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Zunniyaki · 2022年11月13日

关于mortality table

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Based on the Benetton’s response concerning their retirement income goal, which of the following is the best method to analyze this goal?


A.Annuity pricing B.Mortality tables C.Monte Carlo simulation



A is correct. The Benettons stress the importance of achieving their lifetime income goal of maintaining their inflation-adjusted current standard of living throughout retirement. Analyzing this goal by pricing a joint life annuity is the best method to insure that this goal will be achieved. A joint life annuity provides a guaranteed series of fixed payments for as long as either of them is alive in exchange for a lump sum payment.

B is incorrect. A mortality table illustrates an individual’s life expectancy at any given age. A potential problem with using mortality tables as the sole method to analyze the Benetton’s retirement goal is the probability that either one or both of them live to an age that exceeds the life expectancy of the general population. Thus, they run the risk of outliving their assets and may need to reduce their annual income (spending) goal at some point.

C is incorrect. The Monte Carlo simulation analyzes the likelihood of the client’s actual portfolio meeting anticipated retirement needs. Although the Monte Carlo output would include the probability of achieving the Benetton’s goal, it would not guarantee that their goal is achieved, nor would it necessarily measure the “shortfall magnitude” to achieving their goal. Thus, they run the risk of outliving their assets and may need to reduce their annual income (spending) goal at some point.

关于mortality table我是否可以理解为它仅仅考虑了人活到某个年龄的概率,但是并没有考虑到任何一个人如果活到超过预期寿命年龄的话,资产够不够用或者要花多少钱?

1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2022年11月14日

非常正确,mortality table说明了一个人在任何特定年龄的预期寿命。而只使用mortality table作为分析他们的年龄,万一他们中的一人或两人活到超过一般人口预期寿命的概率,那他们就面临钱没了,人活着风险。

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NO.PZ202109080500000306 问题如下 Baseon the Benetton’s response concerning their retirement income goal, whiof the following is the best methoto analyze this goal? A.Annuity pricing B.Mortality tables C.Monte Carlo simulation SolutionA is correct. The Benettons stress the importanof achieving their lifetime income goof maintaining their inflation-austecurrent stanrof living throughout retirement. Analyzing this gopricing a joint life annuity is the best methoto insure ththis gowill achieve A joint life annuity provis a guaranteeseries of fixepayments for long either of them is alive in exchange for a lump sum payment. B is incorrect. A mortality table illustrates invial’s life expectanany given age. A potentiproblem with using mortality tables the sole methoto analyze the Benetton’s retirement gois the probability theither one or both of them live to age thexcee the life expectanof the generpopulation. Thus, they run the risk of outliving their assets anmneeto retheir annuincome (spenng) gosome point.C is incorrect. The Monte Carlo simulation analyzes the likelihooof the client’s actuportfolio meeting anticipateretirement nee. Although the Monte Carlo output woulinclu the probability of achieving the Benetton’s goal, it woulnot guarantee ththeir gois achieve nor woulit necessarily measure the “shortfall magnitu” to achieving their goal. Thus, they run the risk of outliving their assets anmneeto retheir annuincome (spenng) gosome point. 退休的目标是满足生活水平,但对能不能达到存在担忧。题目问的是何种方法可以最好的分析这个?这样一来,为什么会选A?

2022-10-21 17:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202109080500000306 问题如下 Baseon the Benetton’s response concerning their retirement income goal, whiof the following is the best methoto analyze this goal? A.Annuity pricing B.Mortality tables C.Monte Carlo simulation SolutionA is correct. The Benettons stress the importanof achieving their lifetime income goof maintaining their inflation-austecurrent stanrof living throughout retirement. Analyzing this gopricing a joint life annuity is the best methoto insure ththis gowill achieve A joint life annuity provis a guaranteeseries of fixepayments for long either of them is alive in exchange for a lump sum payment. B is incorrect. A mortality table illustrates invial’s life expectanany given age. A potentiproblem with using mortality tables the sole methoto analyze the Benetton’s retirement gois the probability theither one or both of them live to age thexcee the life expectanof the generpopulation. Thus, they run the risk of outliving their assets anmneeto retheir annuincome (spenng) gosome point.C is incorrect. The Monte Carlo simulation analyzes the likelihooof the client’s actuportfolio meeting anticipateretirement nee. Although the Monte Carlo output woulinclu the probability of achieving the Benetton’s goal, it woulnot guarantee ththeir gois achieve nor woulit necessarily measure the “shortfall magnitu” to achieving their goal. Thus, they run the risk of outliving their assets anmneeto retheir annuincome (spenng) gosome point. 如题,麻烦解答一下,谢谢~

2022-09-20 11:53 1 · 回答