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🌊Yuri🌊 · 2022年11月18日



A fixed-income analyst uses a proprietary model to estimate bankruptcy probabilities for a group of firms. The model generates probabilities that can take any value between 0 and 1. The resulting set of estimated probabilities would most likely be characterized as:


A.ordinal data B.discrete data C.continuous data.


C is correct. Continuous data are data that can be measured and can take on any numerical value in a specified range of values. In this case, the analyst is estimating bankruptcy probabilities, which can take on any value between 0 and 1. Therefore, the set of bankruptcy probabilities estimated by the analyst would likely be characterized as continuous data. A is incorrect because ordinal data are categorical values that can be logically ordered or ranked. Therefore, the set of bankruptcy probabilities would not be characterized as ordinal data. B is incorrect because discrete data are numerical values that result from a counting process, and therefore the data are limited to a finite number of values. The proprietary model used can generate probabilities that can take any value between 0 and 1; therefore, the set of bankruptcy probabilities would not be characterized as discrete data.


1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2022年11月18日


".....generates probabilities that can take any value between 0 and 1”指的是概率可以取0到1之间的任何数据。这里面的数据虽然有上下限,但仍然是数不清的。

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  • 0

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NO.PZ2021061603000004问题如下 A fixeincome analyst uses a proprietary mol to estimate bankruptprobabilities for a group of firms. The mol generates probabilities thctake any value between 0 an1. The resulting set of estimateprobabilities woulmost likely characterizeas: A.orntaB.screte taC.continuous ta.C is correct. Continuous ta are ta thcmeasureanctake on any numericvalue in a specifierange of values. In this case, the analyst is estimating bankruptprobabilities, whictake on any value between 0 an1. Therefore, the set of bankruptprobabilities estimatethe analyst woullikely characterizecontinuous tA is incorrebecause ornta are categoricvalues thclogically orreor ranke Therefore, the set of bankruptprobabilities woulnot characterizeorntB is incorrebecause screte ta are numericvalues thresult from a counting process, antherefore the ta are limiteto a finite number of values. The proprietary mol usecgenerate probabilities thctake any value between 0 an1; therefore, the set of bankruptprobabilities woulnot characterizescrete ta.老师,题目里公司数量应该是有限的呀,所以每个公司对应一个probablity的呀

2023-07-21 12:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021061603000004问题如下A fixeincome analyst uses a proprietary mol to estimate bankruptprobabilities for a group of firms. The mol generates probabilities thctake any value between 0 an1. The resulting set of estimateprobabilities woulmost likely characterizeas: A.ornt B.screte t C.continuous t C is correct. Continuous ta are ta thcmeasureanctake on any numericvalue in a specifierange of values. In this case, the analyst is estimating bankruptprobabilities, whictake on any value between 0 an1. Therefore, the set of bankruptprobabilities estimatethe analyst woullikely characterizecontinuous tA is incorrebecause ornta are categoricvalues thclogically orreor ranke Therefore, the set of bankruptprobabilities woulnot characterizeorntB is incorrebecause screte ta are numericvalues thresult from a counting process, antherefore the ta are limiteto a finite number of values. The proprietary mol usecgenerate probabilities thctake any value between 0 an1; therefore, the set of bankruptprobabilities woulnot characterizescrete ta.题干给出,是给一群公司做破产概率的估计,数值位于0-1之间,那概率肯定有大有小,也是有排序的,不如20%破产率是优于80%破产率的,为什么不选ornta呢?而且计算出来的数据也不一定是连续的数值。

2022-03-29 22:17 1 · 回答


2022-01-12 05:44 1 · 回答