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徐威廉 · 2022年11月17日

time value decay

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In her statement, Minkoff is least likely correct with regard to:



implied volatility.

B.the time value decay of options. C.

the direction and timing of a price move.



A is correct. Minkoff is incorrect in stating that calendar spreads are appropriate only if the expectation is for an increase in implied volatility. A short calendar spread is appropriate if the expectation is for a decrease in implied volatility or a big move in share prices that is not imminent. If a long calendar spread is implemented, the expectation is for a stable market or an increase in implied volatility. Minkoff is correct that a calendar spread strategy is appropriate when there is an expectation for share prices to move in a certain direction but not immediately and that such a strategy focuses on capturing the time value of stock options.

B is incorrect. Minkoff is correct about the capture of the time value of the option.

C is incorrect. Minkoff is correct about the direction and timing of the price move.

Such a strategy focuses on taking advantage of the time value decay of stock options; 这句话什么意思?calendar 不就是利用近期与长期波动的不同来做long short头寸吗,跟time value有什么关系

1 个答案

Hertz_品职助教 · 2022年11月17日



“Such a strategy focuses on taking advantage of the time value decay of stock options”这句话的意思是:这种策略的重点在于利用股票期权的时间价值衰减

Calendar spread策略的构建使用的两个期权,唯一的不同点在于到期时间。比如long calendar是预测长期波动率大,短期比较平稳。波动率的变化是基于时间的,短期和长期的不同,而我们构建这样一个日历价差策略也是为了追踪这个时间上的变化,所以在这个角度上是可以理解为改成了学利用的是time value的,其实这也是为什么这个策略如此命名的原因。


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NO.PZ202208100100000202 问题如下 In her statement, Minkoff is least likely correwith regarto: A.implievolatility. B.the time value cof options. C.the rection antiming of a primove. SolutionA is correct. Minkoff is incorrein stating thcalenr sprea are appropriate only if the expectation is for increase in implievolatility. A short calenr spreis appropriate if the expectation is for a crease in implievolatility or a big move in share prices this not imminent. If a long calenr spreis implemente the expectation is for a stable market or increase in implievolatility. Minkoff is corretha calenr sprestrategy is appropriate when there is expectation for share prices to move in a certain rection but not immeately anthsua strategy focuses on capturing the time value of stooptions.B is incorrect. Minkoff is correabout the capture of the time value of the option.C is incorrect. Minkoff is correabout the rection antiming of the primove. 中文解析本题考察的是calenr spreaA,Minkoff关于隐含波动率的表述是只有在预测隐含波动率会上升的时候,使用calenr sprea略才是合适的。这是不正确的,预测隐含波动率会上升,意味着虽然现在市场平稳但将来波动率会比较大,因此可以使用long calenr sprea如果预测隐含波动率将会下跌,意味着现在的波动率水平较高,将来波动率会下降,因此可以采用short calenr spreaB,C,Minkoff的表述是当人们预期股价会朝某个方向移动,但不是立即移动时,calenr sprea合适的。这是正确的,calenr sprea略使用期限不同的两个期权来构建,可以捕捉股票期权的时间价值;并且由于calenr sprea以使用call option和put option分别来构建,因此该策略既可以捕捉到变动的时机又可以捕捉到价格变动的方向。(具体的构建参考上面R8-1.3题) A short calenr spreis appropriate if the expectation is for a crease in implievolatility or a big move in share prices this not imminent.答案解析里这句话short calenr,后半句\"a big move in share prices this not imminent.\"说反了吧?short calenr用于短期mplievolatility上升,长期mplievolatility下降吧?

2024-02-03 11:40 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202208100100000202问题如下 In her statement, Minkoff is least likely correwith regarto: A.implievolatility.B.the time value cof options.C.the rection antiming of a primove. SolutionA is correct. Minkoff is incorrein stating thcalenr sprea are appropriate only if the expectation is for increase in implievolatility. A short calenr spreis appropriate if the expectation is for a crease in implievolatility or a big move in share prices this not imminent. If a long calenr spreis implemente the expectation is for a stable market or increase in implievolatility. Minkoff is corretha calenr sprestrategy is appropriate when there is expectation for share prices to move in a certain rection but not immeately anthsua strategy focuses on capturing the time value of stooptions.B is incorrect. Minkoff is correabout the capture of the time value of the option.C is incorrect. Minkoff is correabout the rection antiming of the primove. 我感觉是阅读理解问题,下图画红色线的句子,是这个意思吗? 当价格向某一个方向移动,但不是立即的变动,可以使用calenr spre策略—-c意思是这句话正确吗?但提干中也说,kakia认为价格下个月就会降,我理解,这代表短期波动大,长期波动小,implievolatility下降,可以用short calenr。我理解,不管是不是立即变动,都可以使用calenr

2022-12-24 18:10 1 · 回答