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皓月 · 2022年11月12日


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Nexran Enterprises Case Scenario

Barkley Carlisle was recently hired as an associate analyst in the corporate finance department by Nexran Enterprises. Nexran is a US manufacturer of heavy industrial equipment that sells its products globally. Carlisle assists finance director Jennifer Brannigan in managing Nexran’s foreign currency risk. As part of the training process concerning the complexities of the foreign exchange (FX) markets, Brannigan provides Carlisle with Exhibit 1 and asks him to demonstrate his familiarity with some calculations, such as triangular arbitrage and expected future spot rates. A few days later, Brannigan and Carlisle meet to discuss the results of his work.

Exhibit 1

Interbank Currency Quotes and Market Reference Rates (MRR)

After reviewing the calculations, Brannigan asks Carlisle what factors determine the bid–offer spreads Nexran may face. Carlisle makes the following statements:

The conversation then moves to a discussion of some recent Nexran transactions. Six months ago, a European customer placed an order for EUR 20 million of oil field construction equipment with delivery and payment scheduled to take place one year later. Nexran hedged all of its exposure to the euro by entering into a forward position at a forward price of USD1.1716/EUR.

Nexran has just been informed by the customer that because of the collapse in oil prices, it is canceling the order. Brannigan tells Carlisle to mark the forward position to market to facilitate exiting the currency hedge. (Exhibit 2 provides information about current FX rates and interest rates.)

Exhibit 2

Six-Month Forward and MRR

The next transaction considered is a recently signed multiyear contract with a customer located in the country of Morlundan. Nexran will sell 25 pieces of equipment per year at a fixed price, with the sale priced in the Morlundan pound. Morlundan has a floating exchange rate, and capital flows are highly mobile. Morlundan also has an expansionary monetary policy with a restrictive fiscal policy. Brannigan asks Carlisle to determine the appropriate action Nexran should take to manage its Morlundan currency risk based on that country’s economic policies.

As a final item, Brannigan explains the impact of the balance of payment flows on exchange rates. She notes that in recent years, Nexran sold a sizable portion of its products to the Trundool Republic, a country that is running large current account surpluses versus the United States. Nexran’s sales to the Trundool Republic are expected to be a major component of the company’s future total sales. Consequently, Brannigan believes Nexran should hedge against a potential decline in the USD relative to the TRD because she is concerned that the Trundool Republic may decide to reduce its USD-denominated assets.


Based on the data in Exhibits 1 and 2, the mark-to-market value for Nexran’s forward position related to the oil field construction equipment order is closest to:


A.USD874,000. B.USD877,674. C.USD871,690.



C is correct.

  1. Nexran sold EUR20 million forward to the settlement date at 1.1716 (USD/EUR).

  2. To mark the position to market, Nexran offsets the forward transaction by buying EUR 20 million six months forward to the settlement date.

  3. For the offsetting forward contract, because the EUR is the base currency in the USD/EUR quote, buying EUR forward means paying the offer for both the spot rate and forward points.

    1. The all-in six-month forward rate is calculated as 1.1243 + 0.0036 = 1.1279 USD/EUR.

    2. This rate gives a net cash flow on settlement day of EUR20,000,000 × (1.1716 – 1.1279) USD/EUR = 20,000,000 × 0.0437 = USD874,000. (This amount is a cash inflow because the EUR depreciated against the USD.)

  4. To determine the mark-to-market value of the original forward position, calculate the present value of the USD cash inflow using the six-month USD discount rate: USD874,000/[1 + 0.0053(180/360)] = USD871,690.

A is incorrect. The present value of the cash flow was not calculated (step 4 of calculation).

B is incorrect. The cash flow was calculated using the bid rate instead of the offer rate.

  1. The all-in six-month forward rate = 1.1241 + 0.0035 = 1.1276

  2. This gives a net cash flow on settlement day of 20,000,000EUR × (1.1716 – 1.1276) USD/EUR = USD880,000, and the present value is calculated as USD880,000/[1 + 0.0053(180/360)] = USD877,674.



1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2022年11月13日









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NO.PZ202208160100000204 问题如下 Baseon the ta in Exhibits 1 an2, the mark-to-market value for Nexran’s forwarposition relateto the oil fielconstruction equipment orr is closest to: A.US74,000. B.US77,674. C.US71,690. SolutionC is correct.NexrsolEUR20 million forwarto the settlement te 1.1716 (USEUR).To mark the position to market, Nexroffsets the forwartransaction buying EUR 20 million six months forwarto the settlement te.For the offsetting forwarcontract, because the EUR is the base currenin the USEUR quote, buying EUR forwarmeans paying the offer for both the spot rate anforwarpoints.The all-in six-month forwarrate is calculate1.1243 + 0.0036 = 1.1279 USEUR.This rate gives a net cash flow on settlement y of EUR20,000,000 × (1.1716 – 1.1279) USEUR = 20,000,000 × 0.0437 = US74,000. (This amount is a cash inflow because the EUR preciateagainst the US)To termine the mark-to-market value of the originforwarposition, calculate the present value of the UScash inflow using the six-month USscount rate: US74,000/[1 + 0.0053(180/360)] = US71,690. A is incorrect. The present value of the cash flow wnot calculate(step 4 of calculation).B is incorrect. The cash flow wcalculateusing the birate insteof the offer rate.The all-in six-month forwarrate = 1.1241 + 0.0035 = 1.1276This gives a net cash flow on settlement y of 20,000,000EUR × (1.1716 – 1.1276) USEUR = US80,000, anthe present value is calculateUS80,000/[1 + 0.0053(180/360)] = US77,674.中文解析C是正确的。Nexran以1.1716(美元/欧元)的价格卖出了2000万欧元。为了将头寸按市场计价,Nexran通过在结算日之前6个月购买2000万欧元来抵消远期交易。对于抵销远期合约,由于欧元是美元/欧元报价中的基础货币,因此购买远期欧元意味着同时支付即期汇率和远期点的报价。6个月远期利率合计为1.1243 + 0.0036 = 1.1279美元/欧元。按此利率计算,结算日的净现金流为欧元2000万×(1.1716 - 1.1279)美元/欧元= 2000万× 0.0437 = 87.4万美元。(这一数额是现金流入,因为欧元对美元贬值。)为了确定原始远期头寸的市值,使用六个月美元贴现率计算美元现金流入的现值:874,000美元/[1 + 0.0053(180/360)]= 871,690美元。A是不正确的。没有计算现金流的现值(计算的第4步)。B不正确。现金流是用买入价而不是卖出价来计算的。6个月远期利率= 1.1241 + 0.0035 = 1.1276由此得出结算日现金流净额为2000万欧元×(1.1716 - 1.1276)美元/欧元= 88万美元,现值为88万美元/[1 + 0.0053(180/360)]= 877,674美元。 请问这个 cancel orr 是属于settlement te吗?还是属于到期前?若属于settlement ,则应该spot exchange rate 是使用中间价1.1242吧?然后再加36个points。

2023-10-31 14:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208160100000204 问题如下 Baseon the ta in Exhibits 1 an2, the mark-to-market value for Nexran’s forwarposition relateto the oil fielconstruction equipment orr is closest to: A.US74,000. B.US77,674. C.US71,690. SolutionC is correct.NexrsolEUR20 million forwarto the settlement te 1.1716 (USEUR).To mark the position to market, Nexroffsets the forwartransaction buying EUR 20 million six months forwarto the settlement te.For the offsetting forwarcontract, because the EUR is the base currenin the USEUR quote, buying EUR forwarmeans paying the offer for both the spot rate anforwarpoints.The all-in six-month forwarrate is calculate1.1243 + 0.0036 = 1.1279 USEUR.This rate gives a net cash flow on settlement y of EUR20,000,000 × (1.1716 – 1.1279) USEUR = 20,000,000 × 0.0437 = US74,000. (This amount is a cash inflow because the EUR preciateagainst the US)To termine the mark-to-market value of the originforwarposition, calculate the present value of the UScash inflow using the six-month USscount rate: US74,000/[1 + 0.0053(180/360)] = US71,690. A is incorrect. The present value of the cash flow wnot calculate(step 4 of calculation).B is incorrect. The cash flow wcalculateusing the birate insteof the offer rate.The all-in six-month forwarrate = 1.1241 + 0.0035 = 1.1276This gives a net cash flow on settlement y of 20,000,000EUR × (1.1716 – 1.1276) USEUR = US80,000, anthe present value is calculateUS80,000/[1 + 0.0053(180/360)] = US77,674. 如何判断1.一开始我们的合约是卖出EUR?

2023-03-28 22:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208160100000204 问题如下 Baseon the ta in Exhibits 1 an2, the mark-to-market value for Nexran’s forwarposition relateto the oil fielconstruction equipment orr is closest to: A.US74,000. B.US77,674. C.US71,690. SolutionC is correct.NexrsolEUR20 million forwarto the settlement te 1.1716 (USEUR).To mark the position to market, Nexroffsets the forwartransaction buying EUR 20 million six months forwarto the settlement te.For the offsetting forwarcontract, because the EUR is the base currenin the USEUR quote, buying EUR forwarmeans paying the offer for both the spot rate anforwarpoints.The all-in six-month forwarrate is calculate1.1243 + 0.0036 = 1.1279 USEUR.This rate gives a net cash flow on settlement y of EUR20,000,000 × (1.1716 – 1.1279) USEUR = 20,000,000 × 0.0437 = US74,000. (This amount is a cash inflow because the EUR preciateagainst the US)To termine the mark-to-market value of the originforwarposition, calculate the present value of the UScash inflow using the six-month USscount rate: US74,000/[1 + 0.0053(180/360)] = US71,690. A is incorrect. The present value of the cash flow wnot calculate(step 4 of calculation).B is incorrect. The cash flow wcalculateusing the birate insteof the offer rate.The all-in six-month forwarrate = 1.1241 + 0.0035 = 1.1276This gives a net cash flow on settlement y of 20,000,000EUR × (1.1716 – 1.1276) USEUR = US80,000, anthe present value is calculateUS80,000/[1 + 0.0053(180/360)] = US77,674.

2023-01-01 23:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208160100000204 问题如下 Baseon the ta in Exhibits 1 an2, the mark-to-market value for Nexran’s forwarposition relateto the oil fielconstruction equipment orr is closest to: A.US74,000. B.US77,674. C.US71,690. SolutionC is correct.NexrsolEUR20 million forwarto the settlement te 1.1716 (USEUR).To mark the position to market, Nexroffsets the forwartransaction buying EUR 20 million six months forwarto the settlement te.For the offsetting forwarcontract, because the EUR is the base currenin the USEUR quote, buying EUR forwarmeans paying the offer for both the spot rate anforwarpoints.The all-in six-month forwarrate is calculate1.1243 + 0.0036 = 1.1279 USEUR.This rate gives a net cash flow on settlement y of EUR20,000,000 × (1.1716 – 1.1279) USEUR = 20,000,000 × 0.0437 = US74,000. (This amount is a cash inflow because the EUR preciateagainst the US)To termine the mark-to-market value of the originforwarposition, calculate the present value of the UScash inflow using the six-month USscount rate: US74,000/[1 + 0.0053(180/360)] = US71,690. A is incorrect. The present value of the cash flow wnot calculate(step 4 of calculation).B is incorrect. The cash flow wcalculateusing the birate insteof the offer rate.The all-in six-month forwarrate = 1.1241 + 0.0035 = 1.1276This gives a net cash flow on settlement y of 20,000,000EUR × (1.1716 – 1.1276) USEUR = US80,000, anthe present value is calculateUS80,000/[1 + 0.0053(180/360)] = US77,674. 请问一下,题目中问的是现在的时间点,为什么不能直接使用表1的汇率,还要再加上6个月以后的points呢?

2022-10-05 12:30 1 · 回答