performancalculations? A.Themoney multiple calculate relies on the amount antiming of cash flowsB.TheIRR calculation involves the assumption of two ratesC.Because private equity fun have lowvolatility, accounting conventions allow them to use a laggemark-to-marketprocess. Bis correct. The termination of IRR involves certain assumptions about afinancing rate to use for outgoing cash flows (typically a weighteaveragecost of capital) ana reinvestment rate assumption to make on incoming cashflows (whimust assumeanmor mnot actually earne.Ais incorrebecause the money multiple calculation completely ignores thetiming of cash flows.Cis incorrebecause it is somewhof a reversof cause aneffect: Privateequity (PE) fun cappeto have low volatility because of the lin theirmark-to-market process. It’s not thPE investments n’t actually rise anall behinthe scenes with economic influences, but accounting conventions maysimply leave longer-liveinvestments marketheir initicost for sometime or with only most austments to sucarrying value until knownimpairments or realization events begin to transpire. Also, because PE funare not easily marketo market, their returns cappesomewhsmoothemaking them appemore resilient anless correlatewith other assets thanthey really are. The slowness to re-mark them cunfortunately confusebyinvestors overall laof volatility. 哪里单独讲到过Pe业绩衡量指标?另外money multiple 这个概念在哪里提到过?

2023-05-22 18:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018053101000043 问题如下 Whiof the following is trueregarng private equity performancalculations? A.Themoney multiple calculate relies on the amount antiming of cash flows B.TheIRR calculation involves the assumption of two rates C.Because private equity fun have lowvolatility, accounting conventions allow them to use a laggemark-to-marketprocess. Bis correct. The termination of IRR involves certain assumptions about afinancing rate to use for outgoing cash flows (typically a weighteaveragecost of capital) ana reinvestment rate assumption to make on incoming cashflows (whimust assumeanmor mnot actually earne.Ais incorrebecause the money multiple calculation completely ignores thetiming of cash flows.Cis incorrebecause it is somewhof a reversof cause aneffect: Privateequity (PE) fun cappeto have low volatility because of the lin theirmark-to-market process. It’s not thPE investments n’t actually rise anall behinthe scenes with economic influences, but accounting conventions maysimply leave longer-liveinvestments marketheir initicost for sometime or with only most austments to sucarrying value until knownimpairments or realization events begin to transpire. Also, because PE funare not easily marketo market, their returns cappesomewhsmoothemaking them appemore resilient anless correlatewith other assets thanthey really are. The slowness to re-mark them cunfortunately confusebyinvestors overall laof volatility. 这句话不太懂。。。。

2022-12-23 22:32 1 · 回答